Monday, July 31, 2017

Seduce the world with the Gospel red pill or be destroyed

I claim to be a leader of men, who wages war against evil constantly and
mercilessly. I also ask to be a protector of the weak who will stop at the
Some groaned and complained that unrealistic, self-reports enlarging. And
yet, I assure you, my rhetoric is deliberately and without imposing
complex. My prose is calculated. There is method to my madness. Let me
Over the past two years, I strolled violently on a very strict truth -
facts, reason and logic are not as important as I thought they were.
Emotions reason to win, always. Why? Because reason can rationalize and
justify, but motivating emotion.
Scott Adams, philosopher and expert on persuasion helped shape those views,
and this article is based on several of his brilliant ideas. I'm here on
the shoulders of this intellectual giant (and others).
Reason and logic are male
Although the reason, common sense and logic are the capital that men used
to drive civilization forward, to bring us to the moon, and to heal all
sorts of ailments and diseases, they are ineffective when are used to
communicate to the general masses, and those of lower intelligence.

This is especially the case when it comes to women. Dr. Jordan Peterson
surgically extrapolated the consequences of our historical gender roles
have affected our political values ​​and the way we view reality. Where men
have pushed each other to explore, to produce, to invent, to protect and
build, women were responsible for the distribution of resources through
the "group". As such, in the minds of women, equality and equity outweigh
conscientious virtues associated with male output (which are much more
dependent done).
Fairness and equality are emotionally driven, but the efforts of men of the
production and gathering of resources require a hard realism. Our male
ancestors needed to repel vicious predators for resources. They needed to
go, to lift and to develop strategies to protect their women and children
items and barbarian armies. These efforts are not emotionally bound. They
depend on the intelligence, reason and pragmatism.
Why President Trump is a monster to the left
For these reasons, many women left, and their views President Trump beta
male orbiters, effeminate so differently than male men. Where masculine men
(as readers of this blog) see a great builder, a brilliant and persuade a
man motivated by pragmatic common sense (ie build a wall to keep illegal
migrants), the women left seen as a monster that threatens their ability to
redistribute resources to those who are "vulnerable" and "oppressed".

Evangelizing the left and bring it out of its collective madness, we will
adopt this message centered emotionally. This is the only way to reach the
hearts and minds of those leads equality, culturally suicidal modern women.
Let me be clear. We will remain firm and steadfast in our views. But our
message will have to change and evolve, if we want to survive the impending
feminist dark ages, and continue to build this movement.
Our enemies use nuclear weapons while we use swords
For if we grope in the manosphere with facts and figures, using the
masculine virtues of reason and logic, our enemies in the radical left
social justice and their allies Alphabet Soup Nazi (LGBTQRSTUV etc ..)
deploy methods that are far superior - they appeal to the emotions and
feelings of the masses, even if those calls are devoid of truth and
reality. And the left, eat with the same vigor as solid play comes on a
young woman with "Daddy Issues".
These truths were also exposed by veterans of the game, but in a different
context. Too often we men, especially those who have IQ above average,
reason and logic, so that we are powerless fact, unable to communicate and
speak an emotional language, less intelligent than women understand and so
desperately desire.
At that time feminized history (maybe the first), where many men have
adopted a perspective based on equity centered women, we must redirect our
powers of seduction to seduce the masses to adopt our political views.
As "game", political seduction will be a continuing focus on emotionally.
We will need to taunt and titillate our ideas in the spirit of collective
time and slowly and vigorously push and penetrate our dogma in the female
sphere, so that our superior seed survival and self-preservation bring us a
new offspring more male political, sane.

Where once we relied on moral arguments, pragmatic, we must develop them
into views based on emotions that appeal to fairness and equality.
Example 1 & # 8211; Abortion should be illegal
Let us examine how it might play in a pro-life / anti-abortion argument:
While I, and many here condemn abortion for moral depravity, and the harsh
reality that destroys the demographic continuity and eliminates a woman's
sense of self-responsibility, emotional argument based / equity talked to a
leftist look like this: Why is it fair for you to kill the fetus that would
turn into human beings, so that you were able to survive in such a
situation and become a human being?
Example 2 & # 8211; The West should avoid importing massive amounts of & #
8221 refugees;
Another example refers to the mass migration of alien hordes. The
manosphere argument looks like this: it is wrong to import massive amounts
of people with lower values ​​than us because they can not integrate with
the rest of society, causing social chaos (Exhibit A - Eastern
Europe 'Where is). This makes sense for moral reasons and common sensical.

An emotional argument based / equity looks like this: allow mass migration
is not fair to the people of the working class, which will bear the brunt
of the adverse effects of migration patterns.
If left counters with their relativistic nonsense and say that these
migrants will not be pressure on social resources, but an advantage
(because "diversity is our strength"), the other argument would be: migrant
mass import is unfair since it is spoiler and predator. We must stop
bombarding Westerner their homeland and move, sending them on dangerous
journeys where they put in serious danger of death. It is unfair to those
developing countries which we then tear their young men and women, causing
demographic imbalances for them.
These arguments are not morally or pragmatically oriented. They are lower
because they are motivated by fairness and equality, but the conclusion is
the same - abortion should be illegal / foreign migrants should not be
imported en masse to the West. To evangelize and spread the gospel of red
pill, we must begin to appeal to the emotions of the left.
Know your audience
Back to my biography, I write these things because they are designed to
invigorate and inspire you & # 8211; my fellow dissidents & # 8211; so that
together we can get western countries. My prose changes depending on the
audience I am addressing.

On our quest to recover the western land then we will need to win the
hearts and minds of the masses, speaking their language, by appealing to
their emotions and their sense of fairness and equality. We must change our
prose accordingly. While alien hordes knocking at our doors, our seduction
skills can very well save our societies. For us to survive, we must seduce,
charm, manipulate and enchant the voter.
Only then can we raise our movement basement, into the mainstream, where we
will achieve great victories for Christianity, for freedom and truth. We
will protect our women, we will defend our brothers, and we will defeat the
enemies that torment us Mundialist like demons.
Learn more: The US government will Delaying Full Backs and War Project for

The history of female Viagra Got approved to fight against "sexism"

On 18 August 2015, the FDA approved the first treatment for "sexual desire
disorder." A pill was appointed Addyi approved for the treatment "acquired,
generalized disorder hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) in
premenopausal women." Before this drug, there was no treatment approved by
the FDA for women with low libido.
This seems like a good deal, right? Finally, women have their version of
Viagra. It is not in the mood? Let's give him a pill and it will DTF.
Give her a pill and it ll in the mood
Since the early millennia, Big Pharma has invested considerable resources
trying to develop a cure for low female libido. As we know, this is not
just really worry about people welfare, but from a perspective greedy. If
Big Pharma can get addicted women better sex, it will provide a new cash
flow that will last for decades (or more). Also, if you think about it -
have a good sex life can also relieve stress, boredom and decrees to reduce
the divorce rate. Sounds like a win-win.
We can not have a drug without naming a disease. The solution was
to "identify" as a disorder. DSM-IV-TR (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
of Mental Disorders) named in 2000 "gender dysphoria and gender" as HSDD
(hypoactive sexual desire disorder). This means that premature ejaculation,
paraphilia (fetishism), analloerotic (having no sexual interest in other
people) and lack of sexual desire are in that category.
Now that the "disorder" has been identified, the public was & # 8221
studied; who needs a low sex drive to be tracked and monitored.
 I'm not in the mood. Try another day
Mala? fides
After a few years in the laboratory, it seems that there was a light at the
end of a tunnel. Boehringer Ingelheim, a German pharmaceutical company, was
able to synthesize a new antidepressant called flibanserin. The company
noted that some of the participants reported an increase in their sex
drive. Looks a revised Viagra story. The clinical trial was based on
pre-menopausal women - young women are not yet reproductively useless.
The trial divided the subjects into 2 groups randomly. Each day, each
subject was asked to rate their libido on a 4-point scale (0 - no desire,
intense desire 3). The trial found that there was no particular difference
between the groups.
Moreover, it seems that, taking flibanserin, there were side effects:
dizziness, drowsiness, and nausea. Based on these, the FDA rejected the new
drug based on the benefits of risk and failure to demonstrate a statistical
effect on sexual desire and entry criteria too restrictive for the two
Phase 3 trials . the message was received and Boehringer Ingelheim has
decided not to throw money at a time.
Throwing money after bad money is not a calculated step
Human garbage is gold with another man. A new pharmaceutical company called
Sprout Pharmaceuticals think they can win the gold. In fact, the looks of
it, the founders thought exactly that. They approached and Boehringer
Ingelheim bought the rights to flibanserin, after raising $ 20M. Sprout was
led by Cindy and Robert Whitehead who both had extensive experience in the
pharmaceutical industry.
Cindy and Robert Whitehead
They looked comments from the FDA decided to change tactics. Instead of a
daily report, it has become a ratio of 4 weeks (which means that the
subjects reported every week over the last four weeks). It smelled bad - we
all know that the longer you wait with subjective feelings reports (and
desire is totally subjective), more prone to error is. The company
resubmitted the drug to the FDA in 2013. The FDA rejected again based on
the same risk / benefit ratio.
What do you do when the government refuses to give you a license to print
money? You lobby and use the classic straw man - feminism. The advocacy
group created company called even the score D.C. and began using feminist
language to shame the establishment and call the FDA "macho". They went
after and MPs have to write letters to the FDA. They went to a campaign.
Here one of the ads:

The pressure worked, but it was noticed even by BuzzFeed, which we all know
is not a harsh critique of liberal / feminist policies. In 2015, the FDA
approved the drug for commercial use, even if nothing changed
fundamentally. You can read the pressure in the output:
The FDA has recognized for some time the challenges involved in the
development of treatments for female sexual dysfunction.
Since feminists love to beat the drum on equality, it is important to note
that there is no treatment for men:
Before approving Addyi, there was no treatment approved by the FDA for
disorders of sexual desire in men or women.
Downhill and fast
Immediately after the approval, Sprout Pharmaceuticals was acquired by
Valeant Pharmaceuticals for the modest sum of $ 1 billion. Valeant think,
but they had a lot going for them. However, as stated Murphy's
Law: "Whatever can go wrong will go wrong. "- as the" female Viagra ".
Valeant had a practice of buying drugs and then driving them up prices. It
was all good, until the government has noticed. It was in October 2015.
Worse, Valeant has doubled the price of Addyi to $ 800. Addyi also faces
the problem of distribution, Valeant has chosen a company called Philidor,
which went bankrupt shortly.
Yes. He was also quick
Sprout shareholders angered by Valeant practice, have contacted the
management of Valeant and demanded explanations. The height of it was
deposited in November last complaint is always set in court. Sales in 2016
were poor - about $ 10 million worldwide. Viagra comparison is not
flattering - it sold $ 788m in its first year on the market. Valeant is now
bleeding money, and its largest shareholder sold in March this year at a
reported loss of $ 2.8 billion.
Yes. I'm a billion dollars and all I had to do is to manipulate the
This is a story of greed and abuse of power. It shows how the state can be
easily handled using tactics of "macho" of humiliation. Furthermore, the
only people to come on top Sprout Pharmaceuticals shareholders are led by
founders who had completed and just changed their pockets. It was almost
a "hit and force" business plan. Everyone connected to the "pink Viagra"
paid a heavy price. It was also a clear case where feminism was nothing
more than a vessel for a lot of money. Who cares about health, when big
money is on the line?
From the point of view red pill, we know that a woman's sexual desire is a
fluid and fickle phenomenon. Everything can not be repaired by drugs and
chemicals. Life is more than measurable quantities. In any case, we all
expect to see if and when a "female Viagra" real will on the market - how
many women actually use. Women thwart nature hypergamious not communicate
that to have a satisfying sexual relationship with a beta.
Read more: The anti-feminism wisdom of the Bible

4 lessons of humanity first test Shit

Understanding shit tests is important. Really important. Not just to
navigate your relationships with women, but also for understanding,
defining and defending yourself.
Don t believe me? So why chronic God in the world's first poop test in
chapter 3 of Genesis, immediately after the small matter of the creation of
heaven and earth? here's how it is men agree ,, before any discussion, say,
the purpose of life, the nature of God, or the path of freedom, God sits
down and says, Listen & # 8220 & # 8221.
And yet we are eleventy bazillion years later having to relearn the lessons
of this primordial history of man versus woman. Rest assured, however. The
story is short and the lessons are lively.
The first test shit
Let's set the stage:
Now the serpent was more crafty than any wild animals the Lord God had
made. One day he asked the woman, "Did God really you should not eat the
fruit of one of the trees of the garden? "
"Of course we may eat fruit from the trees in the garden," the woman
replied. "It is only the fruit of the tree in the garden that we are not
allowed to eat. God said, 'You must not eat or even touch; if you do, you
will die. "
"You will not die! "The serpent said to the woman. "God knows that your
eyes will be opened as soon as you eat, and you will be like God, knowing
good and evil. "
The woman was convinced. She saw that the tree was beautiful and its fruit
looked delicious, and she wanted the wisdom it would give her. So she took
the fruit and ate. Then she gave to her husband, who was with her, and he
also ate. At that moment their eyes were opened, and they felt suddenly
ashamed of their nakedness. Genesis 3 NLT
So what is the test of shit? Simply this: If Adam to take the fruit to
please Eve and maintain her relationship with her? Or should it say, & #
8216; The farm. On foot snake talk and return to the tent. I want to be
successful with you & # 8217.
Lesson # 1 - this ISN T new shit
God's response to Eve shit disobedient test is quite instructive:
 And you'll want to control your husband, and he shall rule over you & #
In other words, this tension, the conflict between men and women we deal
constantly going back to the beginning. The feminists of the first wave
didn t create. feminists of the second or third wave didn t create either.
All they're doing collectively come together to do what they can do
individually t & # 8211; control men.
Feminists argue that feminism is about equality. & # 8216; & # 8217
equality; is a lie. As ever was, their desire is that women rule over you.
Now, fast forward a few thousand - or million & # 8211; years. Because
women haven t changed, given the same warning:
 & # 8230; you women must accept the authority of your husbands. For
example, Sarah obeyed her husband, Abraham, calling him lord. You are her
daughters when you do what is right without fear of what your husbands
might do & # 8221. 1 Peter 3
Now wouldn t be told women to present to men if they weren t able. It would
be just average. But even well-meaning women fear that their natural man
would do with its authority if it actually did submit to him. Letting go,
trusting another human being, is difficult. Humans suck most of the time. I
understood. And feminism is always there to stir up fear and mistrust.
The management of this age-old conflict compels us to recognize their fears
and demonstrate a solid, trustworthy - so unpredictable playfulness -
Lesson # 2 - Be active not passive
Adam is the punishment:
"Because you listened to your wife and ate from the tree whose fruit I
commanded you not to eat, the ground is cursed because of you. All your
life you will struggle to survive it & # 8221.
Have you noticed this? The cause of Adam's transgression was that & # 8216;
listened to his wife and followed in disobedience. woman happy, happy life,
my ass!
He should have the closest grabbed a shovel and cut the snake's head before
admonishing his wife for his greed - this despite their lavish home!
Instead Adam sat passively where the scene unfolded.
The lesson is simple. To be active. To be engaged. And actually care of
your wife. Of course, many women calling you a bully and say you're too
much control. That's good. If you're in it a real relationship, neighbor.
This can be treated with the & # 8216; snakes of life itself.
You can t Fool me, sir!
Lesson # 3 - Women are gullible and greedy
Women have exquisite feminine virtues based on openness and responsiveness
than men rightly cherish when we can find it. Frankly, when you see it, it
is incredibly attractive and intoxicating. But there's another side to the
female virtue.
When you're open and receptive, you're also more easily fooled.
And it was not Adam who was deceived by Satan. The woman was deceived, and
sin was the result.
And when your nature is to attract and receive, you are also more inclined
to materialism and greed you are looking for validation in all the wrong
She saw that the tree was beautiful & # 8230; .and she wanted & # 8230;
This is one reason - there are others & # 8211; that men should lead women
in relationships. It is not master them or for their own gain abusively.
It's to provide women with a safe space to express and share their feminine
nature with us without being taken advantage of.
Conversely, when women call the shots in a relationship, it is exhausting
nature and ultimately unsatisfactory for both. His greed and credulity
combine to dominate the purpose of the union. She will see and want and be
sold & # 8230;. a bigger house & # 8230; a larger diamond & # 8230;. a
newer car & # 8230; other holiday & # 8230 cheap; a fairy tale wedding. You
know the drill.
In the end, his greed and credulity become your own. And the things his
control will become your masters.
Who's the boss?
Lesson # 4 - Lead your wife, or ..
Let this game. It's a period of time when Eve took the fruit, but Adam hasn
t. At this point, Adam has two choices. It can track Eve - submit for & #
8211; or follow God. Ultimately, of course, he submits to Eve.
But why did he choose the day of God knowing that it was false? Because he
was afraid of losing his relationship with her he loved, a relationship
marked by the undisputed trust and sheer physical and emotional intimacy.
Sounds good right?
In the end though - and this is the lesson for us & # 8211; by selling its
own integrity and its appeal to the leadership, he ended up losing the same
relationship he wanted to protect. In its place, he received a new
relationship with Eve marked by mistrust, conflict and competition.
Similarly, when we abdicate leadership, when we sell our own integrity, we
first lose self-respect, and in turn, his respect. And then the
relationship ends, or worse, it empties into hell blue pill. It is simply
not acceptable alternative for men conducting relationships.
So there it is. Nothing new under the sun. Women are the same as have ever
been. And the tension between us is as old as humanity - baked in the heart
of every man and woman.
So what do we do? Well, what does Adam do? He got up after the test-shit
colossal failure to end all test failures shit and took the red pill.
The man Adam named his wife Eve, because she would be the mother of all
In other words, it takes its authority back and advance the best he can,
perhaps having learned a bit along the way. Oh, and he takes Eve back to
the tent. And she follows.
Read more: The 4 major tests Shit Rocky Balboa Transmitted win Adrian

Maybe men Men Without being warriors?

As our society is rotting in peace with materialism and hedonism that comes
with it, it is clear that the only way to bring real masculinity is to
return to our roots warrior. The men were for the battle for the domination
and conquest, and the fact that our modern society has relegated us as
useful drones make money is what's leading to the degradation of
masculinity. It is no wonder we are all lost in what our true purpose is in
this world.
Masculinity is the man the ability to be a warrior

Although there is much debate exactly what constitutes masculinity, I think
it is defined mainly by men capacity as tribal warriors like wolves are
defined by their ferocity and their propensity to hunt in packs. You can
not just be a man without being a warrior.
Now, some will disagree and say that you don t have to be a warrior to be a
masculine man. They will point to the men of achievement in the areas of
making money, creativity and philosophy. But we must not forget that being
talented and great doesn t necessarily make you men. They are different
Others (especially the crowd of MGTOW) masculinity associated with
scientific breakthroughs and contribute to technological advancement,
bringing examples of Newton, Nietzsche, Tesla, and so on. While their minds
are admirable and profound genius is undeniable, can we really say that
these men were men?
To take a modern example, we all saw what happened to the scientist Matt
Taylor when he was targeted by feminists on a shirt he wore: he broke down
in tears. While men certainly more logical than women and most productive
minds, I do not walk too far and say that intelligence alone is a male.
male traits like warrior traits
seasoned soldiers of Syria Tiger Forces who's been the fight against the
jihadists for years. These men have won t be cucked soon.
Manhood is intrinsically linked to testosterone and testosterone is what
fuels us to assert our will against violent world. If you analyze all the
essential traits of masculinity, you will realize that all correspond to
traits that are necessary attributes and grown warriors fighting as one.
Those are:

Physical strength and skills needed for combat.
Endurance, resilience and strength of will.
Acts of bravery and determination against the danger.
stoic disposition and mental strength.
The discipline and austerity.
Violence and propensity for aggression.
The drive for dominance and power.
Focusing on a mission and purpose.
Intelligence and cunningness.
The honor and loyalty.

It is not surprising that many warrior traits are related to black Triad
traits that women find irresistible, which is why serial killers seem to
activate a deep sexual attraction in many women. As another recent example,
a woman who worked for the FBI flew to Syria to marry an ISIS fighter it
was investigating. I guess all the other smug, male agents in costume, she
worked with didn t raw and untamed masculinity distill an Islamist soldier.
But even without these extreme examples, the facts are clear: women love
and respect the violent men who have the warrior spirit. Just ask the wives
of the Vikings and Samurai if they ever thought of cheating on their
husbands or seek equality.
The Warriors are the backbone of a strong and healthy society

While many lament the disappearance of nationalism and traditional nuclear
families, I would say that the disintegration of the group of strong men is
by far the greatest calamity that leads to the decline of the society we
are seeing all around us . In fact, the hierarchy of men is the backbone of
a strong and stable social order that allows strong national identity and
the training of the patriarchal family to develop. You can not have
families and nuclear nationalism without first being men who are warriors.
Of course, the problem is that there is no need of a strong group of men
organized in today's consumerist society. Our "civilization" has
disintegrated male order in favor of an atomized population that is easier
to operate as economic units by elites. Masculinity becomes automatically
Being a warrior gives man a purpose

Unfortunately, I can not remember or find the log I m referring here this
for years, but most of the psychological study I read showed that young
European men in the army at the time enjoyed where they served them were
better suited, healthier and formed deep social ties between them. In fact,
they loved go through a routine, being told what to do, and have a purpose.
But once they were released and returned home, many began to become lazy,
unmotivated and even depressed to the point of not wanting to get out of
their beds.
While we use to divide Alpha-Beta (wrongly) the distinction between
masculine men and men are emasculated and supplication to women, we must
remember that Alpha Beta refers to the male hierarchy (the real antonym of
alpha males would omega men). In the primitive world, being a beta doesn t
mean you aren t as masculine, but you are subordinate to the alpha leader.
Beta males are capable warriors themselves and often challenge the alpha to
become the new leader.
Knowing this, one has to wonder how many betas & # 8212; cucks of
effeminate young frustrated full of angst & # 8212; are only men who never
had a chance to be led by a strong male leader. When we don t live in a
warrior society, when we don t have a fraternity belong, we become lost and
aimless as European men just out of the army.
Men aspire to be warriors

I have a new friend who told me how much he loves the TV series, the
Vikings. On a whim, I asked him if he wanted he could live like a Viking.
His face brightened and he responded with a resounding & # 8221 Yeah !; And
this is a young man shy and awkward that grew under a domineering sister
and fatherless, a classic & # 8221 beta; working just out and spends his
free time watching anime. But still, hidden in his heart was his desire to
be a warrior.
All men seek to become warriors, whether they know it or not. They are
powered by the same testosterone that makes sexual desire. We know that
boys reach puberty want sex without ever having experienced it before as it
is one of our primary basic disk. The same is true for men and their desire
to be warriors & # 8212; it is something that is imprinted in our genes.
Why else do you think that men like aggressive sports and video games? Why
men would like to watch other tribalism and violence through movies and TV
shows like The Expendables and The Walking Dead? What other motive would
drive men to train in MMA, shoot guns, and joining a gang or the army?
We all aspire to be warriors and we all enjoy the adventure, brotherhood
and excitement that comes with it. The problem is that what we have today
are alternative activities that we no longer live in a warrior society.
Surrogate activities and compensation
An example of a modern warrior: Level 90 Night Elf
As our society discourages and defending our basic instincts, it's not
surprising to see hordes of men dedicated to male activities substituted
offset the inability to make their lives as warriors. And these drives are
often exploited by governments and businesses for their own profit.
Masculinity has become commercialized.
Think about it: what are the competitive sports if alternative activities
that simulate the war? The most popular sports are where two opposition
groups of men, the modern day gladiators, fighting for the win in a
battlefield controlled. They exist for the sole purpose of keeping the
men's testosterone in check by providing an outlet to vent their masculine
energy while enjoying it.
The same can be said of other forms of entertainment. It is no accident
that men like TV shows and movies that depict violence, survival and power
struggle. And the most popular video games for men's and RPG shooting in
the first person the player is a warrior on an adventure or a soldier in
the war.
The clearing activities also extends to other areas such as weight
training, make money, women collection, internet tribalism and political
struggles. They use all the fragments of our warrior traits to meet part of
our male needs. But they are never complete because they don t meet our
basic identity that is buried deep within us. compensatory activities can
not bring us contentment.
We must open our eyes and realize that all the hyped-up, macho
entertainment only exists to keep us doused. No matter how many men & #
8221; and movies "red pill" that you look, they do not make you a man for
the same reason watching a marathon of martial arts films will not turn you
into a master Kung Fu.
Men intellectualism another surrogate activity
Reading men who fight and conquer won t make you a fighter and a Conqueror.
Drop the damn book and create your own legacy.
There are not so long that I wanted to read classical works such as the
Iliad, the Count of Monte Cristo, Fight Club, and the philosophical works
of Seneca, Nietzsche and Evola & # 8212; not to mention countless history
books that tell the men achievements. But now I wonder: what for? What will
they add to all the works I've read? For example, I'm reading a book
manosphere circle that is highly rated, but I find too trivial to continue.
I thought reading books, especially the timeless volumes of our ancestors,
was a worthy task to cultivate our masculinity. And it is up to a point.
The problem engaging in books is that it does not take long before it
becomes just another substitute activity that traps your ego up in the
ivory tower. It becomes an exercise in mental masturbation to satisfy his
own deepest desires: a way to escape the modern degeneration so that we can
take refuge in the words and thoughts instead of fighting the real world in
the flesh and the blood. It is just another way to compensate for our
inability and unwillingness to move the world around us.
No book will ever compensate for the lack of experience in real life. The
brutal truth is that even if we spend our entire lives to read thousands of
books on masculinity and the lives of great men of history, none of this
will actually make us a masculine man, much less change society and
culture. It is safe to say that a month of fighting in a brutal war harden
a man in masculinity over decades of reading & # 8221 virile; books.
We must admit that we read and write on the theme of masculinity as a
compensatory activity because our society forbids us to exercise our
warrior spirit. I am sure that without the lifetime of social conditioning
that has made us passive and weak, most men would jump at the chance to
live a life of a warrior instead of just reading and writing about it, like
how any healthy man would prefer watching porn on real sex. And that's
exactly what & # 8221 male; literatures are: porn for men who crave a male
We were stripped of our lifestyle
It hurts me that I don t grow up in a warrior culture as these boys.
There is much talk about how men today are transformed into low-beta and T
cucks, but why should they be different? What motivates them to keep their
strong masculinity? Western men today live in infinitely peaceful
conditions and live in a culture that values ​​safety bravery. And since
the company did not need warriors (except for professionals who will fight
like dogs for the elites), they have absolutely no interest in being
masculine, except when the time to pretend to be difficult for I validation.
For now the technology addicted, materialistic, and progressive men,
maintaining masculinity is as always wear a coat when it's summer. They are
useless for masculinity and they do not want to make the effort to
cultivate. Women, in turn, have no reason to respect the men and women
behave, which is why our society is increasingly androgynized every day.
What about men who still enjoy their masculinity? What are the major
options we have? There is almost no. We were stripped of our lives that
we've been trained from childhood to serve a matriarchal system with
tolerance and equality & # 8221; as our religion. The company doesn t want
us to be men; we want to become mere cogs in his machines. He wants us to
be stuck in some soul-sucking jobs and empty of meaning.
I personally deplore the fact that I got to experience being a warrior in
my youth. And what other significant activity should I pursue in my short
life? I'm not interested in writing incessantly to vent my repressed men's
discus; I'm not interested in making money or pursue "success to compensate
castration; I don t want to develop skills blabbering to attract women; I
don t want to continue to piss my life away on the Internet; and I
certainly won t waste more of my time with activities and books.
My only real chance of being a warrior is to join the armed forces of a
country that I have no love for (Canada) just to be sent to fight the
people I have nothing against. And it's about the choice of all the men of
the West: your exit only to be a true warrior is to be a pawn of the state,
risking your life in the war in favor of the globalists.

So to answer the question: Can men be men without warriors? The answer is
yes and no. I guess if you engage in only alternative development right
form aggressively as a fighter, and put you through many life experiences
that challenge your mind and your body, you can simulate to be a warrior
and develop masculine traits listed above. But ultimately, it will not be
true and men as a whole (average) continue to be stripped of their
Warrior is the only way for a human being and all our social problems
associated with masculinity can be attributed to the decline of the warrior
culture. Everything and everyone talks to defeat feminism and the
restoration of the masculine order is useless until we are ready to become
Read more: 10 Male Virtues that went to the grave with our grandfathers

Sunday, July 30, 2017

How to View Body Language Men

In this article past, I discussed how to present a strong, masculine face.
Which means, I have learned to manipulate your head's body language in
order to make you look strong, masculine, and confident.
While the head (especially the eyes) are the & # 8221 legible; part of your
body, it is obviously much more body to deal with, and that is what this
article will discuss.
The first question that we will treat with respect the body is, of course,
Posture affects and shows the attitude you convey. Remember that body
language is the sum of the parts of the body. Think like this: the face
shows the mood and the body shows the intensity of mood. Trust begins on
the face and spreads through the body
As with the face and head, you want to be tight, upright and symmetrical.
However, the language of the dominant male and bodies regarding the torso
and limbs adds a new dimension, that of taking up space.
To put it very simply (and thus make it easy to understand and implement in
your daily life), high status and confidence is reflected in a wide open
position. And conversely, the low status makes people shrink by showing the
posture that is closed and prospective.
As you can see in the images below, which uses the posture hunched
shoulders, drooping head and chest inward shows the weakness and lack of
As the image states, these images show the man being nervous and unconfident
Even without seeing their heads, you can say that these people are standing
and proud
Throwing your weight around
In the literal, not metaphorical sense.
Place the weight evenly between the legs, standing firm and upright, shows
the strength, confidence, and all masculine traits you want to convey.
Hold your head up, chest open, and stomach and tight. The feet and legs
should work in harmony with the torso, arms and head to convey a certain
image. If you want to be seen as powerful, you must be firm with your legs
shoulder width apart and your chest puffed out.
Yours truly. Note the high chest and legs shoulder width
And don t think that these rules apply as if you're standing. When you sit
down, the strong and confident man legs retain their shoulder length
position, and the body is slightly leaning back and arms are relaxed and
neutral: not open, not closed.
Although I hate to use the cliché animal metaphors as you often see on the
men aki websites (be like a wolf, Brah), it is here: Imagine a lion does he
lean forward and become scarce? No, he reclines and extends, in space and
by showing that s dominant.

Room To Breathe
A good rule of thumb to remember for the posture of the solid body (ie, the
only thing you have to remember) is to present your testicles & # 8212; and
yes, I m being serious. Another way to put this rule of thumb is to ask,
what my testicles breathing & # 8221 ?; If you think your songs are crushed
together and are uncomfortable, you're not taking enough space.
Like this, except that I advise you to not do naked or with this particular
facial expression
So beyond the rule that most men instinctively know, what can be done with
the other body?
Seeing that the ball rule covers the legs and posture deals with the torso,
the arms are all that remain. Fortunately, this is probably the easiest to
treat: get open too wide makes you open and welcoming, which have narrow
shoulders and arms before clutching groin makes you look weak.
The key is the neutrality of the arm, or the time to arm lap times if you
want to convey authority. Also keep in mind that the palms down shows the
authority (the buck stops here sort of thing), so if you want gesturing to
make a point, your palms facing down. Keep in mind that the crossing arms,
by definition, palms down to.

All information above deals with the entire body for most, and can be
instantly used to present the upper body language.
There are many other moods and attitudes that can be expressed through body
language, but a cold, male dominance is the gold standard of body language,
so why would you learn anything from else bother? Your body will naturally
form other necessary emotions, so just try to keep dominant body language
as much as possible, and you will notice your life will greatly improve.
Read more: How to present a strong face and Men

What men can learn the fascinating fate of the English explorer William Adams

I did a little thrilling and exciting things over the years. However, it is
difficult to compete with the real William Adams (1564-1620), the British
explorer who sailed almost everyone has become a samurai in Japan, and
which served as inspiration for various cultural products in modern times.
In this piece, I explore the fate of Adams and how it was described in
Western popular culture. Also, I briefly discussed some lessons can be
drawn from his trip to the fascinating life. I mainly used Giles Milton's
monograph Samurai William (2002) and the present academic paper as
reference points.
The perilous road in Japan
William Adams was born in Gillingham, Kent, England and aims to become a
sailor. Specifically, he studied shipbuilding, navigation and astronomy
before joining the Royal Navy. It was a learning under Nicholas Diggens, a
leading shipbuilder who later obtained a profitable contract for the East
India Company.
He later took a job at the Barbary Company, as a pilot and captain, before
joining Dutch voorcompagnie (Pre-Dutch East India Company) travels to the
East Indies. Remained Rotterdam June 27, 1598 under the command of Jacques
The goal was to reach the East Indies, via Cape Horn, to acquire spices and
other local products, but things did not proceed as planned. After a series
of severe setbacks in the South Atlantic, only three of the cruise s five
ships made by the Strait of Magellan. These ships depart course across the
Pacific to Japan. However, only the Liefde all the way Bungo in Kyushu,
Japan, and arrived 19 April 1600. Fortunately for Adams, he was transferred
to the Liefde and survived.
Before the progressively decimated crew had reached the Cape Verde Islands,
Cape Lopez and Annabon in Africa, South America Mocha (where many of the
crew were massacred), Hawaii, and the Galapagos Orient & # 8221; the
subtropical Bonin islands, located south-east of Japan.
The trip was fascinating indeed, if not more than Adams experiences in
Japan. About one and half a dozen crew members survived, which is only a
little over 5% of the original crew of five ships dispatched to the island
of Texel, Netherlands, in 1598. many died of dysentery, scurvy or were
killed by members of the local tribe (William's brother Thomas was one of
them). Some stole food and were hanged or fled on exotic islands. The trip
would be a great adventure film.
The rise of the first Samurai Western
In subsequent letters, Adams claimed that he intended to return to England
where his wife Mary and their two children lived, but he and the other
survivors, whose maritime expertise was invaluable for Japanese were
forbidden to leave Japan.
This may have been a little later, but without hesitation Adams was well in
the land of the rising sun. After a first meeting with the mighty warrior
Tokugawa Ieyasu, the shogun be later, he and his crew were detained. Adams
found Ieyasu accounts untrustworthy. However, after realizing that he had
no obvious reason to keep them locked up, he released them, and those who
were faithful to Adams benefited indirectly from its shipbuilding skills
(he built a miniature replica of the Liefde liked Ieyasu). These skills and
additional knowledge in trade relations (the fact that he spoke English,
Dutch, Portuguese and Japanese certainly helped) were Adams ticket for the
local relative success.
Later he married a Japanese woman, had children, and integrated in the
exotic and cultured society. The Japanese considered too crude Europeans,
and consequently Adams and other survivors had to be taught the customs and
the local label. In contemporary Japan, Adams is often called Miura Anjin
(Miura Pilot), which manifests itself how it was considered. A statue was
raised in Izumiōtsu (Osaka Prefecture) to rent its commemoration.

The creation of the modern myth Adams can be precisely dated to 1872. In
that year an English expatriate James Walters & # 8221 discovered; tumuli,
two markers and two lanterns on a hill near Hemi. Walters said that these
were the graves of Adams and his Japanese wife. In addition a significant
proportion of Brits noted nationalized and Adams, who made him their own
symbol for English proficiency. However, for most Westerners, it took a
century to know this man, at least indirectly, by James Clavell's book
Shōgun (1975) and the subsequent TV adaptation.
The question is whether Adams is worthy to stand in so high? More critical
academic sources stressed that his involvement in trade between the
Netherlands and Japan has been exaggerated, and Samurai was first and
foremost a way that some segments of the upper classes held in these times.
It was not a master of the sword. Moreover his naval skills are not as
unique as one might think (although the skills of shipbuilding have been
since the Japanese were largely in the absence of them during this period) .
Moreover, its relations with the monks hostile Portuguese Jesuits who
already resided, and are not too keen to allow Protestants to say the
least, were apparently not as crucial as some would think. He did not die
as a rich man be, much richer than most English and Japanese, but he left
after himself a cultural heritage to death from malaria.
As for his wealth and properties, divided almost equally between his two
wives. Although Adams's fate is partly built more than real, it had a
cultural impact and influence in the West and the East. His is also a
manifesto of how constructive intercultural exchange can occur.
William Adams in popular culture
As for Japanese pop culture, I do not know much I do not read Japanese.
However, the above novel Shōgun (1975) and the television miniseries nine
hours with the same name are useful and interesting effect. Although these
may be historically incorrect part and / or mixed with the myth more
CONSTRUED Adams, on the whole, they portray his life and relatively
accurate based on the facts.
The novel in particular provides a good overview of Japan in the early 17th
century before being isolated (Sakoku) other Western influences until 1853.

In 2016, a video game called Nioh was released, the main character is
partly based on Adams, but with supernatural samurai skills rather than
more modest knowledge and skills as the main ingredient.
Although I only play five hours a month with a friend who has a unit PS4, I
would try some time, as it is in the same spirit as Dark Souls and
Castlevania. Concerning the Youtube clips and generally favorable reviews
go, it seems useful (in smaller portions as with all video games).

Lessons learned
In addition, we can learn some lessons from the history and almost mythical
Adams. First, never give up, although difficulties could expect in certain
circumstances. An athletic physique and stamina could also be of a great
service. On the other hand, more risk may come with greater rewards
(sometimes). If one does in life, one can reap.
This is also linked to the fact that Adams took the opportunity that came
on him and used his skills to survive and thrive in a very different
environment. It is also a lesson for male migrants: if you have skills to
offer a host country, they will often use, be it Japan, Australia, Brazil
or Poland we has in mind.
Finally, we must realize that leaving the house and roots permanently,
whether voluntarily or not, also comes with a situation on both sides.
First, we gain something new and reap the fruits, hopefully from a cool
environment. It may be the case for employment opportunities and women, and
for the knowledge of the current culture.
On the other hand, it will leave a s family, friends and home country back
and can not, for obvious reasons, to maintain these relationships and
cultural roots. Therefore travel and circular migration are often better
options in the era of globalization. Move quickly between places like
Hermes a hyper-modern, but do not cut the roots off.

William Adams is certainly a fascinating historical character that is
interesting to learn, whether by Milton's book, academic sources, and pop
cultural content. It also means somehow the essence of European and Western
mentality, for example to gain valuable skills and to risk to find a s path
in life, or even becoming legendary.
More: 5 things I learned after my first trip to Japan

4 Latin Mottos From Medieval Times men honored today

Nestled comfortably in the center of the story is a culmination of a
thousand years. Often mistakenly called the Dark Ages, this millennium has
been the greatest source of light in the history of Western civilization.
Although miles of library shelves were filled with medieval written on the
skins of goats and cattle, a little taste of their slogans is sufficient to
demonstrate their wisdom.
1. Do gladium Tollas Mulier & # 8221. (Erasmus Sayings)

Erasmus of Rotterdam was a Dutch priest and mastermind of the fifteenth
century polymath. In his words book, Sayings, he coined the phrase wife,
don t pick up that sword & # 8221.
On its surface, this kind of blatant sexism and patriarchy would be pretty
red pilled itself. Of course, women should not fight in tournaments or to
serve on the front line of the army. They should not be debasing their
femininity and emasculate men putting their lives and the faces look great
harm s way.
The genius of this citation, however, is not about women in combat at all.
Obviously, Erasmus day, the armies of medieval kingdoms not the problem of
political pussified, good gender diversity policies. There would be no need
to oppose women in combat and # 8221. On the contrary, that Erasmus becomes
is that you shouldn t provides assistance if you got nothing to offer.
Don t ask me if I need a hand with my bags if you have never lifted a
weight in your life. Don t tell me how to vote or how to live if you're a
brain dead celebrity with four divorces and drug addiction. Don t act like
you're the cautious gatekeeper if you've been and roll on dead since Bill
Clinton was elected. Woman & # 8212; just put down.
2. Per me reges regnant & # 8221. (Charlemagne, Aachen Mayor)
I walked throughout the German city of Aachen, appreciate the grandeur of
soaring towers and deep cultural roots. It was the seat of Emperor
Charlemagne, the first Holy Roman Emperor known for uniting Western
Christendom under his rule, crushing the Saracens and Moors, and triggered
a cultural renaissance of art and learning known as the Carolingian
During the entry of Aix la Chapelle s town hall is 1,200 years Charlemagne
currency, an inscription of the Book of Proverbs :. through me the rule of
Dynasties have adopted this motto as well.
Vast as Charlemagne's military and economic power was, he recognized first
and foremost as its power to govern from God. Unlike the ignorant and
opportunistic political philosophers of the so-called Enlightenment, who
thought that the sovereign decided only because the people allowed him to
Charlemagne understood that all leaders are illegitimate unless God
delegates authority for them. No king deserves to be recognized by his
subjects unless it recognizes itself that it is a subject in the kingdom of
Modernity and its pestilential requirements of secularism that the
separation of church and state to be defended at all costs. What they do
not realize is that the two can never be separated, one subjugated to
another. Without God's headship just, the state becomes the Church. This is
modern America and most Western countries. He led us to a self-destructive
I saw a garage door in Aachen with graffiti painted on it, representing
Charlemagne holding his famous globus cruciger (ball and crosses),
representing the Church who chairs the state. Beside him was painted of a
hand flipping the bird the emperor. Here is a resident of Charlemagne's own
city, one of the major centers of cultural heritage on earth, so full of
spite for their own heritage that they could react with hatred without
In rejecting the history, the Germans managed to learn everything but his
most recent lessons. Merkel's weak and dissipated Germany will eventually
fall, and will be looted cultural treasures. When that day comes, they will
pray the spirit of Charlemagne to return.
3. Use of inferius sic & # 8221. (Hermes Trismegistus, Smagdarine Tablet)
This cryptic sentence of esoteric tablet Smagdarine (questionable late
ancient origins) can be taken in many different ways. Translated simply, as
above, so below, it was originally designed to express the parallel between
microcosm and macrocosm in the ancient natural science.
Just like humans manipulate musical notes, so that the planets move in the
music of the spheres & # 8221. Just as we have our body parts (most noble
of heart, brain) above on their bodies, even the heavens become more noble
a trip (to the primum mobile machine or first). Etc. Basically, there is an
aesthetic, logical and moral to all, consistent in the universe.
Man, the microcosm, placed above the spheres, the macrocosm.
The term has also been adapted to Christian use, given its uncanny
resemblance to the line in Christ's Our Father, thy will be done on earth
as in heaven & # 8221. So Christ n 'place human action in the context of
the divine, as if to say remember that the good we do is part of God's
plan, and our evil is the fight. Christian theologians like St. Augustine
took the expression even further, as when he argued that the three human
faculties of memory, intellect and will were a mirror to the Holy Trinity.
As above, so below.
Modern man sees the world in a much different way. In fact, the words of
the ancient Greek philosopher Protagoras summarize the state of modern
spirit rather well: Man is the measure of all things. Plato and Aristotle
both criticized for this relativism, but it seems that Protagoras spirit
lives. For modern man, a party to take the red pill, and piercing the fog
modern means recognizing a higher power that orders and moves the universe.
4. Ora et labora & # 8221. (St. Benoît de Nursie, Regula)
Amid the wreckage of the ancient Roman Empire, a very ordinary person has
done something extraordinary: he left. Benedict was a noble in the Italian
town Nursia who realized he needed to stop running the rat race of
aristocratic power struggle with all money-hungry merchants and petty
bureaucrats in his city.
He took the ultimate red pill and realized that he could acquire something
much more valuable if he could find peace, so he made a long journey into
the countryside to live a simple set of practices known as the Rule. He was
joined by many others, and soon, Benedictine monasticism was the most
widespread cultural movement in history.
Benedict famous injunction, work and pray, perfectly captures the need for
calm. Those who work only fritter their lives serving businesses and
overlords far pencil pushers, while suppressing other deep, human needs.
Together, work and prayer are the two halves of a whole: the fervent
ambition to accomplish and go up, and the prayerful recognition that this
life is not all there is, and what comes next is much more important.
It is interesting to note that Benedict XVI, who has left the world to find
peace and quiet, became the founder of a monastic order who built amazing
structures, produced brilliant writings, full of leadership positions
influence, acquired great wealth, developed engineering technology and
painted beautiful works of art.

Go and get medieval
Armed with these and other weapons from the wisdom of middle age, you are
equipped to defend against modern confusion and degeneration by having a
vision of the real world that is both consistent and solid.
Remember that you are not a lonely soul wandering in a wasteland; you are a
created being in a vast natural order governed by a deity. If your mind has
this fact alone, you are more red than pilled the great majority of proles
market today s world.
Read more: How to restore civilization by following the example of St.

Friday, July 28, 2017

If you judge others?

There are a few weeks, a piece ROK emphasized that the social laxity has
encouraged bad behavior and extreme individualism. It related to
intelligent products psychologist, Theodore Dalrymple, who showed how the
commitment not to judge others amounted to a refusal to learn from the
experience and have caused criminal negligence cases.
Indeed, rotating a blind eye to crime and criminality have allowed
criminals to rape and kill freely & # 8212; For a two year old child killed
by his father dark triad Dalrymple mentions what happened in Rotherham.
These cases could have been easily avoided if only the authorities were
allowed to do their job and if common sense could prevail without constant
interference leftist.
However, although the lack of judgment is a real problem, it is only one
side of the larger trend. Many leftists judge. They had no problem sliding
the hippie attitude nonjudgmental alleged 60s to a severely coercive
"Do not be racist! "
"Do not be right! "
"Follow fashion! "
"You are privileged! Accept whatever groups "minority" professional cast
you and shut up! "
Behind the hysteria that stinks "f *** ing white men! "Is a very judgment
will apply for a hostile notion of" social justice. " SJWs are willing to
judge people and shame. They do feel bad & # 8212; & # 8212 not full of
remorse, when they see their tactics fail. Even those who protest shaming
fat have no problem expressing dark judgments against those they
call "fascist" or something like that.
Here I would like to clarify some of the general disorder commitment has
helped create a nonjudgmental sort of philosophical approach.
Basic questions

The philosophy, or at least a way to do this is to formalize and abstract
general questions. Particular cases always involve a variety of factors and
it is easy to get stuck inside a subjective point of view too. When a
question is considered abstractly and concepts, and when specific cases are
used as examples rather than in the center, it becomes much easier to ask
seriously and consider possible responses.
In the case of judgment, I would say that the questions are:

What is deemed, both positively and negatively?
Who judge?
Is it possible not to judge?
In that case, is it good or better not?

The last question is the most complex of all and therefore comes after them
in logical order. It also seems most makes sense that it is closer to the
practice: if I judge that the expired food should not be consumed, the
judgment is obviously useful to protect me against the health consequences
in danger.
On the other hand, one could say that if I go beyond the judgment, without
rejecting it completely, I could eat expired food in order to experience
its effects, to see if they are really harmful, slightly uncomfortable or
quite negligible.
When extended to the social sphere, the judgment may be a conservative or
function "progressive", regardless of the exact nature of which is to
retain or promote. Edmund Burke urged philosophers to be respectful of the
wisdom, although they did not understand its reasonableness or legitimacy
to judge. (((Jonah Goldberg))) hiding behind a mask Burkean when he argued
that "the nature of training institutions [should] gently coerce (persuade)
children & # 8212; and remind adults and # 8212; to worship our open, free
and tolerant culture on the other ".
Of course, the same "judgmentalism" can be found in popular wisdom can also
be used by engineers or social interest groups to change what is generally
regarded as common sense, and that Goldberg defends a cultural identity
worthy looks more like the absence of real identity. In all cases the shame
can be understood as a tool with a social purpose.
Entangled problems mentioned above is related field: responsibility. Can we
at least nominally be held responsible for his actions or the state, and if
so, should we be? Depending on the answer to this question is the ability
of shame or not.
Leftists are misleading distinction between being a whale earth and is
ashamed to be a blob self wasted. They also confuse their own categories
with external reality to engrave first in the second: when a libtard
said, "we have the right to make you feel that you are a racist if you
behave like a racist," it means " let you lock in our anti-white,
mutilating anthropology, narrative reality denies, and submit to our
categories and judgment, freethinker without value ".
If you accept the implied assertions and shame behind their use of the word
r as legitimate, you open the way to be judged and humiliated by their
story and value judgments & # 8212; regardless of their truth or the real
utility. However, if you answer something like "no, whites have the right
to exist and you are responsible to shame in self-defense and
self-preservation, you liberal manipulative" challenge you validity of
their endpoint.
A social mess
"This is perfectly normal, and Muslims bombings are OK, but the far right
is intolerable! "
It all seems simple enough as long as we consider the concepts, phrases and
simplistic situations. Philosophy can acquire mastery over the fundamental
ideas and questions. Make raises awareness of its own implicit beliefs and
not that obvious. Anyone who wishes to be decently informed about relevant
life issues should, I think, better read Aristotle's ethics that feed
exclusively on self-improvement sites. But when you begin to apply the
philosophy in the real world, you can see how chaotic is & # 8212; and here
the common sense quickly that philosophy could tediously half-do.
The red pill in itself implies an almost philosophical question when you
start to notice how the "normal" is not normal at all and why it is so.
Like Plato, Aristotle and later say, philosophy begins with wonder, when
the world seems normal or common we live shows us a strange inconsistency.
Before we met on the Internet, many of us have had experiences red pill.
Our consciousness drifting of the story and we began to see through taboos,
countless rules and all the things that structures the narrative & # 8212;
normies and want to continue to take for granted.
Perhaps the greatest power of all is the possibility of imposing his story
on the minds of others. Without constraint, without violence,
epistemologically one dominates others by the values ​​and the "facts" they
take for granted. The greatest power is to determine what is "normal."
cultural struggle is one of the highest political struggles. (Source)
We support with the Liberals to enforce different versions of normality. We
know this is not normal in the absolute, non-relative or transient sense
that transsexuals are celebrated, that criminals are constantly excused as
irresponsible sluts are constantly saved from the consequences of their own
behavior, that threats death are celebrated if done by
individuals "minority" against whites. The current year 'normality' is a
hopeless nightmare, an endless stream of injustice and ugliness that drowns
confidence left and outright killing whites.
Julius Evola Riding the Tiger, which makes a similar diagnosis when
Freudo-Marxist assault 60s, advised its readers to withdraw to their inner
citadel. It is good to do so because as long as the withdrawal is temporary
and used to gain a critical advantage & # 8212; not when it becomes
synonymous with backup down or autism. Just as philosophy was on public
forums before it is led by academics in their ivory tower, a fair
conscience, should be balanced basis for recasting the disorder rather than
ignore it.
The left has worked hard to inject the "racism" and "xenophobia" in the
usual speech and thought. He did everything possible to direct people by
blocking the normal means of thought. Similarly, we need to turn the mess
on himself by deconstructing the leftists categories of thought, setting
out or laughing out, trolling by libtards and everything else.
Even then, what we do may seem messy analytical point of view of philosophy
as well. Alt sphere has no rigid system of thought. We act rather by a
sense of things and a willingness to do normal normal again as very formal
principles. It is therefore difficult to propose ready-made answers to the
questions above: they are more a reflection of support for an absolute
basis, and the answers may look different from person to person. The
diversity of ideas in the Alt sphere can be our strength as long as the
internal disagreements remain on the side.
Are we more or less judgment that leftists? The question may seem
irrelevant when we criticize their alleged commitment not to judge, is in
fact misplaced. For just as the judges left X harder than Y, or in judging
refrain Y or having a bias against Y, we do the same thing but with
different Xs and Ys.
I think I can rightly say that we want a healthy ability to judge fatties,
social parasites of various types, the attackers wellness,
family-destroyers, criminals in general ... as we find the unjustified
smear rich people as rich, or against contractors or against masculinity.

When the white baby boomers laugh with (((D))) because they find that their
peers are committing suicide is funny, they feel normal and be a laugh. We
find just as outrageous and want greater solidarity and respect. Everyone
judge, all the time. Everybody must & # 8212; even considering the most
insignificant things, as possible path is better to go home after work.
The virtue of fair trial

As for today, we could say that people have red pilled take control of the
company howling destroyers and the blue earth pilled in general. In the
longer term, the distinctions and the traditional roles will reassert
Not because of wanting to "supremacy" as followers of power left want to
believe, but because it makes for a balanced, stable world, healthy and
rewarding goodness, and because goddamit! our civilization was essentially
ours before (((little gray men))) began to tear the turning of society into
hostile groups.
Those most had no particular right to do so: they acted "force is just"
fashion, although more subtly than by the use of open force. The standards
and handling of common sense is more legitimate in itself than hitting your
neighbor because you think its ugly clothes.
In the short term, good judgment follows the decision pilled red
consciousness, no matter who does it. In the long run, finer and more
orderly distinctions will reassert itself. Just be careful that
neomasculinity not be taken hostage, for example, by thugs who take over
the name of their own notion of manhood.
Knowing how to judge when to express his judgment, how, what not to judge
and adjust its judgment to the specific circumstances of a stay in a real
virtue. There is a capacity of a Hönes day after day, time after time, for
years and # 8212; even decades.
It may be too harsh, say, criticize or exaggerating too small details, as
they may be too complacent ignoring important issues or complaining of
problems while staying warm words about their causes. I remember a baby
boomer who could ignore bullies & # 8212; in children, it was supposed to
care about & # 8212; but I do fuss about bread crumbs on the uncleaned
common table.
This kind of blatant misjudgment is painful to the child who feels
misplaced, unfair, and it is hypocritical. Fortunately, we are not children
and I know that many millennials whose judgment seems much better than the
baby boomers.

Aristotle was right about the golden ratio, the Stoics were right To have
high standards, those granted unconditional "rights" of all that was wrong
and cunning crybully most if not all of the last century idols mainstream
were wrong. Is his judgment? It is. Yet there is more judgment than average
hamstering your SJW, and contrary to this, it is (in) right.
Read more: It's in our nature to judge others

The Bible does not justify the ardent Zionism Among Christians

Peace, grace and mercy to all of the Lord Jesus Christ. There are three
groups of people to whom God wants to speak to me; is Christians who
automatically ALLY one of these three groups in the modern state of Israel.
The vast majority of Christians I have met are Zionists. They marry not
only a Jewish right to a homeland in Israel, but they refer to Jews as & #
8217 God; s Chosen People and believe it is their duty as good Christians
to defend Israel no matter what.
When I ask if Christian Zionism is a valid position to take, I do not ask
if they believe in Jewish law in their own homeland. I believe that every
group of people should have their own country if they have a desire.
Instead, I speak of reflexive posture of submission and subservience shown
by Christian Zionists toward the State of Israel in the belief that doing
so bring blessings from God.

In this article, I will examine the position of Christian Zionism both
biblical and ethical point of view. But before some items decide to qualify
with insults, I d like to explain something first.
As I mentioned on my site, I was born and raised in Reform Judaism. It's as
close as you can get to secular humanism while maintaining a veneer of
religion, and I even went to Israel for my Birthright trip at the age of 26
However, I did not have a relationship with God or a belief in religion at
all until much later in life. In fact, I was not saved by the Lord Jesus
Christ to become born-again until I d been by atheist phase, a New Age
stage, and even a brief Luciferian phase.
In other words, what I'm about to write is not the result of some sort of
bias. It is the result of many years of serious philosophical study and
discovery, ultimately leading to my salvation to the end of 2015.
That's when all my illusions were blown away, and the truth is undoubtedly
know me. As said, we break s Christian Zionism and see if it's a biblically
sound position to hold.
The Abrahamic Covenants

To defend their position as Zionists, most Christians refer to the
covenants God made with Abraham and his descendants in the Old Testament.
In exchange for Abraham's agreeing to murder his own son and deliberately
cut off part of his penis, the Old Testament, God made some alliances with
God said to Abraham in Genesis 12: 2-3, & # 8230; I will make of thee a
great nation and I will bless you and make your name great, and you shall
be a blessing. And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him who
curses you; and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed & # 8221.
We read in Genesis 3:18 p.m.,. The same day the Lord made a covenant with
Abram, saying, your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt
unto the great river, the river Euphrates
Finally, we read in Genesis 17: 7-8, and establish my covenant between me
and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting
covenant, to be a God unto thee and to thy seed after thee. And I will give
to thee and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger,
all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their
God & # 8221.
Based on these verses (and some others later in the Torah), Christians
recognize that the Israelites were the chosen people of God in the Old
Testament. That the Jewish people in Israel are in power actually
descendants of Israelites said blood is a question for another time and #
8211, but a question that should (clearly) of vital importance.
After all, if the Jewish people in Israel are in power are not the
descendants of ancient Israelites blood, then there should be no reason for
most Christians to defend as the Old Testament's writings. I have read both
sides of this argument, and I think it is very important to study.
There is a big difference between those who Jesus called those who say they
are Jews but are not, and those called Peter & # brothers Israelites 8221.
Anyway, this is the node the problem starts.
covenants fulfilled
The same Christians who refer to the Old Testament alliances to defend
their belief in Israel & # 8221 Chosen People; turn around very quickly and
say & # 8211; when it best fits the argument in hand & # 8211; than . the
Old Covenant was fulfilled by Jesus and are under NEW Pact now instead
They make this argument & # 8211; which is totally incompatible with their
beliefs mentioned above in the covenants of the Old Testament & # 8211;
when presented with questions such as why do? T follow the dietary laws of
the Old Testament or why didn t you circumcise your son & # 8221 ?;
During the passage of their argument we're now under the New Alliance side,
many Christians cite Paul's letters on the subject. They are correct in
their assertion that Paul believed the Old Testament had no other meaning
or purpose after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
 The Old Testament was a joke, bro. & # 8211; St. Paul
There are whole chapters in the New Testament specifically devoted to
answer the question whether the Old Covenant & # 8221; is still relevant.
In Galatians 3: 28-29, Paul summarizes his answer to this question with the
following passage & # 8230;
There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male
and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ,
you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Paul wrote & # 8211; in very ambiguous terms & # 8211; that the heirs of
God's promise to Abraham are now those who follow Christ.
If Christ's heartbreaking removed the veil of separation between Jews and
Gentiles, opening the Kingdom of God for all who believe in Him & # 8230;
so how could a Christian justify still believing that only a particular
group of people are favored by God?
More importantly, how could they justify believe that the only people
favored by God are those who rejected his son and the Gospel? It's a crazy
thing to believe.
As it should be noted, that Paul preached on this subject is not what
Christ really living preached during his ministry. In fact, it is the
opposite polar.
As mentioned in the Gospels (the New Testament writings outside Paul's
letters), Jesus was clear about his belief that the Old Testament
commandments to follow. Even more, he insisted that his teachings were only
for the Jews. Paul the decision to cancel these instructions of Christ has
been widely debated since the day he did.
That's why the Jews early Christian sects, such as the Nazarenes and
Ebionites, rejected completely Paul and his anti-Torah message. They
followed what the living Christ said, and followed the Old Testament
commandments to the letter.
Therefore, the Jewish Christians like the aforementioned groups (and modern
sects such as the Jewish synagogue) Messianic could justify their defense
of Israel if its modern leaders were actually descendants of the ancient
Israelites. However, any Christian who believes in Paul's message must
necessarily reject Zionism as an unscriptural heresy.
The ethical defense of others

Now that we have examined the Old vs. New Alliance dilemma, we will move to
consider whether it's really ethical to defend a particular group of people
& # 8211; no matter what they do.
I think that is a rather dangerous position to take, and which leads to
very negative logical conclusions. After all, if one has composed a s
spirit to defend a person or group of people, no matter what they do, then
is there a point where we could hold that person or persons responsible?
Are there so vicious crime, an act so heinous, that your sense of decency
(or self-preservation) would come into play and you would defend yourself
from them, instead of defending these actions?
Or, if Israeli politicians are & # 8217 God; s Chosen People that can not
hurt, do you just turn their eyes to something bad they are for fear of
offending God?
This is a very serious matter, as the Old Testament says only those who
curse Israel will be cursed in turn. It puts man thinking in a difficult
situation if he believes in the Old Testament and ignores Paul's thoughts
on the subject.
Of course, the problem is easily solved if it is true that the Jewish
people running Israel currently have no blood relationship to ancient
biblical Israelites. If that's the case, not only Christians are under no
obligation to defend them without thinking, but we can also safely hold
them accountable for their actions without fear of divine retribution.
Read more: How American Christians have been manipulated in Love Israel

TV series "Confederate" will be used to humiliate and Castigate Southern whites

The developers of the popular & # 8216; Game of Thrones TV series (((D. B.
Weiss))) and (((David Benioff))), recently announced that their next
television project will be a dystopian alternate history called & # 8216; &
# 8216 Confederate;. It will be in a world where the Confederacy won the
Civil War, and the union of the Dixie states are still fully operational by
the end of 2010 s.
Well now, if the Confederacy won the Civil War, it had to be just right
It is true that at present there are only what we can speculate on the
project. However, if there is one thing we know for sure, it will act as
little more than a several million dollars and shaming white room
white-guilt mistress. More than 150 years in the making.
Both Jews shows developers will ensure that & # 8216; & # 8217 Confederate;
white Southerners will play as badly as possible, sanctify blacks,
completely omit the Jewish involvement in the slave business, and we hope
to get as many non-white Americans as possible to molest more Caucasians
and reiterate the dangers of white supremacy in real life.
The Premise Bullshit
"Confederate" will be set in an alternate universe where the South seceded
successfully EU and remains the Confederate States of America, and
wake "results in a nation where slavery remains legal and evolved into a
modern institution. " The two countries will continue to have antagonistic
relationships with each other, the Mason-Dixon line for all kinds DMZ
between the two countries.
Further, according to the press, "the story follows a broad band of
characters ... freedom fighters, slave hunters, politicians, journalists,
abolitionists, the leaders of a slave conglomerate and families people in
their Thrall. "

The reality today
The announcement of this show seems almost like prophecy, as little more
than a month ago I wrote an article titled 4 Flagrant lies about the
American Confederation & # 8220;, highlighting some of the myths most
grotesque that people on the (mostly) keep regurgitating political left on
the civil war. In fact, the very first point in this article was the
classic argument dissident If the South had won, we would still have
slavery & # 8221;.
While the Confederation indeed live and die with the institution of slavery
(the country only existed for four years in the early 1860 s), the
presumption that a C.S.A. Hypothetical still keep modern sub-Saharan
Africans as property is an absolute nonsense. Yet so many blue pilled
African Americans, liberals, or just those lacking outright in simple
historical and international knowledge, vehemently refuse to reject the
Wait for s this? Brazil was the last Christian Western country to abolish
slavery in 1888? And a black Muslim country called Mauritania practice yet?
Oh & # 8230; .. I'll have to get back on it & # 8221;.
As I mentioned (and the agreement of history with me 100%), the country of
Brazil was the last Western Christian nation to abolish slavery in the year
1888. A combination of radical changes in the air of moral time of the
West, and a series of major technological advances in agriculture, made
slavery both hopelessly outdated and 100% economically impractical at the
There is absolutely no reason to believe that a hypothetical Confederate
victory in the 1860 s as would the institution of slavery go the way of the
dodo in a maximum of 25 years for similar reasons, or matching bit close to
1880 & # 8217; s well as Brazil.
At the extreme, the whole concept of slavery Confederate see the first
light of day the 20th century is laughable absurd because there is no doubt
that the country would have faced severe international condemnation,
isolation and sanctions trade in the British Empire, french colonial
Empire, German Empire, and now fractured (but recovered) in the United
States. In simple terms, both economic suicide and public relations with
the world's largest economies in the late 19th century.
Beyond the West, slavery did not end finally in imperial China until 1910,
and it was not until the mid 20th century in many Arab countries
desperately backward (but! Is the religion of peace Remember). Moreover,
none of the non-white cultures are felt any guilt or shame being for their
late bloomer / Manumission post-1900 process.
But oh well, let him live left by their emotional hyperbole and signaling
virtue, instead of the factual and rational reflection on the broader
historical events. The (first world) to the south would still slavery in
2017 & # 8243;. Let me direct you to the auction of slaves following week
in Charlotte & # 8230;
Shouting Cultural Marxists
Oh, look at all those & # 8221 silent; white Southerners. They're so
ignorant & # 8221; aren t they? 😉
Fortunately, many people aren t put up with this crap, even if it is
ultimately sterile protest online. People can read the fine print and know
damn well this series is going to do nothing but humiliate tacitly Whitey
attempt to turn African Americans against Whitey, and try to remember the
country that white supremacy night to everybody. Therefore, massive
non-white immigration policy must remain a national priority.
In the meantime, keep an eye for at least several of the following
attributes cultural Marxists at this Hollywood diarrhea hits the small
South Nazis although Suh (Mr.), I have reason to believe you are hiding
runaway slaves under your floorboards. Do you deny Suh & # 8221 ?;

Innuendo that C.S.A. maintained peaceful relations or even support (similar
to or even beyond authoritarian Spain) with fascist Germany and Italy in
World War era. This despite the C.S.A. being a constitutional republic,
which would have scorned any notion of authoritarianism / fascism.
The Confederation is a true white supremacy always the dream left. All
non-whites are 2nd class people who can not vote and have to give up their
seats, tip their hats, no side on the trails, and open doors for whites
without expectation of reciprocity.
The slaves are beaten with whips on a regular basis. Expect lots of
close-ups back plan bloodied faces in distress and crying, tearful and
melodramatic music is to instill maximum white guilt and anger among the
maximum Hillary and Bernie bots.
Complete omission or mention of Jewish slave owners or traders, despite
large Jewish involvement in the slave trade. It must be 100% white
White southerners will atrocious IQ temperature sounding accents and a
The slaves will be bought, traded or sold on smartphone applications like
tinder (called!).
Waffle House chain imitation will consist of slaves. & # 8217 MB; Suh
groats (Mr.) & # 8221 ?;
Chick-Fil-A imitation chain even refuse service to free blacks (a literal
interpretation of the joke that expensive fast food is a & # 8221 white,
place to eat).
 Dog The Bounty Hunter as reality TV shows after the hunters of runaway
The southern white women having sex with black male slaves & # 8211; (By
the love and mutual consent, and to leave their boring husband and
possessing beta slave).
The white South having sex with black slaves & # 8211; (Via rape only).

It seems that the efforts of those in Hollywood and the media to divide and
conquer more races not cease.
Read more: The Truth about Black Slavery in the Americas

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Stop trying to convince the girls to sleep with you

Recently, a reader asked me a question about the construction of a harem &
# 8212; more specifically, the question was, How do I even begin & #
8221 ?; Indeed, it can be difficult for so many women to date the urgent
problem is to get a phone number, or to get a woman on a date.
In reality, much of life revolves around sales & # 8212; sell. Need a job?
Sell ​​yourself. Need a scholarship? Sale. Want a date? Sell ​​yourself.
You want to fuck that hot girl? Again & # 8212; sell, sell, sell.
However, there will always be a target market for the sale. How do you
think the sale of diet pills to a group of bodybuilders do? Probably not so
well. But changing this target market to a group of girls who love Oreos
fat and suddenly you're a rich man. Similarly, you would not try to sell to
eat a chicken salad for lunch with the girls, but to bodybuilders.
In reality, the game works the same way is that you should go after the
appropriate target audience. You should look for girls Yes & # 8212; those
who are intrigued by you and will put you through hoops unless you have sex
with them. It's much better filter for girls and filter YES NO girls. Try
to convince the girls not to love you is an exhausting battle, demoralizing
and often unsuccessful.
If you try to sell these diet pills for bodybuilders, you would t invest
the time and energy trying to change his mind. You take them to & # 8220,
no & # 8221; and move immediately to the next target. YES Search the girls
in the game and your life will be much easier.
What is a girl Yes?

There is an old saying (don t ask me who invented it), you need n t game as
long as the girl is in compliance with you & # 8221.
And this is very, very true. Do you think Justin Bieber needs game?
Definitely not. It just filters down for girls who will say yes to it, and
leaves behind not just the girls. It doesn t need them, after all. Girls
are consistent whether they just go with it.
For those of us without millions of fan girls, things are a little more
difficult, but not impossible. In the case of the cold approach, you want
to be looking for girls who have an engaging conversation with you. Not the
ones that make you fight tooth and nail for every inch of conversation. In
the online world, girls who are consistent and give you their number and
agree on a date are much better options instead of those who throw endless
testing your way (But why need my number & # 8221 ;).
So how much do you invest in trying to get a number? If in doubt, it is
always best to get a number for the sake of having another advance not.
Just don t invest too much energy for them, but you never know when things
might turn around. This leads me to my second point.
Remember nature Fickle

Despite what I wrote above, as I said, & # 8212; there are exceptions. And
girls are fickle, fickle creatures. Sometimes it's just a thing you say a
girl who turns not right in a girl yes (or sometimes even vice versa).
Each of your interactions should be a direct funnel to get what you want
and # 8212, mostly sex. A daughter of the job is to dissuade you from this
path, in the form of off-topic conversations, shit tests, and more. Always
redirect and put her on the way you want it on. That means getting her
number, out on a date, and then entered the bedroom. Think of it as a trip
& # 8212; you re going to have to make stops to eat and fill the tank, but
you get back on the highway to the destination.
Of course, in this metaphorical example, a girl is free to be left on the
side of the road at any time & # 8212; and fine. Sometimes it's the nature
of the beast. You must leave the girls behind. For one reason or another,
they will warm to cold. It's important to remember that the part of the
game. Maybe his dog died. Maybe in that time of the month and she's moody.
The exact details not important gift, but you continue to filter for girls
Set up a system

It's so important to remember things to systematize some extent. While I
don t think you need played-out pickup lines, having an idea of ​​a
conversation system (or messages, if you use online dating) you know you
gets results is excellent.
Is it time to develop a system that works for you? Absolutely. Trial and
error is the only way. It's going to depend on where you live, your style
and your attitude you take towards the game and life. Some guys go on dates
and such as serious and mysterious James Bond. Other guys go on dates in
order to just have a good time. You need to understand what works for you.
But once you understand what works for you & # 8212; stick to it. Keep
yourself system that works. Always move forward and if it isn t aboard & #
8212; it goes away. Put girls through your system and be absolutely brutal
on the rules of engagement. As for the girls, take yes and fuck the rest.
You want to start building your own funnel girls? Learn how in my book.
More: 3 things I learned from meeting a Ukrainian girl for one year

The Transsexual Lobby Dictates now under the criminal justice system

Recently, the company looks more Roman decadence as described in Juvenal's
Satires. Historical parallels are hard to miss. Indeed, Juvenal may be the
grandfather of the right alt as Ovid was the grandfather of the AUP. Yet it
seems that we can be Exceeding Rome's decadence. The latest evidence is the
order of the day transsexual dictating the prison system. Let's see how it
has developed over time.
Richard Speck
(Caution & # 8212; t the following may be invisible.)

The first notable transsexual in prison was Richard Speck, a criminal
usually drunk career, and overall a bad man and dirty that nobody wants to
know. In 1966, he raped and killed eight nursing students. One survivor hid
and later identified. This oxygen thief was convicted and sentenced to up
lightning, but the story doesn t end there.
Although guilty as hell, in 1971, the Supreme Court ruled that his
conviction for the death penalty was unconstitutional & # 8221; if the
state of Illinois should be redone. The following year, he became a moot
point, since the Liberal SCOTUS has canceled all sentences to the death
penalty in the United States. So Speck won again convicted of 400-1200
years. Although it was made in a difficult security prison at most seems he
breathed. As a summary describes:
In May 1996, five years after his death, a pornographic video secretly in
prison began broadcasting on Chicago WBBM-TV showing female mass murderer
wearing the pants, use drugs, having sex and boasting living the good life
at Stateville prison. A total spoiled legislators of Illinois, the band
seems to have been shot in 1988, shows the management Speck $ 100 bills and
sniffing through a huge pile of coke. At one point, he says, if they only
knew how much fun I was here, they turn me loose & # 8221.
A mine Speck women seemed to have taken shots of hormones and, as Bobby Joe
Long killer companion appeared sporting a pair of breasts. It is unclear
how the Jailhouse Tarrantinos got the equipment to do their porn video. In
addition two other prisoners Speck appear on the tape, Speck's black lover,
or in the jargon of the prison, his dog, and the filmmaker himself appears
in passing in a line of coke. After viewing the video, representative of
the State of Illinois, Al Salvi said Speck behavior and others suggest they
run the place and # 8221. On the tape, the convicts do not seem worried
about getting caught. At one point Speck admits killing eight nurses saying
that just wasn & # 8217; Does their night & # 8221. For years, he claimed
to have blacked out on drugs, and couldn not remember anything about the
It's been speculated that become punk jail with chemically induced breast
is a means of survival, or perhaps a strange form of atonement. However,
given his statements, these explanations gift t heist. He clearly wasn t
afraid anything, and he was partying it behind bars.
No doubt the female hormones (like the dope) were to be smuggled However,
this year, all that. S different. In some places that will be provided by
the state, because constitutional rights.
Robert Kosilek
Cuter than Andrea Dworkin at least.
Unlike Richard Speck, Robert Kosilek (who now goes by Michelle) first took
female hormones as a young adult and grew breasts. Despite this, he is
married, but & # 8212; as you can guess & # 8212; didn t turn things well.
As legal documents say
About two and a half years later, in October 1992, the defendant gave a
series of interviews recorded at a TV news reporter. An audio tape
recording of the interview sessions was played for the jury. During the
interview, the defendant stated that, on the day of the murder, he and the
victim had an argument; the victim threw the boiling tea in the defendant's
face; He then knocked the victim down; she caught a butcher's knife and
driven defendant in another room, threatening to kill; he picked up a piece
of wire that was on a table; and that was all he could remember until he
woke up days later in the hospital. The defendant in the interview he
probably due to the trauma of it & # 8230; entered a blackout at that time
& # 8221. He also said, apparently I take his life. It was probably in self
defense & # 8221.
We don t have the woman's side of the story, of course, because she's dead.
She had been strangled with both a string and a piano string. That sounds
strangely like the suicide of Rudolf Hess. Anyway, note that leaving piano
wire loops on your coffee table is simply bad luck. Don t do.
In 1993, Kosilek was convicted by a Massachusetts court to life without
parole, and became famous for filing lawsuits on transgender issues. In
2002, the court granted hormone therapy and psychiatry, based on the 8th
Amendment protection against cruel and unusual punishment. Ten years later,
a district court ruled that the denial of sex change surgery was also
unconstitutional. Thus, the refusal of sex change operations lifers is the
same moral category as drawing and quartering.
And taxpayers foot the bill
At least he had not been a bad hair day.
Barriers Trailblazers above are met at the exit. The agenda transgender
reached full convergence in California (of course). The State has used the
deadly gas now give them free sex changes. The New York Times:
The policy, which took effect this week, was born of a pair of successful
lawsuits filed by inmates. In one, a federal court ordered the State in
April to provide surgery to a prisoner, which advocates transgender hailed
as a historic victory, but the prisoner was paroled when that decision was
appealed, makes moot point.
Then, after years of struggle against these requests, the state settled
another case in August, agreeing to surgery to Shiloh Quine, a convicted
murderer formerly known as Rodney J. Quine, who is serving a life
sentence . California prisons already given hormone treatment for
transgender prisoners, but experts said the settlement Quine was the first
time a state had agreed to reassignment surgery funded by the taxpayer for
an inmate.
I do not like California, for all its faults (geological and other), but
come on, people! Indeed, early in 2017, Shiloh céleste Quine & # 8212; a
former lifer 57 & # 8212; became the first to receive a sex reassignment
surgery at taxpayer expense. Who says crime doesn t pay?
As indicated in the article:
Ms. Quine says a prison psychologist who recommended him for the operation
he would bring a "drastic internal completeness. "
Thus, history has a comforting end, right? As for Quine of the victim, it
doesn t have the ability to self-realization, of course, because he's dead.
logical time
To deny someone an emergency appendectomy would be cruel and unusual
punishment, but nobody dies of not getting elective surgery. That right & #
8212; doesn a sex change operation t really turn a man into a woman; it is
just a cosmetic surgery.
It is a controversial issue. There are two ideas about what a trans-woman:

A woman trapped in a man's body; or
A delusional man who thinks is a woman.

The first proposal isn t supported by hard science, although psychologists
programs offer a lot of gibberish. Occam's Razor supports the second
proposal. delusional people certainly exist. They're easily observable,
unlike female souls (men's bodies populating that can t prove). So why
exactly are highly controversial and unproven psychological concepts
treated as Scripture?
Criminal trannymania is limited to liberal states like California and
Massachusetts? Apparently not. In 2013, authorities in Harris County, Texas
ruled that the detainees will be placed in prison by sex as they claim to
be. Before that, the Harris County jail was notorious mostly for pizza that
tastes like cardboard with cheese baked on top. (So ​​what do they do if
someone claims to be non-binary or an attack helicopter?) If Juvenal were
still there, it would be (? Or forward) have had spiritual things to say
about the law lean back to the order of the day transsexual.
More: Pentagon to allow Transvestites to serve in the US Army will pay for
sex change surgery