Friday, July 7, 2017

Men who love Sex Dolls are a sign that the Grim unrecoverable sex relations

Skip to business with realistic dolls is pretty weird. However, they do not
sell, so what's the deal?
Better than nothing?

Davecat lives with his wife and girlfriend bisexual. This could be the
dream lifestyle for many, unless they re RealDolls (they're more realistic
in appearance than store mannequins, but always in Uncanny Valley
territory). Davecat created backstories developed for their relationships.
It publishes online on their imaginary social life. To his credit, he's
well aware that they are not & # 8220, organic women & # 8212; or to put it
more bluntly, they're not real.
Davecat and others that deep (if you'll pardon the expression) silicone
girlfriends are called iDollators. He hopes one day sex robots take realism
to the next level. In case you were wondering, it's neither virgin nor 600
Maybe s a degree of dildos, vibrators, and cucumbers available to women for
ages. While it's not the most today Bizarro meters, carnal knowledge with a
doll just doesn t appeal to me. Despite my unenthusiasm, I'll listen.
Why would anyone want to hit the dolls?

Davecat cites several reasons:
A synthesis will never lie to you, cheat on you, you criticize, or
otherwise unpleasant. It is rare to find that organic n t have anything
with them, and be able to make a partner of one is even rarer.
I'll find someone who will agree that is consistent, honest and ISN low
drama t always easy. But that's no reason to give up.
& # 8230; & # I n 8217, will never be that Guy Who s aggressively
persuasive. So instead of asking what lass I was with for myself a
boyfriend, I just wouldn t force the hand.
Where do I start? I need a beer & # 8230;
We've all seen relationships where things start fantastically and
eventually fall apart. A friend of mine just divorced after 17 years of
marriage. That's a huge investment of time, money, and emotion, and I'm not
interested in having someone in my life that can bail out at any time, or
turns into an unpleasant person. Ultimately, loving relationship with an
organic woman doesn t seem worth it to me.
He's giving the glass is half empty case, but yanno & # 8230;
I saw a girl organic & # 8212; a co-worker & # 8230; Our relationship began
well, but several months in that, every time I would try to get together
after work with her, she always something to happen. I fight over when I
realized: Why am I wasting my time trying to make him hang around and be a
loving relationship with me, when I have a doll that is in love with me at
home? In addition, there was a bit of a competition with colleague said, as
she was interested in two other guys when she saw me.
Okay, okay, won a doll t flake on you or put you in the last rotation.
Then there was the girl I bought a house with in 2003. I tried to help him
out of a bad relationship. She claimed to be one of my best friends. It
wasn t the least romantically interested in me, but I think if I helped and
she and I lived under the same roof, thereafter it to me more favorably.
Out that didn t happen, as I found out later that she was a pathological
liar with an addiction to coke, and I moved out of the house after living
there for four months. It really drove home to me that I guess I m too
trusting with organic materials.
Neither they nor friend zone you turn into zombies coked-out. During my
days of blue pill, I suffered from two problems, but fortunately not the
same woman.
Gynoids and Androids & # 8230; lack the qualities that make organic
difficult to treat. They would be nice, pleasant, without judgment,
aesthetic and mentally pleasant and & # 8230; The way I see it, your spouse
must be easy going and a joy to come home & # 8230; I think the best way to
achieve this is by humanoid robots.
Correction, I need two beers.
Being in a relationship with an organic synthesis means that stands against
loneliness in conditions that do not harm one. Instead of being miserable,
they're doing something about it, without having to waste time, money and
emotion play silly games to win the transient affections of someone who
might be bad for them in the first place.
Not my choice, although the libertarian argument is logical here.
Moreover, it seems easier for women to find a male partner than organic for
men to find an organic female partner. Women in general are more selective
than men are & # 8230;
Davecat game seems quite unaware, but this observation is impossible to
Many men are alone because they're misogynist pricks, true, but many men
are alone because they meet t & # 8217 women; s expectations. The latter
group can be quite beautiful people, and treat their girlfriends
extraordinarily well, but re shy or unattractive to a certain level, or
what you have.
He back. Obnoxious assholes are in great demand, defying all logic.
Meanwhile, being nicer than the warrants (in terms of mutual interest that
you received) you shot. Goodness unprecedented buy-in is worse than the use
Tell me the lambs, Clarice for a pickup line. It is quite bitter irony (if
possible to work around) for guys determined to have a social life while
remaining honest people.
Our social environment went to hell

Davecat is a man who has given up. He's found an acceptable (to him)
replacement for women. Apparently, banging dolls is just a new safety valve
of the sexual market. It's his life, but this seems a waste of time at
best. While learning the game takes a lot of work, it is not quite as
calculating orbital mechanics on an abacus.
Just a few decades, iDollators would probably have had regular love lives
ultimately leading families. It was much easier for ordinary guys to find
girlfriends to take them seriously and not bust their balls. That is the
tragedy here.
Does sex dolls to be the next big thing for involuntary chaste? Does it
becomes a disruptive technology for the sexual market? Only time will tell.
Feminists still don t get it

Some feminists have learned, and they're pretty unhappy (as always). , They
can still hardly claim against the exploitation of plastic objects. In
fact, they're quite guilty themselves.
Milo Yiannopoulos had this to say about it:
Another reason people might be excited female free sex is obvious: the
sociopath, feminism hating man, we see so many television and in our
newspapers today is in the process of treating men women altogether.
Constant whining about the "toxic
masculinity", "manspreading", "mansplaining," the pay gap between sexes
false and absurd myth of campus rape culture grow the sexes apart, foster
mistrust and fear. [& # 8230;]
In response, men simply check overlooking women and retire in porn and
video games. I call it the "sexodus" and its immediate victims are not men
but women, who are relegated to singledom as men lose interest in them or
are just too tired or afraid of the social consequences of girls
romantically approach. [...]
[M] ost of the reason I'm gay is if I did not deal with crazy chicks.
Imagine how much more they'll get when the tactics of passive aggressive
manipulation cease to function because the guy can do with a thinner,
hotter robot when he wants. They'll go mental.
So there you have it. As I suspected, all gays were born that way & #
8221;. Princess unpleasant attitudes and create complex safety of the
sexual market of valves such as pornography and & # 8221 Escorts, or even
other men and sex dolls.
Really, this should be a call to wake feminists. They inflate the price of
their most precious above durability while polluting society with their
neurotic hostility. Feminists soon be forgotten, the better for everyone.
Read more: How to cope with intense competition Man sexually market

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