Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Will 2017 turn into an epic year for Good Men?

The following is an article sponsored by Expandourmind. It is the final
part of a series on Marxism and upcoming events for humanity. Read Part 1,
Part 2 and Part 3.
Dr. Lawrence Dunegan participated in the "Order". The conference was
the "new world system," a conference in Pittsburgh Pediatric Society in
1969, where he listened to Dr. Richard Day, a confessed "insider" also
called the "Barbarians New Order" in which he defined the changes that
would be made by 2000.
The procedures and people have long been positioned to implement this
despicable system where leaders want to become human gods that enslave a
few people who helped to survive and # 8211; as Lucifer wanted to become an
all-powerful God in the Bible.
At that time, Dr. Day has been a professor at Mount Sinai Medical School.
Previously, he was the medical director of the Planned Parenthood
Federation of America. He reiterated that people should get used to change.
He also said: "People are overconfident; don t people ask the right
questions ".
Dr. Richard Day - Insider of the Order Barbarian
Nuclear terrorism, world wars, depopulation, world religion, mass
euthanasia, LGBT falsified science, death in the family, the death of
religion, vaccines, mass surveillance, free sex, bad food, chip implants,
no private property, the World Luciferian religion, the destruction of
young, secret cancer treatments for the elite, etc. They are responsible
for all these things and their goal is to depopulate a large part of
humanity and enslave the survivors under their tyranny. Who gave them the
right to play God?
Dalai Lama Kalachakra Ritual Carries All Over The World
Dr. Day has revealed that there is close cooperation between the east and
west & # 8211; the Eastern communism has the same hidden leaders that the
Western capitalist system - in line with the Hegelian dialectic. The term
Barbarians have a striking link to the Kalachakra prophecy Dalai Lama
promotes throughout the world as absolute truth with broad support Western
puppet rulers. In this prophecy, the "demon king of all the Barbarians'
non-Indians, attacked the world of India - a country where the Dalai Lama
non-Indian resident since 1959.
We can see that most predictions of Dr. Day have completed or are about to
become true with nuclear terrorism and / or fast World War III is on the
cards, because these globalists want to seize absolute power by threatening
the masses in the submission. Make no mistake - in other countries that
each have opposed felons leaders that serve the same masters and globalist
aims to uphold the rule of the satanic world. Dr. Day has mentioned science
forged in 1969 as it applies to the theory of evolution.
The theory of evolution Many Deceived
I was one of those completely deceived by the theory of evolution as a
youngster. First, who was Charles Darwin? He was the grand-son of Erasmus
Darwin, a high mason and a wizard who participated in the French
Revolution. Facts prove that Charles Darwin was a complete fraudster too.
Mike Sutton Welcome nullius proves Darwin said six deliberate lies to
achieve the rule of Matthew (another researcher whose theories of Darwin
stole). After destroying the myth of Darwin, the honest man of science, we
can turn to his mysterious love of Karl Marx, who lived in London from
1849, and sent his book Das Kapital to Darwin. Darwin even wrote an
affectionate letter to Karl Marx expressing his admiration of Marxism. Were
they both part of the same secret society in London?
Karl Marx established the link between Darwinism and communism as follows:
Darwin's work is most important and suits my purpose in that it is a
natural science base for the struggle of historical classes. (Letters :.
Marx-Engels Correspondence, vol 2, p 126) ..
Stalin said:
There are three things that we do to disabuse the minds of our seminary
students. We had to teach them the age of the earth, the geologic origin,
and Darwin's teachings.
"Darwin revalued" (1955) by Sir Arthur Keith stated that Darwin made his
fortune through investments. Darwin lived as a man on a huge estate with up
to eight servants. Yet he received no salary employment, and won only about
10 000 pounds of his books during his life.
Could fortune Darwin triumphant investment led, no choice of fortuitous
newspapers, but very specific instructions by financial authority? Could it
also explain the good fortune to his son in landing a banking partnership?
Ernst Haeckel (1834-1919) was a German professor of zoology and
evolutionary theory icon. Its embryo drawings were published in practically
all textbooks. Yet it has been proven to be a great fraudster already in
his career and he openly admitted and said any "elite science of evolution"
were cheaters.
During the trial, Haeckel confessed that he had changed his drawings, but
excused himself: "I should feel completely condemned and annihilated by the
admission, there were hundreds of the best observers and biologists lie
under the same load. The vast majority of all morphological diagrams,
anatomical, histological and embryological are not true to nature but are
more or less doctored, schematised and rebuilt "(Bowden, Malcolm (1977)
Ape-Men: Fact or Fallacy)
"Natural Selection" will create a Master Class and Class Goblin - "Modern
Science Evolution"
Scientific BBC: The Enslaved class become goblins
One of the main scientific claims of evolution in an interview at the 2006
BBC: "Humanity can be divided into an elite and a lower class," says Dr.
Curry in an interview with the BBC. The article further states, "the
descendants of the genetic upper class would be tall, slim, healthy,
attractive, intelligent and creative and away from the & # 8216; & # 8217
lower class; the man who would have evolved into weak-minded creatures,
ugly, squat like Goblin ".
We all know the Jewish Talmud, the Jewish masters of the world are supposed
to govern all "goyim" as "animal like" slaves in the future. Now we see how
they plan to turn people into goblins - we already see how people have
increasingly hard to keep in shape due to poor eating habits, GMOs,
computers, etc.
Do we believe that people will become goblins "naturally" as in "natural
selection" or can we believe that the bad leaders deliberately turn people
into goblins by genius and toxic food stuff? Do we really believe that the
people Globalist leaders become large, healthy and intelligent because
nature favors?
David Kills Goliath - Mankind's epic battle for Take Back Freedom?
We see how leaders make fun of people with false science. I know for a fact
that there are many men out there who would fight to the death for their
freedom if they knew the full enslavement and loss of will and the human
body was in. Many readers south Korean know the hidden rules of their
country and the world now. IS a small group of people hidden. If they
unveiled the monstrous truth shouldn & # 8217; t they get a chance to fight
for their freedom?
The epic battle to come good against evil
Above: Prayer Viking battle.
Man's life is short; and therefore an honorable death is immortality. & #
8212; Publilius Syrus
Ancient history, we know that the Samurais, Vikings and American Indians.
The upright of all these cultures wanted to die an honorable death in
battle. Their enemies seem very civilized compared to modern man's
monstrous enemy.
Man enemies are almost completely identified and they hide behind the media
moguls labels, government advisors, the Zionists, the intelligence
agencies, great bankers, secret society leaders, religious leaders,
politicians, multinational companies, etc. These people are working for
Satan and consciously or unconsciously they destroy our human civilization.
What's going to happen next? Prophecies are real answers.
..when the Church and its servants are deprived of their rights, the
monarchies were abolished and their leaders murdered, then the hand of
Almighty God will work a marvelous change, something apparently impossible
according to human understanding ... the powerful monarch, who is sent by
God will uproot each Republic. (Fri B. Holzhauser, 1650)
It is first and foremost about faith. There are only two parties to the
conflict: In favor of the Lord or against the Lord! (Katharina aus dem
Ötztal (b. 1883))
Prophecies - Ancient a hidden source of inspiration
We studied many ancient prophecies and found hope, truth and inspiration.
If modern people have become weaklings indoctrinated how can they fight
these satanic globalists who control all countries with their MSM, puppet
heads, intelligence agencies, and central banks? There is no chance to
fight unless the divine support appears. What has been prophesied in
ancient times to modern times?

Subversion of all religions from within. Collapse of divine belief.
The rise of anti-Christian governments controlled by traitors who sell
their country and suppress their own people.
The birth of a Marxist culture around the world, including the destruction
of the family, the Marxist education of children, feminism, free sex,
materialism, high-tech computer age, medications, etc.

Prophecies: Falun Gong's arrival and the persecution by the CCP 1999-2017?

The birth of a new spiritual belief that is spreading around the world very
quickly and can cure diseases. It is standing and evil can t control the
inside and becomes extremely jealous. His subsequent persecution in China
was prophesied to begin in 1999. This evil persecution will last 18 (6 + 6
+ 6) years until 2017 when evil will be eliminated and the gods reappear
according to the prophecies. The only spiritual belief correspondent is
Falun Gong, and it focuses on the cultivation of the mind and body in daily
life without dogma, priests, members, monasteries or fees.

Dalai Lama - Supported by all countries and religions. Antichrist

The arrival of the Antichrist non-Indian who will attack the world of
India. Dalai Lama goes to our world leaders with India as its base. He
openly promotes the prophecy of Kalachakra as absolute truth and tries to
play the role of King Barbarian devil in prophecy.
The sudden appearance of a northern warrior king in 2017 with divine
abilities that will help people to overthrow their governments felons.
People will face a choice either fight the Antichrist or enslaved by it. If
one dies fighting against the Antichrist, he will go to heaven. The return
of real kings (monarchies) - "Return Of Kings" will be realized according
to the prophecies.
From 2017 - 2024 there will be a cleansing of the earth of all evil through
many battles between good and bad. Ultimately, even water become
undrinkable. Finally a wonderful new land will be born with some good
people who survive.
Traditional culture is restored and good men dominate again.
Around the year 3000 people will have developed spiritual powers and they
will know about their past lives and they will have supernormal abilities
like levitation, telepathy. They will know when and how to cure their
diseases. People will take care of the land and they will not do not waste
resources. They will remember our miserable era and they will have a heart
for the other, because they know that no world unity collapses.

Why this era for humanity Evil Arranged?
Why bad people allowed to rule the world today? According polymath and
prophet Emanuel Swedenborg, all people need to be tempted by this culture
difficult to let each person choose between good and evil in very difficult
circumstances. In physics there is a balance between positive and negative
charges and there should be a similar balance between good and bad human
beings. After this period is over, the wicked will perish. Good men have
suffered a lot and they will have the honor to cleanse the world of evil.
Norse warrior Thor is God prophesied kill the Midgard Serpent
A KING'S arrival warrior is prophesied in 2017. Examples of its mission and
how it will remove bad republics:
This valiant Duke [MONARCH] exert a fatal revenge over all the kings and
princes who betrayed their country. Woe to those who made prey of the
kingdom of their ancestors and of the Church. They have to pay everything
back with double interest. No security will be in the house of these
thieves. (Matteo Ricci, 16th century Beykirch 1849 -. "Prophetenstimmen")
With the power of the Most High, he confused the tyrants, heretics and
infidels. It will bring together a large army, and angels to fight for
them; they kill all the enemies of God. (St. Francis de Pau, 1470)
Nostradamus said in its "centuries 10:86":
Like a griffin will come the King of Europe,
Accompanied by those of Aquilon & # 8221;:
He will lead a great troop of red and white,
And they will go against the king of Babylon.
Nostradamus was right? The Sky shows the time?
MSM, you might get the idea that 2000 and 2012 were great years in
prophecy. They were not. 1999 was prophesied the beginning of the spiritual
battle of good and evil. That's when 100 million Falun Gong practitioners
have been persecuted in China by the CCP.
Except for the Mayan calendar, many prophecies, including Buddhist
prophecy, have targeted 2017 as the starting point of the Golden Age. Only
18 (6 + 6 + 6) The years after 1999, exactly 2500 years after Buddha passed
away in India. The stars and planets are said to be aligned with Apocalypse
12: 1 for the first time in 7000 years, when the Feast of Trumpets kick in
the evening of September 22, 2017 in Jerusalem.
Similarly the Norse mythology claims that the battle End
Times, "Ragnarokkr" will kick when blowing his horn "Heimdallr" to the
world. The people on the roads of hell quake of fear so that good people
will dance for joy. Good and evil then fight each other until the end,
which is the birth of a new earth and wonderful after all the evil was
defeated. It seems rational, plausible and yet unimaginable to modern
people. However, Queen Elizabeth said recently that 2017 must be the year
of the third world war.
What will be the end of 2017 really bring us? Expect the unexpected, have
hope, stand on the right side at any time.
To learn more, visit broaden our minds.
Dr. Day 1969 & # 8211; A map Insanely evil Enslave Humanity & # 8211;
Theory of evolution fraud? & # 8211; Part 1 of 3
The eternal Book (Ragno Nero 14th century) 2016-2030
Knight Templar Prophecy AD 1099 & # 8211; Describes the Marxist culture In
2000 the company and Future In 3000 AD
Mitar Tarabic prophecy describes modern society and our way to the future
2017 & # 8211; According to the cataclysmic year of prophets and Buddha
First Resurrection is calculated in the sky for 23 September 2017?
Where is the Savior of mankind According to Prophecies?
The arrival of the warrior North King & # 8211; prophecy
Catholic Prophecies About the Antichrist
Fighting the Antichrist and go to heaven
The German decrypts prophecy Number Beast (666)
Norse Myth: Heimdallr Blows his horn to launch Ragnarokkr In September 2017?
Dalai Lama & # 8211; The Antichrist of Christian and Buddhist Prophecies?
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