Thursday, July 6, 2017

6 tentacles of the leftist power structure that Western society control

The world large blocks of power to represent national interests, religions
and ideologies. They're like icebergs partly visible, but most of the time
below the surface. Openness and transparency aren t exactly fundamentals!
interactions power supply and internal structures

Individuals can operate in more than one. power supplies typically have
sub-groups or constructively (creation of alliances) or not (excessive
factionalism). They can attach to each other (and small power units)
towards common objectives, and sometimes a group adjoigne another. Consider
as concentric circles and overlapping; things get complicated.
Here are some examples. Secretly funding the Nicaraguan Contras in the
books, the CIA sold weapons to Iran. Even worse are the allegations of play
footsie dope traffickers, perhaps a bipartisan work. Zionist ethnic network
includes links to finance, politics and the press. A result of this synergy
was the Balfour Declaration, paving the way for Israel. Leftists are
courting the Islamists lately (what could go wrong?) The policy makes for
strange bedfellows
Here we will describe the modern left power structure. Briefly recapping
before, they're a loose coalition. The system drives the agenda. (It's
basically what Mencius called Moldbug The cathedral, although this
terminology is controversial.) The Beehive, swarms (Joseph Sobran & # 8217
allegory) in orbit around the system and implement the guidelines. The
system accession criteria are rich, a great influence, and easy access to
The following describes their activities in major spheres of influence.
1. Large silver sphere

Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who makes its laws.
& # 8212; Mayer Amschel Rothschild, 1790
An annual income of $ 350K seems like a decent salary. However, such an
entry level & # 8221 percenter; which counts only in the power play. One
could argue that really matters: the world's top three, 300, 2000 or
40,000; the image is blurred. The banking dynasties are most notable, other
old families money, European nobility, leaders of Wall Street and the
international financial and new fund billionaires technology. I m agree
with the wealth gained by honest work and n t sabotage their society, but I
no use for crooks or champagne socialists.
leftist control
Globalists are strongly networked internationally. These citizens of the
world are loyal to their portfolios rather than their nations, but many are
on social assistance businesses. Ironically, they embrace an ideology about
upgrading all social distinctions and the empowerment of the oppressed
against the powerful. It's questionable how much is their interference to &
# 8221 feels; thirst of absolute wealth and control, or both. Whether
dilettantism naivety, the absolute cynicism or hypocrisy atonement, anyway,
they're slowly creating a homogenized banana republic of the world.
They work through highly secret groups that critics call the shadow
government & # 8220;. Some are ostensive foreign policy think tanks,
although their membership like a & # 8217 that; s who list of world
politics, many modern American presidents. Other shows include foundations
defense, throwing millions to activism efforts as throwing Mardi Gras beads.
Media executives exercise a high control down the property. Donations to
universities probably influence the field of education. Their greatest
power is in the sphere of government by campaign contributions & # 8221;,
cover their paris by donating heavily on both sides. As business owners,
they are also taking measures to influence the cultural environment.
The implementation at this Hive, munchkins advertising companies often
piggyback messages in their socio-political ads, unfortunately a common
problem these days. social media companies censor news and views as well,
HR departments (mainly to employment for women and sociology graduate
studies) implement & # 8221 diversity; initiatives and other welfare
measures. In addition, they police politically incorrect viewpoints (also
flirting at work), depriving offenders of their livelihoods.
Energy source



Many are crap nutty squirrel.
They're getting paranoid, but perhaps rightly so.
New Money has the business acumen and technical expertise, but otherwise
rich doesn t smarts guarantee.

Strategy against

Stop buying their products and encourage others to stop feeding the beast.
Expose their activities; sunlight is the best disinfectant & # 8221;.

2. The media sphere

And it could be that unemployment and the economy deteriorates, [Donald
Trump] could have undermined the mail as it can actually control exactly
what people think. And that's our job.
& # 8212; Mika Brzezinski
Centered in New York and Hollywood, 90% of America's news and entertainment
just six mega-conglomerates. (Probably it is quite similar elsewhere.) The
government & # 8212; the best money can buy politicians & # 8212; repealed
antitrust provisions to avoid this problem. They operate television
networks, newspapers, magazines, radio stations, the literary
establishment, the music scene, etc. & # 8212; even. Comics.
leftist control
The system's arm propaganda is owned by the Big Money managers. Other types
of system level are actors, musicians, and notable presenters talking
heads. However, it's often slim pickings in the hive. I don t want
journalists entry, editing minions-house artists and actors who are
starving, D-list. The only decent creative profession for those who never
do great are aspiring musicians; the same bar strips groupies.
Outside the Big Six other cultural activities. The art scene has become a
reflex circle of critics and mediocre artists, usually a leftist mess. Even
the porn industry may be on the agenda.
Energy source
Being a monopoly on new public offers great power to shape public opinion.
Celebrities can share their deep policy expertise with the ignorant masses.
MSM greatly overplayed their hand; they've lost more credibility than ever.
Conservatives see them as shameless liars, and even most liberals don t
believe all or more & # 8220; very different from Walter Cronkite day. The
music scene is trash, and literature is dead. Media alienated their
audience, which disconnect them.
Strategy against

Cancel your cable bill and other MSM subscriptions; encourage others to do
The time has come to start building parallel cultural institutions and
online information systems.

3. Estate Education

liberating tolerance, then, would mean intolerance against the right-wing
movements and tolerance of movements of the left. As for the scope of this
tolerance and intolerance: ... it would extend to the stage of the action,
and the discussion and propaganda of the deed, as well as speech.
& # 8212; Herbert Marcuse Repressive Tolerance
Most children receive state-funded education; the quality varies greatly.
Then, college is promoted as a ticket to the middle class. level
influencers system include the Ministry of Education, teachers' unions, and
college presidents.
At Hive, teachers and administrative staff skyrocketing have good jobs. the
public school teachers are less glamorous, but it's a decent if a mind
doesn t treat brats.
leftist control
They have a firm grip on most of the social sciences and humanities
departments, and you can forget to work in them unless you talk the talk.
(Council :. Method act until the permanence) Academia became a big job
creation program for young SJWs they brainwashed. Being the second dean of
diversity is best concert Fivebucks coffee!
Many public school teachers feel they have helped shape young minds before
the kiddos can think for themselves. The first time it happened to me was
in second grade, and I miss the good old days.
Energy source
They offer twelve years of studies of the state, with an ideology four
years-fry option, most with advanced degrees. indoctrinate generations of
children saved the left of the demographic collapse. Subvert the
universities was an astute move. Otherwise, academia has the scientific
respectability coat. They sometimes develop new ideological trends and
buzzwords. They also operate in the subfield of psychology.

Members of the & # 8221 intelligentsia; often educated beyond their ability
to understand, unable to logically defend the arguments they're parroting.
(They're not teach critical thinking, and it shows.) I served my time and
greatly their attempts of constant brainwashing resentment, and now I
easily dissect their ideology gleefully.
The public is aware of the increasingly leftist academic is mental
Apart from their ivory towers, they're pretty ineffective. For example,
would you fear a crowd of sociology professors?

Strategy against

Carefully monitor schools. Raise hell to PTA meetings and school boards, if
Don t send your children to either SJW plants. Some colleges aren t pozzed
out. Make sure they get a good degree.
Alternatives exist: homeschooling, business schools, and self-study.

4. Government sphere

[Donald Trump] is running away with the nomination and it scared the
daylights insiders who not only run the party, but they've run the country
for a long time.
& # 8212; Mike Huckabee, 27/02/2016
The government of the United States higher levels include the Presidency,
Congress, Cabinet members, federal judiciary, department heads and senior
military officers. The lobbies are working to influence Congress, some
quite powerful. They consisted of interest multitudes (the
military-industrial complex, broccoli producers, Wall Street, birdwatchers,
etc.), but you need money to get in this game. The governors also have a
significant influence.
Things get interesting at the Hive level in the swamp! average quality of
bureaucrats wield power in the implementation of policies. Even the front
lines exercise individual discretion: your employees handle documents, IRS
agents and local police obviously. (Hint: Move attitude test & # 8221;).
leftist control
The political circus has much in common with professional wrestling. The
Democrats pushed the softcore cultural Marxism since the 1960s entryism
neoconservative Republicans are in a controlled opposition. Big Money calls
the tune, so they gain no matter which party is in power.
Trump is the first presidential overseas in ages, too rich to be bought.
Party leaders continued to try to sabotage their main candidate's campaign.
Democrats didn t much more enjoyable with their primary dirty (and dirtier
candidate above).
Energy source
The legal system, a national budget, and military force

They're supposed to practice opening and follow their own rules. When
caught with his hand in the cookie jar, significant benefits can occur.
With luck, the scammer will lose the next election.
Incompetence, wasteful spending, and public hostility are as easy to expose.
Politicians usually lose contact with their constituents, pending the
farmers are not aware and compliant & # 8220;.

Strategy against

If a Munchkin level Hive trouble you, push the food chain.
For politicians, expose their misdeeds.
Decentralization could cut the head of the snake.
Support alternative parties.

5. Organization sphere

I also take a class position. It is anti-capitalist and pro-revolutionary.
I believe in the methods of non-violent struggle as the most effective
long-term for building successful power of the working class. Where they
can not be followed or are not even allowed by the ruling class, obviously
that violent tactics remain. I defend civil liberty as the best non-violent
means of building the power on which workers' power must rest. If I help
the reactionaries for freedom of speech now and then, if I get out of class
struggle to fight against censorship, it is only because these freedoms
help to create a more welcoming atmosphere for freedoms working class. The
class struggle is the central conflict of the world; all others are
& # 8212; James Baldwin, ACLU co-founder
Countless organizations represent all points of view, a single question or
wide ideologies. These are advocacy groups, think tanks, foundations, NGOs,
nonprofit organizations, parties (those who run the tiny sphere of existing
government especially in the imagination), etc. Some medium and large
companies have significant government relations (influence, lucrative or
even direct political input). Some have a religious focus, but are
ultimately political account.
They exist to promote their views, gain membership and subscriptions,
fundraising, and some are focal points for activism. Most agree, even those
with unpleasant views; they're just expressing opinions. Those with
dishonesty, hidden agendas, no transparency, or dirty tactics are interest
leftist control
Their bases are other job-creation program, using a variety of paper
pushers to community agitators. Apparatchik can move in the sphere of
government, as civil servants or elected officials.
Some gain celebrity status through recognition and praise from the media
sphere, become great leftist hero. Although those promoted in the power
structure's upper echelons fly over The Hive and go up in the system, they
must always please their Big Money managers. All major organizational heads
become big hits (although many dream), but ISN salary to six figures a rare
t consolation. Some are quite cynical and corrupt to blush televangelists.
Most leftist groups are independent but many are fronts in the pay of Big
Money. Others receive trust funds established by donors Gilded Age,
infiltrated lately and subverted by entryists. The recovery period usually
involves lobbying governments, staged angry demonstrations (sometimes
becoming the riots), or dirty tricks to discredit opponents. As we saw in
2016, there's a lot of loot for everyone; enough to pay the protesters and
outside the state bus.
Some groups operate in the legal field. This includes the alphabet soup & #
8221 watchdog; held that defame dissidents and establishes naughty lists,
share them with law enforcement. (One in particular is an operation with a
skeezy honcho skeezier, using scare tactics to solicit donations.) Others
specialize in judicial activism to advocate their agendas.
Energy source

Popular support (sometimes astroturfing)
The friendly media coverage
Activism is their field work


clashes and ideological factions
the Ineffective waste time and resources
Sometimes there are too many chiefs and not enough Braves

Strategy against

For regular groups that play well militate against their positions; classic
stuff debate
Expose those using nasty tactics
Report those who use illegal tactics
Conduct our own network

6. sphere Activism

It was 1969. Kate [Millett] invited me to join her for a meeting at the
home of her friend, Lila Karp. They called assembling a group
consciousness, a typical communist period, something practiced in Maoist
China. We gathered at a large table that President opened the meeting with
a recitation of back and forth, like a mantra, a type of prayer is in the
Catholic Church. But now it was Marxism, the Church of the left, mimicking
religious practice & # 8230;
& # 8212; Mallory Millett
Finally, here are ordinary citizens. The enthusiasm varies, but we'll
include everyone who makes more than friends to vote and message time to
time. Some might join organizations; others contribute individually; some
work entirely online. Some work for one problem because, in several others
leftist control
Lenin called liberals and # 8220; Useful Idiots & # 8221;. Basically, most
are friendly people concerned about social problems. It's a shame that so
many idealists care are operated for donations and hard work by
unscrupulous organizations. They believe re Promoting diversity, the fight
for the oppressed, and opposing a corrupt institution. Ironically, they're
being equipped by Big types of money trying to run the world in the ground
for profit while turning the masses into homogenized serfs. It is difficult
(but not impossible) to break their conditioning.
The radicals are a worse category, fanatical and impervious to reason.
Unfortunately, most children were good before their brain has been pickled
in the media / psyops Education. Others are recruited into gangs or
homeless. Unlike the Liberals, won the zombies free to vandalize, steal, or
riot if they think they'll get away with it.
Social justice Warriors are spayed or neutered radicals, the power
structure leftist s septic tank. These chairs Lenins lack debating skills
beyond the points of discussion messages on social media, thought that
really makes a difference. They can t understand the reality, often with
mental problems. I pity of these shallows pathetic if n t indulge in
bullying online, their biggest (only) weapon.
Energy source

Protests, peaceful or not
Shouting opponents
Petty crime
Online bullying, Doxing and smear tactics to deprive revenue targets or
endanger their safety


Neither the facts nor logic are on their side.
They're people rabbit.

Strategy against

With the Liberals, you could partially break within reason and find common
With the radical escalation might work. Moreover, once I was badly
outnumbered, but I dissuaded by the holding frame.
SJWs are very weak-minded and easy to & # 8221 trigger;.
Each day, try to do something to advance our program.

How fierce & # 8230; Now I m terrified!
We're in a tough fight against the powerful and highly motivated opponents,
but together we can win. In general:

Cut their funding.
Support alternative institutions.
Spread the word. Many can see that things go terribly wrong, but haven t
pick up the pieces, do know what can be done, and feel isolated.
Never give up; defeat is not an option.

My books are available at Smashwords and Amazon.
Read more: Elites have a rule Themselves, and a rule for the rest of us

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