Friday, July 14, 2017

5 Ways Northeast Asian countries will benefit from the diversity No

The world's most prosperous and developed areas, or what we casually refer
the first & # 8221 world, are roughly divided into four key areas of the
planet. They are Anglo North America (United States & amp; Canada),
Australia (Australia & amp; New Zealand), Europe (although northern Europe
in particular) and in Northeast Asia (excluding the Communist nightmare
North Korea).
The North Asia division of developed countries differs s European, North
American and South Pacific counterparts by being the only densely populated
and high-income region of the world that are not inhabited mainly (or
based) by Germanic people European extraction. In addition, these countries
of northern Asia are the only advanced parts of the world (along with
Israel) who have absolutely no agenda of diversity or multiculturalism
being forced on them.
This article explores five ways prosperous countries of the region (Japan,
South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and mainland China to a lesser extent)
benefit greatly from not having diversity is our garbage strength shoved
down their throats by world elite.
1. enviously low crime rate
Even people of European ancestry North are statistically more likely to
commit crimes than Asians northeast. The Japanese, Koreans, etc. are wise
not to let us / migrate permanently to their country because it would
inevitably upset the low crime rate they like.
The indigenous inhabitants of northern Asia are probably the most law
abiding in the world, helped by having a very high average IQ, a docile
temperament to civil authority, and cultures that emphasize value very
honor and mutual respect. Japan, for example, is perhaps the most sincere
country in the world and famous for various drop portfolio experiences that
give a surprisingly high chance to have your property returned with all the
cash it s up. (Good luck in Africa or Latin America).
In addition, all major cities in Taiwan, South Korea, Japan and Hong Kong
are cities like toys. They absolutely fantastic and major metro systems,
and the overall level of security so high that you can literally (Hitler)
throw a dart at anywhere on the map of the city, go to the area two am, and
nothing will happen to you.
Why on earth that these super safe and honorable cultures want to embrace
and celebrate & # 8221; diversity and multiculturalism? Bring distant
strangers who IQ consistently lower and subject to higher rates of crime
and degeneration (yup, whites included!) Would not just outright stupid, it
would be anti-humanist actually regarding the welfare of indigenous
2. Excellent social cohesion

We fight as a single unit inpenetrable. The diversity that is the source of
our strength. & # 8211; Leonidas, King of Sparta (300)
In the last decades of the 20th century, the relatively small island nation
of Japan has become the world's second largest economy and a technological
power and ethnic and cultural diversity & # 8221; has nothing to do with
their huge success. Mainland China has really been able to spread the wings
s now in the 21st century, and they couldn t have done without the help of
racial diversity and without any Islamic immigration (no).
And how about the business environment in South Korea? It Samsung
Corporation has experienced phenomenal world power and success with it's
various consumer electronics, while Seoul headquarters of Korean origin of
99%. So, given the great success of these monocultures, may the ethnic and
cultural diversity really be considered a source of strength as the West
regurgitates, or rather a source of friction and discord?
A Korean family looking at moving in Daegu. They do not need to search & #
8221 poor neighborhoods; as Americans, because everywhere will be inhabited
by the same people prone to low crime with the same ethnic heritage,
language, culture and values ​​they.
The terrible truth is that diversity is not inherent strength. At first
glance, it is simply neutral, at best, while it may be a potential catalyst
for the great problems of society / weaknesses. In fact, study after study
shows that ethnic and cultural diversity leads to a lack of social trust
and community cohesion. In addition, most people around the world show a
clear preference for & # 8216; & # 8217 homosexuality, which is the
tendency of people to prefer the company of others who are more like
themselves when left entirely to themselves.
One reason why the countries of Northeast Asia are so successful is that
they have great confidence and social cohesion, mainly helped because
everyone shares the same ethnic heritage, speak the same language and
sharing the same culture, values ​​and traditions.
On the other hand, the multiculturalism endemic occurring in North America,
Europe and Australasia leads to increased social conflict and discord,
sometimes resulting in cases of mass violence. Even Roosh made a video
which demonstrates the folly of multiculturalism.

3. Time and money saved on & # 8221 diversity; Shit
A Japanese boardroom embracing one & # 8221 diversity; what really matters.
The diversity of portfolios of investments, ideas and results.
All over the Western world, businesses and media organizations are spending
untold time and money everyone says how diversity is wonderful. Meanwhile,
non-diverse nations Northeast Asia can all & # 8230; so to continue their
valuable time and continue to make money.
When he next to no diversity, there is no need even to acknowledge that s
inherent existence. That is why countries like Japan, South Korea, Taiwan
and don t waste time with silly things like the awareness of sensitivity or
diversity training and # 8221; within their corporate work environment.

Australia Post unleashing virtue signaling SJW Diarrhea we have come to
expect of this once great country. Japan, Korea and Taiwan don t even have
to worry about wasting time roll your eyes like this.
And it's not just the private sector, multiculturalism and diversity are
major drains time and money in the field of government. Having to translate
documents into more than a half-dozen languages ​​(never been to California
DMV?) And the amount of resources devoted to programs for refugee
protection could be better spent trying to get everyone to assimilate as
quickly as possible. countries of North Asia simply don t have any of these
problems, because they chose wisely to withdraw from the shtick diversity.
4. No Islamic terrorism

If you don t have followers of Islam in the middle, so you will not have
Islamic terrorism. It really is that simple. Somehow the current Muslim
mayor of hyper-multicultural London did not get that memo, and instead
tried to save the face of his religion (and the mentality SJW) saying that
terrorism is just an integral part of life in a big city and # 8221;.
Meanwhile, Tokyo is the largest metropolitan area in the world and they
have absolutely no Islamic terrorism. Because the religion of Islam is not
there, other than the most symbolic of numbers. Other cities in North Asia
such as Osaka, Seoul, Busan, Shanghai, Taipei, Sapporo, Kaohsiung, etc. don
t have problems with Islamic terrorism or for the same reasons.
By comparison, a little further abroad in South Asia, Islam is nothing but
a source of friction or outright violence, even in countries where there is
a great distance. Malaysia Muslim majority imposes different levels of
economic and civil discrimination against non-believers, Muslim majority
Indonesia has suffered bombing attacks, and the Philippine island of
Mendanao has been engaged in an ongoing conflict that is Islamic origin .
As Pigeon Black speaks stressed, where there are Islam and the other, there
is always conflict. The nations of Northeast Asia would be wise beyond
measure to ensure that the religion of Islam never win a significant
position in their territory.
5. safe and satisfied tourists
Western tourists in Taipei. Unlike London or Paris modern, their chances of
being robbed / cheated by Africans or stabbed to death in an Islamic whack
work is almost nil.
Asia Northeastern fantastic natural human capital (high IQ, low crime rate,
hard work, non-belligerents) and the regions lack of cultural diversity
tends to work wonders on their domestic tourist industries. In addition to
the relatively high costs of the region (particularly Japan), visitors from
these countries tend to express very high levels of satisfaction with their
Tourists regularly give high perception of personal safety praise, lack of
street harassment and scams undesirable aliens (contrary to many modern
cities in Europe), and appreciation for the unique cultures of regions .
unique cultures which, unlike the West, are not tainted with such a degree
of degeneration and forced multiculturalism that many indigenous people do
not even recognize their own country.
safe and satisfied tourists equal big mouth and even repeated visits, which
are things that diversity is our strength of countries like Brazil and
South Africa miss out on regularly, as these countries have a much poorer
reputation for personal security. The number of tourists to picturesque old
cities like London and Paris have also been hit hard lately, as the recent
wave of terrorist attacks is hunted outside spenders.

In addition to having more eating options, the facts show that there is no
logical advantage to diversity, and countries that are not diversified
would be wise to keep things that way. While Japan, Korea and Taiwan will
still be ethnically and culturally Japanese, Korean and Chinese
mid-century, it is complete Pandora's Box how Europe, North America and
Australia will change for the worse.
Read more: Only white countries are expected to rent Hordes of illegal

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