Monday, July 3, 2017

French President Macron's surprising the world with real leadership ability

The "wisdom" conventional on the new President of France Emmanuel Macron is
that it is just another boring bureaucrat EU, notable only for discussions
surrounding tabloid spouse. Some political observers have predicted that it
will prove to be just another mediocrity in the postwar online mediocre
leaders of France. I argue that this judgment is premature, and that, far
from being a passive observer of political events, Macron showing signs of
becoming a very authoritarian leader. It may well surprise the world.
Note first that Macron is the youngest president to occupy the office. As a
student of philosophy, it is a product of the schools and the most
prestigious institutions in France. Contacts in the financial world (of
which I spoke personally) Macron describe as a very subtle thinker, a man
who is underestimated by almost everyone.
Quietly and behind the scenes, it was aggregates the power in his hands in
a very methodical way. He was helped in this quest along two factors: fear
of French terrorism, and public dissatisfaction with the weak leadership of
its many predecessors.

Some French periodical press have started calling him "Jupiter" as a
humorous reference to its perceived drive to be the ultimate authority. As
a student, he wrote his dissertation on Machiavelli, and is known to be an
admirer of Napoleon and de Gaulle. He has shown a willingness to act on its
own and bypassing parliament, he undertook a reform of the labor code in
France by presidential decree, and is also significantly alter the
anti-terrorist laws in France to give the law enforcement the tools it
needs to fight against the threat.
Monday 3 July, he plans to address both houses of Parliament in Versailles,
which would have been unthinkable in the past presidents. The left parties
have rejected the idea, calling it & # 8221 Pharaonic. It is the kind of
thing that de Gaulle and Louis Napoleon could have, but he was not
experienced in modern times. Perhaps is precisely what the situation
But it is the right choice. Addressing directly the whole Parliament (925
members in total), it sends a clear message that it is responsible and
knows where he is taking the country. This is just the kind of thing a
leader should do in a time of crisis. Displaying an awareness of the need
for alliances, he invited US President Trump in France for Bastille Day, at
a time when Trump is widely reviled in Europe. In all these movements,
Macron practice seems a fundamental principle of politics: take the
initiative, you, the leader, set the terms of debate and shape the
political landscape.
Macron new initiatives are enabling it to hold in check the powerful trade
unions in France, and to set the agenda of internal security policy. One of
the major changes in the field of security is the change to allow the
judiciary to define the scope of the search and seizure, to allow his own
Interior Ministry (led by Gerard Collomb hardcore) to perform this task.
The Interior Ministry will now be able to make arrests, closing mosques
that spew jihadist propaganda, and accelerate the deportation process.
While it remains to be seen whether any of these measures will make a
difference in the security environment, what matters is that the President
focuses on increasing power in his own hands.

In the field of international relations, Macron has demonstrated a
willingness to play both America and Russia against each other: he courted
them both, but has been vague to provide concrete guarantees it is ready to
deliver. He has sacked four ministers-that distant office that are not
performed in its expectations. The word goes out to those who are willing
to listen, a new reformer is in town who is willing to do what is necessary
to do the job. It was rather shameless & # 8211; even arrogant & # 8211; to
put the media firmly in place.
Perhaps the country's crisis mode gave a man like Macron the opportunity to
try to undertake transformative change. People in France are frustrated by
decades of stagnation, weak leadership and terrorist attacks seemingly
endless politicians seem unable or unwilling to resolve. Macron has a
decisive majority in Parliament and will support this benefit; his campaign
book was titled "Revolution" and he clearly intends to make major changes.
In a recent interview with Le Figaro, he said his election was "a beginning
of a French renaissance and hope a European. "
Only time will tell if Macron will be able to make good on his ambitions
and projects. It is too early to say whether his administration will be
just another false start, and empty rhetoric for a nation and continent
desperately needs strong leadership, aggressive. But the first signs are
encouraging, and they go largely unnoticed here in the United States.
We must keep an eye on political developments in France: Macron turned out
to be a political operator and Canny has been greatly underestimated. The
South Korean International Affairs Office will monitor events in France
near the updates in the weeks and months ahead.
Read more: What's win Freemason Emmanuel Macron puppets mean for Western

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