Monday, July 31, 2017

Maybe men Men Without being warriors?

As our society is rotting in peace with materialism and hedonism that comes
with it, it is clear that the only way to bring real masculinity is to
return to our roots warrior. The men were for the battle for the domination
and conquest, and the fact that our modern society has relegated us as
useful drones make money is what's leading to the degradation of
masculinity. It is no wonder we are all lost in what our true purpose is in
this world.
Masculinity is the man the ability to be a warrior

Although there is much debate exactly what constitutes masculinity, I think
it is defined mainly by men capacity as tribal warriors like wolves are
defined by their ferocity and their propensity to hunt in packs. You can
not just be a man without being a warrior.
Now, some will disagree and say that you don t have to be a warrior to be a
masculine man. They will point to the men of achievement in the areas of
making money, creativity and philosophy. But we must not forget that being
talented and great doesn t necessarily make you men. They are different
Others (especially the crowd of MGTOW) masculinity associated with
scientific breakthroughs and contribute to technological advancement,
bringing examples of Newton, Nietzsche, Tesla, and so on. While their minds
are admirable and profound genius is undeniable, can we really say that
these men were men?
To take a modern example, we all saw what happened to the scientist Matt
Taylor when he was targeted by feminists on a shirt he wore: he broke down
in tears. While men certainly more logical than women and most productive
minds, I do not walk too far and say that intelligence alone is a male.
male traits like warrior traits
seasoned soldiers of Syria Tiger Forces who's been the fight against the
jihadists for years. These men have won t be cucked soon.
Manhood is intrinsically linked to testosterone and testosterone is what
fuels us to assert our will against violent world. If you analyze all the
essential traits of masculinity, you will realize that all correspond to
traits that are necessary attributes and grown warriors fighting as one.
Those are:

Physical strength and skills needed for combat.
Endurance, resilience and strength of will.
Acts of bravery and determination against the danger.
stoic disposition and mental strength.
The discipline and austerity.
Violence and propensity for aggression.
The drive for dominance and power.
Focusing on a mission and purpose.
Intelligence and cunningness.
The honor and loyalty.

It is not surprising that many warrior traits are related to black Triad
traits that women find irresistible, which is why serial killers seem to
activate a deep sexual attraction in many women. As another recent example,
a woman who worked for the FBI flew to Syria to marry an ISIS fighter it
was investigating. I guess all the other smug, male agents in costume, she
worked with didn t raw and untamed masculinity distill an Islamist soldier.
But even without these extreme examples, the facts are clear: women love
and respect the violent men who have the warrior spirit. Just ask the wives
of the Vikings and Samurai if they ever thought of cheating on their
husbands or seek equality.
The Warriors are the backbone of a strong and healthy society

While many lament the disappearance of nationalism and traditional nuclear
families, I would say that the disintegration of the group of strong men is
by far the greatest calamity that leads to the decline of the society we
are seeing all around us . In fact, the hierarchy of men is the backbone of
a strong and stable social order that allows strong national identity and
the training of the patriarchal family to develop. You can not have
families and nuclear nationalism without first being men who are warriors.
Of course, the problem is that there is no need of a strong group of men
organized in today's consumerist society. Our "civilization" has
disintegrated male order in favor of an atomized population that is easier
to operate as economic units by elites. Masculinity becomes automatically
Being a warrior gives man a purpose

Unfortunately, I can not remember or find the log I m referring here this
for years, but most of the psychological study I read showed that young
European men in the army at the time enjoyed where they served them were
better suited, healthier and formed deep social ties between them. In fact,
they loved go through a routine, being told what to do, and have a purpose.
But once they were released and returned home, many began to become lazy,
unmotivated and even depressed to the point of not wanting to get out of
their beds.
While we use to divide Alpha-Beta (wrongly) the distinction between
masculine men and men are emasculated and supplication to women, we must
remember that Alpha Beta refers to the male hierarchy (the real antonym of
alpha males would omega men). In the primitive world, being a beta doesn t
mean you aren t as masculine, but you are subordinate to the alpha leader.
Beta males are capable warriors themselves and often challenge the alpha to
become the new leader.
Knowing this, one has to wonder how many betas & # 8212; cucks of
effeminate young frustrated full of angst & # 8212; are only men who never
had a chance to be led by a strong male leader. When we don t live in a
warrior society, when we don t have a fraternity belong, we become lost and
aimless as European men just out of the army.
Men aspire to be warriors

I have a new friend who told me how much he loves the TV series, the
Vikings. On a whim, I asked him if he wanted he could live like a Viking.
His face brightened and he responded with a resounding & # 8221 Yeah !; And
this is a young man shy and awkward that grew under a domineering sister
and fatherless, a classic & # 8221 beta; working just out and spends his
free time watching anime. But still, hidden in his heart was his desire to
be a warrior.
All men seek to become warriors, whether they know it or not. They are
powered by the same testosterone that makes sexual desire. We know that
boys reach puberty want sex without ever having experienced it before as it
is one of our primary basic disk. The same is true for men and their desire
to be warriors & # 8212; it is something that is imprinted in our genes.
Why else do you think that men like aggressive sports and video games? Why
men would like to watch other tribalism and violence through movies and TV
shows like The Expendables and The Walking Dead? What other motive would
drive men to train in MMA, shoot guns, and joining a gang or the army?
We all aspire to be warriors and we all enjoy the adventure, brotherhood
and excitement that comes with it. The problem is that what we have today
are alternative activities that we no longer live in a warrior society.
Surrogate activities and compensation
An example of a modern warrior: Level 90 Night Elf
As our society discourages and defending our basic instincts, it's not
surprising to see hordes of men dedicated to male activities substituted
offset the inability to make their lives as warriors. And these drives are
often exploited by governments and businesses for their own profit.
Masculinity has become commercialized.
Think about it: what are the competitive sports if alternative activities
that simulate the war? The most popular sports are where two opposition
groups of men, the modern day gladiators, fighting for the win in a
battlefield controlled. They exist for the sole purpose of keeping the
men's testosterone in check by providing an outlet to vent their masculine
energy while enjoying it.
The same can be said of other forms of entertainment. It is no accident
that men like TV shows and movies that depict violence, survival and power
struggle. And the most popular video games for men's and RPG shooting in
the first person the player is a warrior on an adventure or a soldier in
the war.
The clearing activities also extends to other areas such as weight
training, make money, women collection, internet tribalism and political
struggles. They use all the fragments of our warrior traits to meet part of
our male needs. But they are never complete because they don t meet our
basic identity that is buried deep within us. compensatory activities can
not bring us contentment.
We must open our eyes and realize that all the hyped-up, macho
entertainment only exists to keep us doused. No matter how many men & #
8221; and movies "red pill" that you look, they do not make you a man for
the same reason watching a marathon of martial arts films will not turn you
into a master Kung Fu.
Men intellectualism another surrogate activity
Reading men who fight and conquer won t make you a fighter and a Conqueror.
Drop the damn book and create your own legacy.
There are not so long that I wanted to read classical works such as the
Iliad, the Count of Monte Cristo, Fight Club, and the philosophical works
of Seneca, Nietzsche and Evola & # 8212; not to mention countless history
books that tell the men achievements. But now I wonder: what for? What will
they add to all the works I've read? For example, I'm reading a book
manosphere circle that is highly rated, but I find too trivial to continue.
I thought reading books, especially the timeless volumes of our ancestors,
was a worthy task to cultivate our masculinity. And it is up to a point.
The problem engaging in books is that it does not take long before it
becomes just another substitute activity that traps your ego up in the
ivory tower. It becomes an exercise in mental masturbation to satisfy his
own deepest desires: a way to escape the modern degeneration so that we can
take refuge in the words and thoughts instead of fighting the real world in
the flesh and the blood. It is just another way to compensate for our
inability and unwillingness to move the world around us.
No book will ever compensate for the lack of experience in real life. The
brutal truth is that even if we spend our entire lives to read thousands of
books on masculinity and the lives of great men of history, none of this
will actually make us a masculine man, much less change society and
culture. It is safe to say that a month of fighting in a brutal war harden
a man in masculinity over decades of reading & # 8221 virile; books.
We must admit that we read and write on the theme of masculinity as a
compensatory activity because our society forbids us to exercise our
warrior spirit. I am sure that without the lifetime of social conditioning
that has made us passive and weak, most men would jump at the chance to
live a life of a warrior instead of just reading and writing about it, like
how any healthy man would prefer watching porn on real sex. And that's
exactly what & # 8221 male; literatures are: porn for men who crave a male
We were stripped of our lifestyle
It hurts me that I don t grow up in a warrior culture as these boys.
There is much talk about how men today are transformed into low-beta and T
cucks, but why should they be different? What motivates them to keep their
strong masculinity? Western men today live in infinitely peaceful
conditions and live in a culture that values ​​safety bravery. And since
the company did not need warriors (except for professionals who will fight
like dogs for the elites), they have absolutely no interest in being
masculine, except when the time to pretend to be difficult for I validation.
For now the technology addicted, materialistic, and progressive men,
maintaining masculinity is as always wear a coat when it's summer. They are
useless for masculinity and they do not want to make the effort to
cultivate. Women, in turn, have no reason to respect the men and women
behave, which is why our society is increasingly androgynized every day.
What about men who still enjoy their masculinity? What are the major
options we have? There is almost no. We were stripped of our lives that
we've been trained from childhood to serve a matriarchal system with
tolerance and equality & # 8221; as our religion. The company doesn t want
us to be men; we want to become mere cogs in his machines. He wants us to
be stuck in some soul-sucking jobs and empty of meaning.
I personally deplore the fact that I got to experience being a warrior in
my youth. And what other significant activity should I pursue in my short
life? I'm not interested in writing incessantly to vent my repressed men's
discus; I'm not interested in making money or pursue "success to compensate
castration; I don t want to develop skills blabbering to attract women; I
don t want to continue to piss my life away on the Internet; and I
certainly won t waste more of my time with activities and books.
My only real chance of being a warrior is to join the armed forces of a
country that I have no love for (Canada) just to be sent to fight the
people I have nothing against. And it's about the choice of all the men of
the West: your exit only to be a true warrior is to be a pawn of the state,
risking your life in the war in favor of the globalists.

So to answer the question: Can men be men without warriors? The answer is
yes and no. I guess if you engage in only alternative development right
form aggressively as a fighter, and put you through many life experiences
that challenge your mind and your body, you can simulate to be a warrior
and develop masculine traits listed above. But ultimately, it will not be
true and men as a whole (average) continue to be stripped of their
Warrior is the only way for a human being and all our social problems
associated with masculinity can be attributed to the decline of the warrior
culture. Everything and everyone talks to defeat feminism and the
restoration of the masculine order is useless until we are ready to become
Read more: 10 Male Virtues that went to the grave with our grandfathers

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