Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Stop Caring About what others think of you

Many guys want to get in the game to find a way through the pain barrier of
embarrassment. If only, they think, I could not feel embarrassed when I
walk to it. If I did not feel any discomfort that I could do anything.
Well here's the thing. You will feel spoiled & # 8212; it's all part of the
game. But if you can learn to love the embarrassment, to welcome, to hold
close to you and embrace it as an old friend. Then you will have developed
a social superpower you get great results with girls.
My own experience with Embarrassment

I wonder how spoiled culturally inculcated? Certainly, it seems with the
British, which I am. Think Hugh Grant's love of protests stutterers in all
these Roma-COMS. This is what we Brits are.
Other countries seem Brasher us. Americans, for example, seem to have no
difficulty being funny arrogant. And the Italians are prominent and
persistent with seemingly no problems at all.
In fact, though, training a lot of guys I know in the world that, in
reality, most of us feel the same way. We are self-conscious, too conscious
of ourselves. We ourselves are in 360 degrees, and imagine what others are
thinking too.
For some reason, I'm still incredibly shy as a child and grow. I was shy to
the point that I found it difficult to look people in the eye when I talked
to them. I found it hard to get up and out of a room to go to the bathroom
in case everyone was talking about me when I left. I was even embarrassed
when I called a call center, to imagine that the office bitch crew on the
other side could say to me when I hung up. All my life since, including my
journey in the game, has been slow to give less of a damn.
When you suffer from embarrassment, or acute social anxiety in my case, the
thought of approaching a woman is terrifying. What is she thinking? Others
will think? And this is a great concern because you invest too much
importance in the attitudes and opinions of others. And you also trying to
read the mind.
The first girl I asked out

I remember the first time I asked a girl. We were in the same class
together. She was the prettiest girl in school. I fancied him like mad.
Probably all the other guys, he did too.
Of course, there was no way I could talk to him face-to-face. So instead I
have her phone number somehow (I do not know) and I called him up.
I was so embarrassed even just make that call I brought a comb with me down
the phone in the room. As I dialed his number, I shook that comb in my hand
so that her little teeth into my palm. It hurt & # 8212; when I looked at
my hand later, I & # 8217, d & # 8212 taking of blood, but that hurt kept
my mind focused away from the acute embarrassment to the call.
She rejected me. She gave me a & # 8216; I love you as a friend -type
speech. We were maybe 14. s amazing how the girls have all these things
down so young. I found later that summer to see this guy called Vinny
Pringo, class alpha. It was a taste of the red pill for me. The films had
told me that if you wanted a girl all you had to do was to tell him that
you felt.
How to Manage feel embarrassed

& Nbsp;
Most of us become more confident as we age. It is rare to meet someone past
twenty years which is paralyzed by social fear, and it tends to decrease
gradually as we get more. Age has a way of allowing you to put things in
context, and to understand that something as simple as getting rejected by
a girl is not the end of the world.
A popular way to reduce social anxiety, however, is desensitization. In
this article, the writer James Altucher describes how he traveled from 42nd
Street to Brooklyn Bridge on a subway train, jumping cars at each stop
doing stand-up comedy to passengers. That must have taken bullets. And
again, in another way perhaps not.
Here by Altucher make the decision to just go for it:
I said, "there is no way I will. It was a waste of time. "And I got ready
to get off at the next stop.
Then I thought, why would I do it? What can happen? I'm not even really try
to make people laugh. I just want to do it.
What jumps? For me it is & # 8216; What can happen & # 8217 ?; and & #
8216; I just want to & # 8217.
Because really, what can happen? Altucher chose to break with social
convention and make something very unusual in public transport in New York.
But it wasn t doing anything illegal. It wasn t doing anything offensive.
It was right to do something that most other people wouldn t dare to
because of their fear of what others think. Why? Because he wanted to.
That's a kind of positive selfishness, when you think about it. In life
many of us tend to think too much about the concerns of others, and far too
little of our own concerns. And one way to reframe the way we behave is
less social & # 8216; I m going to be very brave and do more & # 8216; I'm
going to put myself first and make & # 8217.
When approaching a hot girl in public in front of people, you do it because
you want to get with this hot girl. If you choose not to approach so you do
what you imagine other people will think more important than what you want.
But why in the world if you do? Why shouldn t that what you want to be more
important to you & # 8212; as long as you're not harming anyone & # 8212;
that all other considerations?
If you really find it difficult to approach girls because of embarrassment
or shyness, then you can try a desensitization exercise as James Altucher s
the formation of the stand-up comedy. You can go pull some crazy stunts on
the subway to get used to people looking at you, you realize that in most
cases the consequences are minimal.
Or you can do the mental work necessary for you to put yourself first.
After all, if you just want to do it, then what can happen?
Anyway, once you've narrowed your sensitivity to successfully embarrassment
then you will be thousands of kilometers away from the majority of other
guys. Just as you developed the equivalent of a social superpower and your
results with women will improve exponentially.
For a compilation of all the best writing of Troy's game, tips and
techniques the past four years to buy his new book How To Get Hot Girls in
Read more: Women Don t want relationships with men who want relationships

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