Monday, July 10, 2017

Losers blue pill invade the digital nomad community and turn it into a safe space

Feminists, Marxists inclusionists and flooded the digital nomad public
sphere. Since I find remarkable competence in digital nomads, it's been a
personal pain for years to observe liberal influencers rake in mass
followings and install a belief system can be best described as radical
self-denial in the minds of talent promising. The digital nomad lifestyle
is one of the few chances still left to man seeking freedom both enjoy life
and offer resistance.

Representation of radical self-denial (Kosmocentrism) during a presentation
for impact entrepreneurs in San Francisco
Radical Altruisme Product Lack
Most powerful digital nomads influencers advocate radical self-denial and
constantly attack egocentrism, ethnocentrism, spiritual, gender or
generational centrism, and many other identity and belonging circles. With
this, they are almost as Rotarians or Kalergi proponents of the Plan.
This very Marxist point of view has led many nomads and nomads future to
sing with the warriors of social justice. They crave welfare of people on
stage and push real skill, sobriety and strategy planning down to earth
from them. Crippling mind, the fall of the level, the nomad becomes like
any other libtard. How sad when this happens.
Contaminated with beliefs such as white guilt, colonial humiliation, the
radical tolerance and radical inclusionism, gender roles Hollyweird,
politically correct, taxpayers media in faith, the metrosexual apologetic
attitude, non-violence, pacifism, Rainbow acceptance Nazi and all those
other obstacles, you "re kept the full term male. The "good" news: you will
quickly make friends at the digital nomad public or impact the sphere
gatherings like DNX, Beehive, Bioneers, Summit Nomad, Nomad Cruise and your
remaining host Whatchamacallits.

easily fall right then educated men generally plagued by the blue pill
No place for frank discussions in the DN-Safe Space
If you have actually spent years traveling and returned an experienced
veteran battle with all the facts and wisdom, be prepared for
disappointment. Personally, I am badly attacked by the German journalist
and feminist blogger sexual SPIEGEL leftist Theresa Lachner after the first
critical crime of German immigrants and immigration policy. I then received
my "death blow" as an influencer DN when it mobilized the community against
me since I do apologize for sharing how much I did not like being awakened
at 6 am by inciting Muslim prayers religious violence in southern Thailand
Koh Lanta. This led to a lot of my associations being canceled, with the
famous DN Tim Chimoy (CitizenCircle) in mind.
Another example is when I helped Marcus Meurer, German DN Kingpin retrieve
his cell phone of an armed assailant in Berlin, risking my life using my
own blade. This particular reduces my reach and interactions. A Hive I
talked about the option of murderous repression of deep robotics government
and rejection suffered again, though discreet.
Mention the Protocol Samson Israel Defense Forces or that feminists in
power have transformed Sweden into a Disneyland for rapists in less than a
decade and the complete censorship practices to cover the whole is a
surefire way to make you social evil . Try it and watch your next emerges,
if not against you.
These developments are easily proven facts, but even DN you people hung out
for a while you cut immediately if you discuss them. Fortunately, that's
when you tend to find these bros real red pill. Here are some topics off
limits that show the largest digital nomad public is blue pill, just so you
understand where I come from & # 8230;

All subjects in reference to the existence of deep government, even after
all that we know today NSA, etc.
The subjects related to war are often considered inappropriate,
because "bad energy"
Tax justice and many topics concerned with justice, if not for the Marxist
understanding of equality
Game, defects of feminism / female judgment and Masculinism
cultural criticism, Zionist, religious and LGBT (except for the bash
Christianity), the media and criticism of the blue pill system
Super taboo to criticize the political refugees or refugees crime
Civil resistance, armed resistance against criminals, any action that is
not a complete abandonment

Notice how these are very important issues, even interesting. I could go on
and on. The digital nomad moving consumer is in constant siege influencers
trying to make effeminate, toothless and confused. Anyone who speaks
brutally punished if they were of any influence. If they were without
influence, they will now be ignored.
 & # 8221 So what ?; you might ask. The digital nomad sphere is large
enough and there are enough red pilled tribes there, you can choose to make
your home. I think this argument is wrong. I would put the current rate
enough red pilled at 12-15% max and there is a huge problem, and it is
talented waste.

Displays skills in the arts and music festival Cosmic Electro Conversion,
fully identified with radical inclusionism. The event promotes price
discrimination disadvantage the United States and Europe and is supported
by the NuMundo influential impact on Entrepreneurship Network, which in
turn is close to the Burning Man scene is again rich dotted with people who
would well within our ranks were they not 100% brainwashing
Digital nomadism is a peaceful weapon yet very effective against
Consumerist Enslavement
The nomadic real champion red pill is always part of a small minority. Many
are caught in the ideological pitfalls of peace and love-unit-influencers
blue pill. It's a damn shame when appropriate initial drive should become
confused and pussified.
Well educated, perhaps even already half young white fluffy end up as
roadkill, fooled into thinking such as South Africa is a big party and it's
cool to walk home three blocks. Crap crops fail and he aspires to live
there, and belief bubbles and safe spaces do not do well against the blades
and bullets. I tried it, trying to talk the attackers to steal. He's really
a lot smoother if you're packing. But show me the influential nomadic
influencer recommends packing a gun! I believe you when I see it.

For photos like these you would have to start getting heat. Shooting as a
hobby, or deferral, even if we showed we have mental Zen enough to wield
these weapons? Virtually off-limits to the nomadic "respectable", or if the
mainstream will agree
We can not be happy with these losses and humiliations
Nomadic red pill have the choice to either stand still and do business with
traitors and sheep or talk and suffer penalties and banishment. I say let
the more will flow design principles speak to the richness of our ability.
Through relentless endeavor male, we are a growing force to be reckoned
Always remember: We gasoline. ideology is Libtard but sorry, empty history
for losers morons. If we stick to what we know is right, even under fierce
attack, yet we bend, sink and break the boat to and rebuild the desecrated
temple of reason and logic.
On many.
In many, changing.
Change, hope.
Hope, victory.
Hopefully we can end the corrosive blue pill Stranglehold on the mobile
sphere and impact.
Read more: The Pitfalls to be Digital Nomad

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