Sunday, July 2, 2017

Megyn Kelly carrière is over

Megyn Kelly lost all relevance. Remember his first debut show on NBC? Well,
no one else. It is career suicide by holding talks with Vladimir Putin
disastrous and Alex Jones. Notes for its new television program fell to
derisory levels and now it & # 8217 s unlikely he'll have a respectable
career in the media. Here's how she did for herself.
Vladimir Putin Interview

Kelly played the globalist line, but Putin slammed all the false
allegations claiming Russia rigged the 2016 election as a hoax.
Strongly and powerfully, he smashed all the so-called official reports and
# 8221; Kelly was quoted, stating that they were based on unproven invented
data collected from public sources, unofficial ,. There was no evidence
proving that Russia was involved in interfering with the US presidential
Recently, a CNN supervisor acknowledged all Trump Russian collaboration is

The template is in place people, and now CNN is facing a possible lawsuit
in dollars of $ 100 million in false history.
St. Petersburg International Forum

Kelly tried to unseat Putin with prefabricated scripts provided by the dark
shadow of the goons in NBC, but completely turned against the Russian
president made her look like a fool.
Desperate, she then tried to get India's first Minister Narendra Modi
involved, asking for his comment, but didn t work either. India and Russia
have a strong relationship; there was no way they were going to let some
Bimbo compromise.
Does Megyn really think she could turn them against each other?
The two men, along with other leaders and the millions watching around the
world, couldn t stop laughing at Kelly's wild accusations. Indeed, it was a
rare site to see Putin as laughter.
Alex Jones

Jones recording a pre-interview revealed that Kelley had lied about the
date of the broadcast program, the context of the interview and the subject
of a campaign by not bashing. Well, as expected, it was all she promised
not to do.
And assessments reveal all. People were so disgusted that the audience has
dropped to new lows. Everyone is in it and even NBC knows, which is why
they tried to limit the damage by attacking Jones for three quarters of the

Look, Jones said some controversial things like 9/11 being an inside job
and elites by creating human hybrid frog. Yet there was no intelligent
dialogue in maintenance, installation just gotchya issues and monitoring
weasel phrases.

Kelly has destroyed his own career and is now paying for it. At best,
she'll find work as another stooge for another anti-Trump media company to
continue the lies. There are some lessons to learn, especially for women.
Looks doesn t skin personality

When you sell your soul to the devil, he n t matter how much makeup you put
on, no amount can never cover the inner demon. It was pretty obvious during
his exchange with Trump in the debate, but now his true colors are in full
Academic or career & # 8221 prestige; doesn t matter to deplorable

Elites like to think they're better than everyone but poor US citizens, the
majority voted for Trump Place on less clientelistic connections. Kelly s
education or net worth didn t automatically to show him a shot.
the pursuit of endless career don t make you happy

It would have been much happier had she remained at home with his family.
If there's an ounce of respect and dignity left in her, she'll do exactly
what & # 8211; retire and go home.
It's a safe bet to say that Megyn Kelly is complete. Since she attacked
Trump debates, she's been unable to bounce back no matter how many millions
traditional media passes over it.
We only have to wait a month or two, until she pulls a Kathy Griffin and
blame the old white man as the source of all his troubles.
More: Samantha Bee and other Globocuck Comedians are leading Rise In Comedy

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