Sunday, July 2, 2017

10 countries racist, sexist, xenophobic and homophobic Ignored by the left

All kinds of subgroups of the regressive left, if they are & # 8216;
antiracist & # 8217;, feminist, & # 8216; Black Lives Matter lawyers, or
just lazy armchair warriors activist for social justice, taking several
times on the same handful of countries whenever it comes time to criticize
what they see as a & # 8221 injustice.
The United States (racist!), Russia (homophobes!), Germany (Nazi!), The UK
(colonizers!), France (you too!), And Australia (racist!) Always seem to
bear the weight of these criticisms, whereas, by extension, almost all
western countries can be held responsible for a scolding finger just farm
SJW indignation.
However, this article will explain their selective bias and explore ten
different countries that are most often ignored by all leftists subgroups
mentioned above, and also give a fairly simple explanation as to why.
1. Jamaica (homophobia)
I love you! (No homo)!
Several organizations defending human rights said Jamaica to be quite
possibly the most homophobic countries in the world & # 8220; with high
levels of physical violence against LGBT people. The US State Department
also shares a similar sentiment on the issue.
Even in relatively recent years, public opinion is against granting
homosexuals the same rights and privileges in the country.
In 2008, a poll of 1,008 Jamaicans was realized that reading Whether or not
you agree with their lifestyle, do you think that homosexuals are entitled
to the same basic rights and privileges as other people in Jamaica & #
8221 ?; 26 percent said yes & # 8221; 70 percent said no & # 8221; and 4
percent did not know.
While 2015 did see the first LGBT Pride celebrations on the island nation,
there was no show. It would have been considered very risky for walkers to
take part without risking serious violence or verbal harassment.
Now imagine if that were the current scenario for homosexuals in all
Western countries at this stage. Also, look at how Jamaica is & # 8216;
social justice obsessed United States of America on the map. Why this
country largely get a pass on criticism despite this reputation for rampant
2. Liberia (racism)
Liberia. Not only super-racist, but clearly & # 8221 cultural appropriator;
another country famous flag & # 8230;
Liberia was founded in 1822 as the nation repatriation of freed black
slaves from the United States, who wanted to return to their (almost)
ancestral land in West Africa. The irony of the name of the country, which
means land of the free & # 8221; is that only people of black African
descent have the freedom to obtain citizenship in the nation.
Article V, section 13 of the 1847 Constitution which states: The great
object of the formation of these colonies is to provide a home for the
children scattered and oppressed of Africa, and to regenerate and enlighten
this continent Benighted it only people of color are eligible for
citizenship in the Republic and # 8221. the colored people phrasing was
changed to blacks or people of black ancestry in a 1955 review.
My God, even allowing Israel Ethiopian Jews with dark skin to immigrate to
their countries despite their very different appearance and cultures of
their peers Sephardic and Ashkenazi, then why pass of global criticism? Now
imagine the reaction of thermonuclear social justice warriors if the United
Kingdom, Germany and Sweden has implemented white Europeans or people of
European origin White nationality laws of next & # 8230 week
Three & # 8230; two & # 8230; a & # 8230; initiate racista World Czar!

3. Japan (xenophobia)
Lefty / diversity / tolerance crowd love the flag of Japan! (Trivia: With
the same national flag in force since 1870, Japan has committed almost
exactly the same fascist atrocities of Nazi Germany in World War II and
more than 10 million Chinese have been made to endure forced labor by Japan
for 8 years from 1937 to 1945 year. amazing figure, and twice as long as
forced labor existed in the Confederate States of America.)
Interesting how Anime love SJW s can love Japan so much and keep s national
flag with a set of completely different standards, compared to the way they
treat other Nazi flag or the Confederate flag (battle) as they hate .
Anyway, the world 2nd 1st world nation's most populated almost completely
closes borders to refugees, and gives an incredibly small amount of
permanent residences and passports to persons of non-ethnic Japanese each
year. In addition, there are countless shops, boutiques, saunas, spas and
public baths that prohibit non-Japanese from entering their offices across
the country. Japan is really a 1st world nation like no other. So how do
they get away with it?

You mean the land of my ancestors is actually much more xenophobic than
white Americans, I am always on the guilt trip? OH MY!
4. China (racism & amp; xenophobia)
Just try to imagine it in all Western countries & # 8230;
It is impossible for a foreigner to obtain citizenship, let alone permanent
resident status, Mainland China, unless they are of Chinese origin. The
best you could ever hope to be is on a guest worker visas a year or two,
which may be revoked at any time. That's pretty racist considering s
(insert current year) right now, wouldn t you say?
Unfortunately, it doesn t stop Australian and US Chinese Chinese SJW s want
to bully the majority white population and their respective guilt tripping
countries, particularly by rehashing constantly Chinese exclusion laws that
have been implemented in the late 19th century, but have also long since
been repealed.

They are completely and utterly to grasp their own hypocrisy, taking into
consideration how their ancestral homeland treat potential immigrants from
the Caucasus here in the 21st century. Access Denied around the eyes!
5. Bhutan (xenophobia)
You pay now! Now!
foreign visit to the Kingdom of Bhutan (population 775,000) is highly
regulated by the seemingly Orwellian decree of high value, low impact
tourism, which is intended to minimize the impact on the country's unique
environment and society.
One of these regulations is outrageous just to be in the country to
anywhere between 200-250 USD per day depending on the season. While it's
admirable the country (all countries in Asia, really) want to keep loud,
drunk, profane and degenerate Australian drunks with these rules, the
measurement is quite extreme and just a little hypocritical.
Imagine the outcry if the small western countries like Iceland (population
330,000) suddenly implemented these rules to minimize foreign and # 8220;
impact on the country's unique society and environment & # 8221.
6. Lao (Sexisme & amp; xenophobia)
 Keep your hands on our women & # 8211; Government of Laos
The relatively peaceful country without history of Laos states that
foreigners can not have sex with Lao women unless they are married.
Therefore, it also means that the Laotian women can not have sex with
strange men (at least on paper).
Not only this very small and a little smelly law of jealousy, it is also
incredibly sexist and authoritarian in nature, because it prohibits local
women to have full control of their own bodies and how they choose to use
them, up something as personal and intimate contact. I mean come on Laos,
you're not even a Muslim country and s (insert year)!
Never heard of Western feminists who fight for the rights of Lao women to
be sluts premier foreign collection if they want? Yes, I don t either.
7. Malaysia (racism)
 Bumiputera entrepreneurs only means that ethnic Malays can make this work.
clear racial discrimination against Chinese and Indian Malaysians.
On the surface, Peninsular Malaysia is racially lot like the United States
in many ways. There is a majority race (as if white Americans a minor race
of majority) occupied & # 8216; Bumiputera & # 8216; or Malay origin, and
two smaller but still very visible Chinese communities Malaysian and
Indian-Malay. The two corresponding roughly to blacks and Hispanics U.S.A.,
except usually socioeconomic status higher compared to ethnic Malays.
The main difference between the US and Malaysia is how the race trafficking
and dominate # 8217; s minority brethren. Ethnic Malay Muslims are given
the highest levels of civil liberties and privileges, while there are
several times the light to medium discrimination against Chinese and Indian
communities regarding work opportunities and benefits housing, etc.
Meanwhile, made mainly white Christian America repeatedly every effort to
support it s show statistically lower minority populations with positive
action, entry standards relaxed university and sympathy around the clock of
the liberal press news.
& # 8216; ethnic and religious enrichment best describes Malaysia scenario
regarding the Bumiputera, as & # 8216; pathological altruism of white
Americans would be nothing an understatement.
8. India (racism)
Give us that H1-B work visa or all you racist Americans / Aussies / Kiwis /
Canadians / Brits!
The title of the most racist country in the world can be quite subjective,
yet India has never particularly been a wide reputation tolerance and a
sense of brotherhood. Research and surveys show that over 40% of the
Indians are reluctant to have neighbors who are of another race, when he
was less than 4% in the United States by comparison.
Within the country itself, the caste system of India is also very racist in
nature. Dark skin & # 8216; & # 8217 Untouchables; are generally relegated
to be the dregs of society (ie. shit shoveler), while the Indians of North
skin fairer and Brahmins are at the top of the social totem pole.
9. Mauritania (slavery!)
Go Black Lives Matter & # 8221;! Why aren t you Inciting released?
endless sea of ​​Mauritania sand dunes hides an open secret: It is
estimated that 10% to 20% of the population lives in slavery. But as the
journey of a woman shows, the first step towards freedom realizes that you
are enslaved.
Western countries and Western countries have repeatedly stated and stumbled
guilty of all past experiences they had with slavery, despite the
institution to come to a complete end in 1888 with Brazil s last remaining
slaves freeing this year. In comparison, China would not be the same until
1910 and many Arab countries maintained slavery until the mid 20th century.
Unfortunately, the countries of North Africa west of Mauritania, which is
inhabited mainly by black Muslims, is the last major holder of the barbaric
practice that still exists in the world today. Yet the West SJW s,
feminists, and & # 8216; Black Material life activists do do not care about
their fate. Being both black and Muslim grant & # 8216; social justice
get-out-of-jail-free card or something?
10. Saudi Arabia (racism, sexism, homophobia, terrorism)

Paul Joseph Watson accurately describes Saudi Arabia as one of the most if
not the most, bigots country on Earth. A nation ruled by hardline Muslims
(the religion that Western liberals seem absolutely love), there are
innumerable features of the social landscape that would have triggered s
SJW beyond belief if they took place in a country Western.
Women can not drive and must wear ninja costume in public? Sexism!
Homosexuals will be suspended from cranes if they are caught? Homophobia!
Saudi's are paid much more than the foreign workers are kept in conditions
close to slavery? Racism!
What festering turd of a country. Why the left continue to put up with
their shit when they simply prefer attacking return royalty in their free
time? We envision a world that women and homosexuals are absolutely
delighted to live compared to Saudi Arabia.
It's because these countries are not white
The country mainly by men headed white European origin are more tolerant
and free on Earth. They give LGBT, women, non-whites and non-Christians the
highest levels of civil liberties, protection against abuse, equality
before the law, and economic opportunities. Yet they are repeatedly
demonized and intimidated by the Marxist left and those infected with & #
8216; social justice and victimology.
The image speaks for itself. The regressive left is constantly looking
demonize and only demonize the West largely white and white South Africans
for past sins that are still widely practiced in many non-white country in
the world today.
They claim to preach & # 8221 equality; all the time, which should also
include equal opportunities regarding dishing out criticism but picking
Russia and the United States (the only two countries in the world with
white populations exceeding 100 million) appear constantly be their price
Instead of coming to terms with their hypocrisy and subterfuge cultural
Marxist, they prefer to simply point constantly how Russia is terrible for
not taking migrants or the treatment of homosexuals as no gods. Moreover,
they prefer to show white Americans even an image (a rare event) of a black
man lynched at a time so long as the cameras were only able to take their
pictures in black and white low resolution.
Read more: Only white countries are expected to rent Hordes of illegal

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