Monday, July 3, 2017

Carbohydrates are not as bad as you've been led to believe

Many fitness enthusiasts, when discussing food and nutrition, come to the
conclusion that carbohydrates are inherently evil and must be excised from
the power immediately. Some even go as far to accuse the Neolithic
revolution as the point where human society irreversibly down hill (but of
course links in the great wild noble ideal that you can learn about my
Manthropology videos).
Idiotic anthropology leftist side, there is a grain of truth in it & #
8212; certainly, carbohydrate consumption is endemic in the United States
and, to a lesser extent, the Western world as a whole. An important factor,
if not the decisive factor that causes it is the entanglement of political
lobbying and agricultural business, where corn production & # 8212; to cite
one glaring example & # 8212; is stimulated by political lobbying and
reasons to eat large amounts of corn syrup are made after maize is grown.
But the question remains, are carbohydrates inherently bad for you as some
have claimed?
Some info on cereals

Let's make something very clear: the cultivation of cereals was around most
12,000 years old, and despite what some have claimed, 10 thousand is more
than enough time to evolve the ability get nutritional value from them.
And far from empty calories & # 8221;, grains can certainly be very
nutritious, even more whole grains rather than refined grains and # 8212;
the difference being that the whole grains retain the endosperm, germ and
bran layers, while refined grains remove the germ and bran. The endosperm
is mostly carbohydrates, the germ contains incomplete protein and fatty
acids, and the sound contains dietary fiber, protein, vitamins, fatty acids
and more.
Cereals, well prepared, are more than just a quick carbohydrate solution,
yet this patch carbohydrates is enough reason to eat your carbs.
& # 8212 carbohydrates, specifically glucose substrate them & # 8212; are,
of course, the major energy currency of the body. Glucose is rapidly
converted to adenosine triphosphate or ATP, which in turn is used for
cellular energy purposes (very simply put). In addition, carbohydrates are
stored as muscle glycogen for purposes of medium-term exercise, which is to
say the length of time that a set of an exercise is done.
Although glucose can indeed be synthesized from amino acids, and in fact,
this is the main operating mode of ketogenic diets, the relatively small
amount of carbohydrate necessary, and the time of fast food absorption
compared to proteins, indicates that carbohydrates should be eaten in
balance with proteins and fats. But the question remains: what is & # 8221
balance, exactly?
A balanced diet

To make something else clear, the carb diets can achieve results in weight
loss. In fact, studies have shown that they get the fastest results in
weight loss & # 8212; however, these studies show that a line of long time
(the example given was a year), the results of various diet programs,
measured in pounds / kilograms lost, will be largely the same: the biggest
factor of successful weight loss is a constant reduction in caloric intake.
The macronutrient profile of the diet is not nearly as important.
That said, don t think you can run around and live a healthy and fulfilling
life by eating a reduced-calorie diet of junk food. You still need the
macro and micro-nutrients in appropriate quantities for their cellular
energy, structural repair and growth, and other functions & # 8212; and
like it or not, the recommended daily allowances are adequate benchmarks,
if not perfect.
Note that the food pyramid, which was for many years heavily slanted
towards carbohydrates, was moved to show all the nutrients in amounts about

Despite the fact that agribusiness is as strong as ever, the federal
government has been more proactive in recent years to mitigate the ever
rates of obesity in the United States, if only because the citizens are
morbidly obese net financial losses.
And while the federal government can certainly be criticized for many
things, the new revised food pyramid is actually pretty good. While some
goals (weight loss, bulking, strength) may require some variation of a
nutrient profile, keep in mind that this should be done with caution
because an excess of various nutrients can be damaging to your health.
If you want a good general health and the nutrients needed to maintain
exercise and general well-being, you can t go wrong with eating balanced
amounts of all nutrients, carbohydrates included.
More: Carbohydrates are your friend or foe?

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