Wednesday, July 19, 2017

How can the law Dissident Topple The two main pillars of the Left

Postmodern leftism is not a coherent set of ideas. Just as we can hate the
forces of conservatism lose, Inc. & # 8221. shyness ooze, we can at least
say that they usually try to stay consistent with their overall philosophy.
of the modern left forces are not that way. At the same time, they decry a
whole imaginary culture of rape, they can import a true mass. While
screaming in a way quite unconvincing on the environment, they can invite
mass illegal immigration which is terrible for the environment (among many
other detrimental environmental measures). In addition, they can do so
without doubt or hesitation in because they really don t see any
contradiction in those beliefs.
Why? Because they're motivated only for the destruction of the social order
of their own civilization, and in that category, these beliefs are
consistent. In their minds, they are pure angels surrounded by Zerg creep
ever encroaching darkness, with monsters all charges against them on all
sides. That's why the leftists are becoming more violent and demagogic
since Trump s inauguration and why they will probably be worse than the
public continues to reject.
How they see their opponents.
That said, while the public holds reject, don t you child left paradigm is
still dominant. His orthodoxies have weakened, but still supreme. Leftists
still control the academic and cultural institutions and yet in much the
parameters of political debate and thought acceptable, especially when you
have loose Republicans who shrink in fear at the idea of ​​changing the
frame. Why is it? And what should be done to change it?
Haven & # 8217 leftists t been dominant because of their ideas, which are
simply incompatible clusterfuck masking the destructive impulse that drives
them forward. Instead, they've been dominant because of these two pillars
that we're undermining and here's how we can continue to do so.
1. Make them Uncool
Since the early 60s, leftists have controlled popular culture. Given the
stifling atmosphere that prevailed before, it was understandable that the
left would become dominant by challenging prevailing attitudes. Being part
of this effort was & # 8221 expenses.
The law certainly didn t help change this attitude, with its aging
population, apparently tense religiosity, and white papers endless 50 pages
that no one outside of & # 8221 think tank; echo chambers wanted to read.
Meanwhile, the left had all artists and celebrities. Who will make more of
an impact on the hearts and minds (and, therefore, political beliefs) of
the people & # 8211; Kurt Cobain or national examination staff?
You can cry and whine all you want, but the first is the answer, even if it
is self-destructive (the analogy was, as you might guess, deliberately
chosen). celebrity, innovative art and entertainment, subversive humor and
catchy trolling fishing will always be more influential than & # 8221 think
tanks; to determine the composition of the Overton window.
But recently he's been left that became the lamé and squares of orthodoxy
established. It's those who have become humorless, spouting the same tired
smoothing morale and lead to censorship, which of course, does humor
against the most advanced. In the same way that cultural elites raged
George Carlin's infamous seven dirty words, they now rage on CNN memes to
the point of persecution.

Before it was religious law raging about scantily clad women. Now the left,
it does. More than that, they actively promote the acceptance and fat hair
blue armpits as paragons of beauty. Despite claims to the contrary, it is
definitely not beautiful, and therefore not cool. Meanwhile, the rightists
are more physically attractive and several celebrities leading social media
right who are physically attractive (as Lauren Southern) quickly & # 8221
red pill; Generation Z.
You really want to make an impact and become more convincing? Don t try to
logic out the other side. Logic isn t the default most compelling track (as
Caesar knew), and the left won t answer because, as we have seen, it has no
internal logic. , Instead of reducing the social status of your opponents.
Emphasize their ugliness and ugliness of their wives against your team's
physically attractive women. You want to get a hot girl, or if you are a
woman, be a hot girl? Don t go with them, go with us.
Don t produce 50 pounds white pages. Instead, produce comedy that mocks the
leftist polite society and # 8221. Producing art and entertainment that
pushes the politically correct orthodoxy and promotes the values ​​of the
new against-growing emerging right. Emphasize that their work is simply
derived and full of the same bland, sterile, puerile virtue signaling
rather than promoting something new or reflected.
The current standard practice in Hollywood is just to take a established
franchise, produce a sequel or remake, repackage and then with social
justice doctrine, often to disastrous results appallingly. The remake of
Ghostbusters took the cake on that one.
You want to undermine leftist orthodoxy? Don t explain why your side is
better. Making fun of their icons like Star Wars (which they've derived
with proper suites) and create your own, new.
I guess the best analogy I can give of what should happen, oddly enough,
comes from the world of professional wrestling. During the 90's boom period
in the industry, both large companies (WCW and WWF) caricature abandoned on
top, & # 8221 For the whole family; products and launched far gritty, more
incisive, realistic form of entertainment, with the nWo in WCW history,
followed by the WWF's Attitude Era.
The constant vulgarity, women scantily clad, bitter enmities, and high
intensity, brutal matches and left thumbnail moral crusaders of the right
wing foremost, then the tale end of their power, very offended. Yet it is
these very aspects that made this period of struggle to see the television
that brought tens of millions of viewers each week and had all the kids
hooked, myself among them.

I think we have the talent and scope to create something very much like the
attitude of our era, with new ideas and new entertainment that attracts
attention, shattered the lame, boring shackles leftist and changing culture
in our direction.
We now need the capital and locations. Mike Cernovich whispered a CPAC big
event style for people in our sphere, an idea that I planted myself to him
in February. segments image and workshops with Mike and Ann Coulter on
humiliating the media false news, Paul Joseph Watson on how to develop a
great YouTube below, perhaps even Roosh and Quintus on reinvigorating
masculinity and male under . The sky is the limit, and that's what we aim
This is the cool kind of dynamic relationship that changes not cool the
political framework. The law just hasn t done that until very recently. It
s time to develop.
It is also interesting to note that when Roosh has done this kind of thing
with the tour two years ago and jogging at the beginning of last year,
there was a scandal in the world, what was for me a sure sign of fear. The
structure of the leftist power doesn want this against-culture grass to go
on the internet, and that is precisely why it should.
2. Make the Immoral
Equally, if not more important than their control (until recently) on
popular culture is the high moral horse that leftists are trying to get.
Nobody wants to feel like a bad person, and this dynamic is another big
part of why leftists have controlled the terms of political debate. The law
was so pathetic in the fight against return on that front, so intimidated
by the words lefty mode, which Conservatism, Inc. & # 8221. gladly entirely
resigned to the economy while leaving everything else in society to the
The truth of the matter is of course that the leftists are often completely
immoral and depraved, which is why they need to hide behind moral
relativism. The way they've done since the election of Trump should leave
little doubt as to their true character. And instead of being intimidated
by their supposed moral superiority, now's the time to pounce.

They want to undermine Trump at all costs? Say they want the economy to
fail and people lose their jobs. Say they'd rather see people in breadlines
than getting jobs. Tell them instead of seeing people die of crumbling
bridges that give to someone they do not like to spend a credit
infrastructure initiative.
They want complacency endless Russia? Call demagogues who would prefer to
see US troops die in a confrontation with a nuclear power or stupid,
unnecessary interventions in Syria because Trump is in the office. They don
t want Obamacare repealed? Say they want the families of the middle class
and small business owners are suffering and dying, perhaps because they can
t afford health insurance. Laura Ingraham said it best recently:

Dems in masterfully using personal stories to sell resistance to repeal
Obamacare. GOP uses sterile numbers.
- Laura Ingraham (@IngrahamAngle) July 13, 2017

Laura gets. Paul Ryan and his kind of Republican and don t haven t for
decades, which is why they've been losing.
More important than exposing the leftist hypocrisy exposes the leftist
immorality. We won thanks largely to the readers of censorship and wild
cats Antifa. This is something to continue and develop. When the leftists
are trying to dominate the space for political debate, don t go to
hypocrisy (which rarely works), opt to show the world that they're bad.
The formula is simple. The left has two pillars used in power & # 8211;
popular culture and smoothing moral feathers. To undermine:

Do not cool.
Make them immoral.

Make it hurt them more than any conservative think tank ever could.
I wish it had not been that way. I d like a distinguished level, logical,
healthy speech. But when your opponent is using the total war against you
with carpet bombing and long-range artillery, trying to fight the battles
limited courteous with muskets and uniforms colorful bows and becomes
Read more: Elites 7 Methods used to control us

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