Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Responding to political violence threats

It is an unfortunate fact that political disagreements can use violence.
The left has a long history of this guillotines gulags with terrorism and
urban riots often fashionable. When the law was sick of being repeatedly
attacked, the answers usually include the start parts, death squads, and
one-way helicopter rides.
Some disturbing trends are emerging lately. The basket of deplorable speech
was laughable, but highlights a malicious mindset; Cupcake apparently think
people like us shouldn t exist. Operatives used bird dogging tactics to try
to influence the last elections. In addition, the leftists began to turn
the heat with unknown degrees of riots since the 1960s Radicals often riot,
make threats and use other dirty tactics to censor voices they do not like.
The stories left skate, and now they're acting out of desperation.
I & # 8217, prefers to avoid future violence if possible. It's better if
everything is set to the marketplace of ideas. A simple difference of
opinion shouldn t guarantee difficult. In addition, large quantities of
aviation fuel can be terribly expensive.
Persons of interest
Triggered but unlikely to do anything crazy
I don t have all leftists as enemies. Most are just moderate liberals.
Those tend to be kind and gentle; in fact too good for their own good. They
have been conditioned from a young age through television, schools and pop
culture to believe ideology based on faulty premises, reinforced with guilt
When the Liberals regurgitate points of stupid conversation, try not to be
angry; they're doing as conditioned after years of mental abuse. It's not
easy, but with enough patience and exposure to real facts, they can be
deprogrammed. Until then, let's remember that there's a difference between
being hurt and be hurt.
Those most concerned are the radical leftists. Indoctrination has gone
further for them. They simply does support bad policies of ignorance; they
want to destroy their own society. Some are rebels without a clue; others
are really twisted. Although I hesitate to write people DISCOUNTS
unrecoverable, the fact is that it would take a major epiphany for them to
get their heads screwed right. Unlike the moderate liberals, they're not
for & # 8220 ;; progress they just want to steal the productive destruction
and cause. If the problem occurs, it will come from them.
Today, weaksauce Red Guards
ain t what they were Communists.
don t leftist fighters do as they did. In the past they were a force to and
very determined. A snowflakes squad huddled in a safe space wouldn t be up
to one Vietcong guerrillas. Combat skills of today's radical left are
rather sluggish. They specialize in punches and blows cheap sucker. They do
not like to attack unless they outnumber their opponents significantly, and
even then, they often lose.
For some examples, a dreadlocked Antifag activist began to take 100 scalps
Nazis Berkeley. As soon as she was choking someone, she found it to greatly
overestimated its combat readiness. James Hodgkinson went postal on
Republicans playing baseball, but took a second-order rifle and had a bad
Marxmanship. This fanatical Bernie Sanders injured only four people before
getting the poetic justice of the police. Diane Oughton meteorologists blew
himself up trying to make a bomb. I have a pretty good idea of ​​what she
did wrong, but on general principles, I won t discuss FDI safety tips.
Efforts to increase strength

Since the radical left with a sense are painfully aware that their peers
can punch their t out of a wet paper bag, they tried to build alliances
with violent groups. One of my liberal friends research the agitating
groups who raised hell and cities burned in 2016. (To her credit, she
disapproves of this sort of thing.) She says they're half social justice
Warriors and half the members of gangs. In turn, I clued her in about
globalist funding. As for Antifags, they're in homeless recruiting classes
and seem to function as a cult.
Then there is the curious attempt by leftists to ally with Islamic
radicals. It's been argued that Islam is progressive too, as it was an
improvement over the way things were done before the 7th century Arabia.
All I have to say is that it is not the Dark Ages anymore. Muslim theocracy
has nothing to do with the political left; obviously this is an alliance of
convenience. These people want well-known friends on their side for the
shootings, bombings, riots and driving trucks in the crowd. Bless their
Therefore globalists are so excited to import millions, no end in sight.
However, if they think their signaling virtue inspire Muslims to take
control of them, they're in for a rude awakening. They could also be
shocked to find that pot of transgender rights aren t in the Qur'an.
The case of restraint
The effects of castor oil cure
If someone breaks the peace, it is the law. In any confrontation, don t
rely on impartial legal system. In addition, the trial by media in the
court of public opinion definitely won t be impartial.
Although violent leftists can even reach the status of folk hero, anything
done by the law is always spun the worst possible way. Not only does it
give the left a propaganda victory, but it can also be a convenient excuse
for punitive actions and more repression. For example, the Unabomber hasn t
tarnished environmentalism. However, Timothy McVeigh was used to discredit
the militia movement, although it wasn t part.
In addition, we should try not to ourselves overconfidence. Remember the
words of Gone with the Wind, echoing popular feelings at the time:
Why, we could lick in a month! Gentlemen always fight better than rabble. A
month & # 8212; Therefore, a battle & # 8212;
The political climate could become more tumultuous, but it's too early to
say what the outcome. It depends on factors not (yet) in our control. If
fighting occurs, we should not t be those who start, but we should
certainly those to finish.
proportionate response
WEDGIE TIME! Who s the great, the Red Guard hard now?
I m all for taking heights. But this doesn t mean that we must fight
(either to form, or physically if it comes to that) with both hands tied
behind their backs. The radical left should understand the principle of

If they want a reasoned debate, we can all have a polite discussion.
If they cry to their opponents, they'll get a good dose of return.
If they attack, we will defend ourselves.
If they try to start a revolution, they'll either go to jail or go to hell.

The responses must be proportionate, since this is generally required by
law. This n t the place for a long legal discussion, and I don t have the
technical skills. A basic example is if a guy shoot someone, it doesn t
make it okay to stab him.
There is an old Italian custom called castor oil cure for communism & #
8221;. A Yugoslav saboteur was caught in Fiume (if I well remember the
details). He was an old man, so rather than give him the traditional
punishment, they showed mercy and made him drink instead of castor oil.
This became a tradition involving a Blackshirt, a liter bottle of castor
oil, and a communist soon get a case of Trotskies screaming.
Consider this not as a specific recommendation, but as food for thought.
The castor oil cure for communism took a figurative sense too: showing them
who essentially s boss as gently as possible. What I mean. Remember that
these radicals are spoiled children and must be treated with an appropriate
level of discipline.
Si vis pacem.
Remember the Roman proverb, If you want peace, prepare for war & # 8221.
The aim is not aggression, but deterrence. Your enemies have won t attack
if they fear you.
Preparation is key. If you're not muscular, it time to get in shape. I find
that my physical confidence way, and deters others from starting trouble.
Learn the combat skills. Buy weapons and target shooting practice. We hope
that you have won not need all that, but if you do, you'll be glad you made
the effort.
Read more: The culture of war turns into a hot war

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