Sunday, July 9, 2017

Four stupidest blankets and insulting Time Magazine

That MSM is biased is about as that water is wet. Time Magazine is a repeat
offender, constantly insulting the audience with their propaganda.
Hillary still lost, so suck!
The symbolism on 08/22/2016 coverage was glaringly obvious, but for a more
detailed explanation, we have:
& # 8230; Trump continued to inflame the public with controversial remarks
this week & # 8212; First, with his second amendment comments on his
Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton & # 8230; and more recently, calling
President Obama the founder of ISIS & # 8230;
The illustration is simple and concise, capturing the billionaire's face
dripping down like a candle, with the spare cover line :. Meltdown
It was created by Edel Rodriguez, Cuban artist known for taking on
difficult issues such as gun control, race relations in the United States
and gender equality.
Golly Jeepers, I m quite certain that the time chose this image because of
its ideological balance measured, right?
13/10/2016 Their coverage was quite similar, and Total Meltdown # 8221;
showing Donald reduced to a puddle of wax water. This problem appeared soon
after the shocking revelation that he says & # 8221 pussy; eleven years
ago. However, their triumphant song was a bit premature.
Better Propaganda:
Now, who's having a seizure?
Yo Decido
The coverage 3/5/2012, subtitled Why Latinos choose the next president & #
8221; was rather controversial. One of twenty people represented isn & #
8217; Hispanic t: the guy in the middle of the top row (under M) is
Eurasian. As he says, photographers have never explained what the pictures
would be used for. That's not exactly a great way to avoid
At least he wasn t as big a racial gaffe eighteen years before, when they
digitally obscured OJ Simpson's mugshot on their cover. This makes a
contrast quite newsstands since Newsweek ran the unaltered version.
Hey, publishers Time: Yo mama & # 8221;
Anyway, Yo decido & # 8221; & # 8212; the first Spanish title of their & #
8212; seems pretty sketchy. He suggests that Latino voters know donation
type of English. (Imagine a different cover would go on: Wir wählen:
Midwestern German-Americans could decide Romney's election & # 8221;.) Many
are immigrants, but anyone voting passed a citizenship test includes
English proficiency. Given contemporary fussy of the political climate,
it's surprising that a crisis SJWs didn t about it.
On the other side of the coin, what's really irritating is the blatant
celebration of the late leftist party strategy. Time cover almost jubilant
that their mass immigration policies have made. The Democratic Party has
always pushed the population replacement policies since Ted Kennedy 1965
Immigration Act Since the labor influx pushes wages down cheap, they sold
blue-collar, their former base of great power.
The real reason was to import tens of millions who would block vote for
Democrats. Basically, immigration is the mass in stuffing ballot boxes.
(That's what politicians do in Europe as well.) The Republicans have tried
to horn to action & # 8212; For example, consider Bush the Younger's stupid
campaign speech in Spanish. Courting votes that Republicans have called
natural preservatives has completely failed.
Some leftists discussion heads sang about the double bind they've forced
the Republicans: they either continue to allow mass immigration (giving the
Democrats more block voters) or reduce and alienate Hispanics (not they'll
change parties in any case). If America's population base & # 8212; that
the preamble of Constitution calls our posterity & # 8212; falls below 50%,
then the election of candidates who will stop the population decline would
become impossible. In addition, whites lose control over the destiny of the
country have built their ancestors. Many leftists practically giggling like
little girls about that.
Better Propaganda:
I'm sure MS13 is full of natural preservatives & # 8221;.
Are you pretty mama?
The subject is attachment parenting. More traditional styles include free
range & # 8221; parenting (all through the 1980s) and the helicopter
parenting (Formatting the millennial generation). In this case, attachment
parenting could be called Apache attack helicopter parenting or parental
BJJ & # 8221;.
It is difficult to grind the teeth breastfeeding worthy & # 8230;
So the great thing is that he showed the model standing with one aspect
rather provocative poses nursing her child. The child was almost four years
old at the time and was standing on a stool. It seems a little strange to
put such a photo on the cover of Time. After all, periodicals Titty showing
on the cover are usually sold in 24 hours means new & # 8220; or sometimes
behind the gas station counters in opaque plastic.
Nursing babies is natural, healthy, and very tender (in general); that's
what the sweater puppies are made for, right? However, that's not quite the
image conveyed by photographers, who have deliberately selected that pose.
(Not in the photo was his other child, a boy of Ethiopia adopted a year
which also got nursing privileges.) Anyway, I m skeptical about it being a
good idea keep children on the tit when they're old enough to remember & #
8230; Paging Dr. Freud!
Attachment parenting is quite controversial. The mother has indeed strong
convictions as to volunteer to help Syrian refugees. However, once again it
was time s staff being aggressive about promoting the message. The title
itself & # 8212; Are you pretty mama? & # 8212; Equally provocative than
naked boobage showing on the cover of a periodic MSM. It's insulting to
suggest that mothers not in the BJJ parenting are of second order.
Anyway, surely'll be quite the conversation piece when the child is old
enough to make a friend's house: Look at that! Your new boyfriend was on
the cover of Time & # 8221.
Better Propaganda:
How's this oldie for propaganda? Better yet, it shows nursing is the right
The new face of America
On November 18, 1993 Christmas came early for the globalists. Using a morph
image Time s & # 8221 special issue; portrayed what they believe the future
of humanity should be after the multicultural cooking off single genetic
pressure. The image doesn t look white, black, Hispanic, Asian, American
Indian & # 8230; it's nothing. If that wasn t enough, it's not known if the
image is a soft butch woman or an effeminate man. That's what they think
the future should be.
Leftists say don t breeds exist, but they're sure a hurry to destroy all
the last of them.
This issue is full of articles praising mass immigration and
multiculturalism; for example:
& # 8230 married with children
For all cultural separatism speech, races that make up the United States
are now crossing at an unprecedented pace.
Miami the capital of Latin America
A city that was once a languid seaside town is now a pulsing center of
international commerce and of pop culture
The Global Village finally arrives
The New World Order is a version of the New World at large: a large open
border multilingual terms and national trends post
Could they perhaps more blatant about their rotten day? This is what
globalists have always wanted, whether Communists as flaming Leon Trotsky
shmucks ultra rich like Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi (and the banksters who
supported) sickos in academia or Eurocrats in Brussels.
As very underrated former British MP put way back in 1963:
They talked about what they called & # 8221 multiracialism, which was
simply a universal confusion Take humanity, put it in a bag, shake
together, and God knows what would come out. They wanted to get rid of what
existed, all the little gray men of the world who hate the beautiful
diversity of human development. They always want to get rid of the natural,
noble and beautiful. They wanted to get rid of it; they wanted to make all
the gray in kind as themselves. It was their deep instinct.
We were always opposed to that. We said, No, it won t work, and s side it
should work & # 8221 !; We can live in peace and friendship, side by side
in different countries and separate developments; but we can not have the
confusion of peoples and races that are very different and divergent. It
will lead to nothing but trouble!
This mix of policy, what does it really mean? It doesn t mean freedom & #
8221; it means n t & # 8221 fraternity or one of cant and humbug is taught.
It's just a mask for some of the finest forces on earth to exploit the
people in the future as they have done in the past & # 8230;
You want to stick to the globalists? Date of your own people exclusively,
have children who look like you, teach them their heritage, and warn
against cultural Marxism and coated media.
Better Propaganda:
Leftists call images like this hatred & # 8221;. They claim to support
diversity, but really want to destroy the world the diversity of art.
My books are available at Smashwords and Amazon.
Read more: How Mainstream TV using emotional triggers to influence
political opinion

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