Thursday, July 13, 2017

5 Reasons why women deserve to be paid less than men

During the last decade, more than we were told day after day about the
alleged wage gap & # 8221;. One might think that such a serious and
widespread issue would have several layers to it with facts and statistics
to support this claim.
The thing is, it is not. It simply states that for every dollar a man
makes, women are only 77 ¢ & # 8211; 79 ¢. Although this myth debunked
crap's been in dozens of ways allow me to put in my 2 ¢ (pun intended) and
dispel the ridiculous lie:
Last year it was 77 ¢, this year it's 79 ¢ & # 8230; .Who is he?
1: Men work better paying jobs, many of them blue collar (bridge builders,
graders, welders, millwrights, etc.) that women are neither interested nor
capable of doing.
2: Men work more hours, so a higher salary.
3 If a man and a woman working in the same company and doing the same job
and the man did more, it's because he's been with the company longer.
myth wage gap crushed.
 I should be making quite as much as him! I mean, his work isn t even hard
& # 8221 !;
Even feminists and the media continue to pile gynocentric this story
bullshit in the collective throat. Like other & # 8221 issue; they grumble,
it's as if they want this gap is real so they can continue to scream about
what they don t have better lives despite living in the world.
Then I'll give them their wish and give 5 reasons men should earn more than
women for doing exactly the same job.
1. They're always late

Women are late for everything. birthday parties, doctor appointments, you
name it. If there's a designated time, they must be there, they're going to
be late. It is one of the few things we can really count on women to
regularly these days.
The work is no different. Chicks have every excuse under the sun as to why
they're perpetually late. My cat's sick, my alarm didn t go off, didn t
find sun, and so on. It's always something. They're never the time to work
constantly and is never their fault.
If an employee, male or female, is always late, they should be warned,
reprimanded and then fired. But since we know we have an office fire for
reasons to end a woman (and even then it'll probably collect unemployment),
the solution is here to dock his pay. Paying his considerably less than men
who actually show work on time every day.
2. They have a period every month
Yes, you read that right. Women should be paid less than men because of
their periods.
Today the woman is a pain in the ass to deal when they re body chemistry is
in a rare state of calm. But when they start menstruating, they're almost
impossible. And that's not counting the days before the big event called
PMS we all know that women unbearable & # 8230; the best.
Seems about right
Irritability and emotional swings caused by their periods affects their job
performance & # 8212; wrong. Women simply do not should the same pay as men
for work performance is consistent as he's a solid 10, maybe 11 days a
month when they go out altogether because of their menstrual cycle .
3. They take maternity leave

At present, the paid maternity leave is required in California, Washington,
New Jersey and New York. But you can bet your ass that number will increase
if things continue to go the way they're going with the laws regarding
women still give a decisive advantage in the workforce.
When this happens (and it will), women will get paid to sit at home and
stuffing their faces with pizza, ice cream and donuts all day if they can
get pregnant. Even if they're not paid, work waiting for her when she
decided to return to work.
Meanwhile, someone's gotta take over because his work isn t going to do
itself. Moreover, while his work holds for her, a qualified candidate who
has zero chance of getting pregnant (read: male) lack of a job offer in the
United States because doing its best to eradicate male privilege .
Hiring a woman comes with high risk of disappearance of 25% of the calendar
year due to pregnancy. Rather than keep on the payroll to do nothing or to
keep her job, pay her less.
4. They're a distraction
Every time a woman invades a male space, chaos ensues. The American
workplace is no different. The moment a woman gets her workstation set up,
it's already decided that s it s going to fuck that she's going to get
fired, and whose coat tail it & # 8217; s will climb the ladder of success.
 Can you help me with my & # 8230; & # 8230 um, .printer & # 8221 ?;
How do these things? Drama. And a lot.
If they're not flirting with hawtee vice president, they're either starting
rumors about other women or their re the HR for the third time this
statement of the week, yet another complaint of sexual harassment because
some beta tried to sexually assault saying hello.
All these shenanigans reduces everyone's productivity, including his own.
So take off his salary.
5. They work just
Sure, they're on the clock but their noses are always in their phone scroll
through their Facebook feed dizzy, setting up 3 new tinder taps coming
weekend (two are on the same day & # 8230; .possibly same time), or
shopping for the usual useless crap they can t buy stop.
I'm sure related work
When they turn makes their attention on their monitors, they're on the chat
software company talk to everyone of any non-work related and HuffPo
The key is that women just aren t as productive as men, and that's all
there is to it. Pay em less.
The vast majority of women are unnecessary commitments dishes today's
workforce. Yes, there are some exceptions to the rule, but overall, the
average female will end up costing a company a hell lot more than the
average man because of all the built in baggage they bring with them job.
And that's before they start with all their nonsense. So while we know that
isn t really a wage gap, it certainly should.
Want to hear 3 other reasons there should be a wage gap? Click here. And
while you check Donovan's site and check out his podcast The reality Sharpe
on YouTube, SoundCloud or iTunes.
Don MISS: 5 reasons why sex is the wage gap between Bogus

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