Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Public schools are for children brainwashing factories

Dumbing us down by John Gatto is a book that gives you the red pill on
modern education and how tragic it is failing those who have to bear. Since
I am a product of public schools in a predominantly Democratic state
(Maryland), and received a steroid dose of liberal brainwashing in college,
it's little wonder that I could digest the red pill since the whole point
those who taught me was to keep me ignorant.
The school is a prison sentence of twelve years where bad habits are the
only really learned program. I teach school and win prizes to make it. I
should know.
This book is nothing new to those of you who are already aware of the
problems of education, but there are some key segments I want to share as
Gatto offers his views to work as a teacher of public school.
[The] ensures a workforce that will not rebel - the biggest fear at the
turn of the 20th century - to be physically, intellectually and emotionally
dependent businesses for their income institutions, self-esteem, and
stimulation, and learn how to find social meaning in their lives solely in
the production and consumption of material goods.
[& # 8230;]
The schools that we have allowed to develop can not use to teach the
intangible values, values ​​give meaning to the lives of everyone, rich or
poor, because the structure of the school is maintained by a Byzantine
tapestry of reward and threat, carrots and sticks. official favor, grades
or other trinkets of subordination have no connection with education; they
are the paraphernalia of servitude, not freedom.

To keep people committed to playing the rat race, you must give them
material rewards as the young students, the dependence of seed so that
adults, they will take forward on debt and other difficulties to continue
receiving the most brilliant rewards placed just beyond their grasp. Public
education teaches children to greatly covet the material through the
emphasis on class status, prices and the benefits of having a good job and
# 8221. When these children grow up to become adults, their esteem self is
wrapped around the gain of material, making them obedient and compliant
workers for the elite class that comes to control what goes into the
I began to realize that the bells and confinement, the crazy sequences, age
segregation, lack of privacy, constant surveillance, and all the rest of
the national curriculum were designed exactly like someone had sought to
avoid children to learn to think and act, to coax them into addiction and
dependent behavior.
He made the analogy that public schools are basically prisons, but now that
schools are doing away physical education, you actually get less exercise
in school than being locked up in prison.
I came to see the truth and teaching are basically incompatible, as
Socrates says there are thousands of years.
How can we blame those on the left, which put the fingers in the ears and
scream and shout as you tell the truth, when they are logical products of
education they received? We must accept that humans were never meant to be
self-conscious, after decades of indoctrination, and that once the mind is
lost, it is likely lost forever. Instead of sharing the truth to those who
are not able to receive it, the best option is to neutralize them away from
positions of power and influence to ensure that the health of the company
is not affected negatively.
Lives can be controlled by educating the machine, but they will always
fight with weapons of social pathology: drugs, violence, self-destruction,
indifference, and the symptoms I see in children I teach.

Forcing students to attend classes for mind-numbing hours causes so much
tension and inner conflict that the only way to balance that is to act in
the expressions of freedom that tend to be destructive and degenerate. This
is also commonly seen in children whose parents are strict trying to
control every aspect of their lives.
Adults are also not immune from the equation of balance. If you forbid me
to have sex, and I am unable to release that tension, I will find another
outlet to release aggression. For example, it is so common to see fist
fights in men at the end of a weekend night in the city because they are
frustrated that they could not act on their sexual desire. Other outlets
for the repressed sexual energy include excessive accumulation material
wealth, drug use, and join the cult of social justice.
The networks do great harm by appearing quite as real communities to create
expectations that they can manage the social and psychological needs of
man. The reality is they can not. Even associations as intrinsically safe
as bridge clubs, chess clubs, amateur acting groups, social activists or
groups will, if they maintain a semblance of friendship all ultimately
produce this strange feeling familiar to all residents of the city to be
alone in a crowd.
The problem is with the communities they cherish a specific part of us,
while ignoring the rest of the set. In your work network, what happens if
you talk about your thoughts on women? You'll be fired. In your gym
network, what happens if you speak of the last books of philosophy that you
read? You will be considered too intellectual. LOOSE communities a bad
simulation of friendship, which is more suitable for sharing all of your
experience and being.
it is true that we approach the twenty-first century to say that the United
States has become a nation of institutions, whereas it was a nation of
communities. Major cities have great difficulty sustaining healthy
community life, in part because of the foreigners come and go, in part
because of constriction of space, in part because of poisoned environments,
but especially due to the constant competition of institutions and networks
for the care of children and old people, to monopolize the time everyone in
between. In young and old insulation working life places and isolating the
workforce in the lives of young and old, institutions and networks have led
to a fundamental disconnection generations.
We're segmented, t we talk to each gift to others, we don t understand. You
probably look at someone just five years older or younger than you as
belonging to a completely different generation. Thank you to the Internet,
we have become so accustomed to interacting only with people who have the
same niche interests exactly as we do that we lose the ability to talk to
those who are only slightly different from us. This artificial tribalism is
amplified in urban areas if the people who live in your neighborhood
studied in the same liberal schools, consume the same traditional media,
eating the same foods all the rage, and the work of similar kinds of
politically correct jobs.
& # 8230; the first tacit goal each institution is to survive and grow, not
to undertake the mission she has staked nominally for himself. Thus, the
first objective of a public postal service is not delivering mail; it is to
ensure the protection of its employees and perhaps a modest scale status
for more ambitious.

This applies to all organizations. Whatever their stated objective to help
citizens or service, it is still subordinated to the interests of people
who are part of the organization. As for organizations related to
intelligence or defense of the state, you will find that they can actually
work in opposition to the country where they're supposed to serve.
One of the surest ways to recognize a true education is that it does not
cost much, does not depend on expensive toys or gadgets. The experiences
that produce and self-awareness that propels it are nearly free. It's hard
to turn a dollar on education. But the school is a wonderful agitation, get
clearer all the time.
How much do you cost yourself about the game, fitness and politics? You
bought some books, read reams of text on web pages Free and watched some
Youtube videos. Compare that to what you paid for during your university
and your parents paid taxes for your public education. These expenses
amounted to a colossal loss that can not be justified in the Internet age
where education now merely requires motivation rather than money.
& # 8230; there is some disturbing evidence that the incomes of working
couples in 1990 only a little more income purchasing power of the average
working man in 1910. Indeed, two workers are now bought for the price 'one
to one Adam Smith or David Ricardo result could have predicted. And an
invisible social cost of this has been the destruction of family life, loss
of home as sanctuary or shelter, and the bewilderment of children who,
since childhood, were raised by strangers.
By encouraging women in labor, feminism is a war against the middle class
gain without household wealth while the children can be educated & # 8221;
in Marxist thought and extreme left. The elite pocket all monetary gains to
have an offer of increased labor cheaper at the same time they managed to
put a wedge between men and women, who are now forced to compete against
each other for resources instead of linking together to create a strong
family institution that can resist the negative influence of the
government. Meanwhile, children suffer because they are educated to be
weak, ignorant and dependent on the system for their entire life.
& # 8230; people are less everything unless they voluntarily come together
in soul groups in harmony. gather to pursue individual interests, family
and the dream community conform to their private humanity is what makes
them all; Only slaves gathered by others.
And that is why the community we have here, in particular the Forum Roosh V
is so powerful because it was self-organized based not only on mutual
interests but also the values ​​of how a company must being, and thereby
community we educate each other in a deeper way than we have experienced in
the school system.
If I ever have a son, I will be the home school or find it a specific
school that is not the intention of brainwashing to be a beta male slave in
the machine. Because leftists unsustainable birth rates, the only way they
are able to continue their movement is to capture the children of those on
the right. It makes no sense for me to feed my children through their
machine for them to score another converted their sick cult.
While Gatto's book focuses more on education, it is basically an
introduction to the red pill showing us how we can relay the truth to the
next generation so that they are more sane and fulfilled. I highly
recommend it, especially to those who intend to have children or have
This article was originally published on Roosh V.
Read more: Dumbing us Down at Amazon

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