Friday, July 28, 2017

TV series "Confederate" will be used to humiliate and Castigate Southern whites

The developers of the popular & # 8216; Game of Thrones TV series (((D. B.
Weiss))) and (((David Benioff))), recently announced that their next
television project will be a dystopian alternate history called & # 8216; &
# 8216 Confederate;. It will be in a world where the Confederacy won the
Civil War, and the union of the Dixie states are still fully operational by
the end of 2010 s.
Well now, if the Confederacy won the Civil War, it had to be just right
It is true that at present there are only what we can speculate on the
project. However, if there is one thing we know for sure, it will act as
little more than a several million dollars and shaming white room
white-guilt mistress. More than 150 years in the making.
Both Jews shows developers will ensure that & # 8216; & # 8217 Confederate;
white Southerners will play as badly as possible, sanctify blacks,
completely omit the Jewish involvement in the slave business, and we hope
to get as many non-white Americans as possible to molest more Caucasians
and reiterate the dangers of white supremacy in real life.
The Premise Bullshit
"Confederate" will be set in an alternate universe where the South seceded
successfully EU and remains the Confederate States of America, and
wake "results in a nation where slavery remains legal and evolved into a
modern institution. " The two countries will continue to have antagonistic
relationships with each other, the Mason-Dixon line for all kinds DMZ
between the two countries.
Further, according to the press, "the story follows a broad band of
characters ... freedom fighters, slave hunters, politicians, journalists,
abolitionists, the leaders of a slave conglomerate and families people in
their Thrall. "

The reality today
The announcement of this show seems almost like prophecy, as little more
than a month ago I wrote an article titled 4 Flagrant lies about the
American Confederation & # 8220;, highlighting some of the myths most
grotesque that people on the (mostly) keep regurgitating political left on
the civil war. In fact, the very first point in this article was the
classic argument dissident If the South had won, we would still have
slavery & # 8221;.
While the Confederation indeed live and die with the institution of slavery
(the country only existed for four years in the early 1860 s), the
presumption that a C.S.A. Hypothetical still keep modern sub-Saharan
Africans as property is an absolute nonsense. Yet so many blue pilled
African Americans, liberals, or just those lacking outright in simple
historical and international knowledge, vehemently refuse to reject the
Wait for s this? Brazil was the last Christian Western country to abolish
slavery in 1888? And a black Muslim country called Mauritania practice yet?
Oh & # 8230; .. I'll have to get back on it & # 8221;.
As I mentioned (and the agreement of history with me 100%), the country of
Brazil was the last Western Christian nation to abolish slavery in the year
1888. A combination of radical changes in the air of moral time of the
West, and a series of major technological advances in agriculture, made
slavery both hopelessly outdated and 100% economically impractical at the
There is absolutely no reason to believe that a hypothetical Confederate
victory in the 1860 s as would the institution of slavery go the way of the
dodo in a maximum of 25 years for similar reasons, or matching bit close to
1880 & # 8217; s well as Brazil.
At the extreme, the whole concept of slavery Confederate see the first
light of day the 20th century is laughable absurd because there is no doubt
that the country would have faced severe international condemnation,
isolation and sanctions trade in the British Empire, french colonial
Empire, German Empire, and now fractured (but recovered) in the United
States. In simple terms, both economic suicide and public relations with
the world's largest economies in the late 19th century.
Beyond the West, slavery did not end finally in imperial China until 1910,
and it was not until the mid 20th century in many Arab countries
desperately backward (but! Is the religion of peace Remember). Moreover,
none of the non-white cultures are felt any guilt or shame being for their
late bloomer / Manumission post-1900 process.
But oh well, let him live left by their emotional hyperbole and signaling
virtue, instead of the factual and rational reflection on the broader
historical events. The (first world) to the south would still slavery in
2017 & # 8243;. Let me direct you to the auction of slaves following week
in Charlotte & # 8230;
Shouting Cultural Marxists
Oh, look at all those & # 8221 silent; white Southerners. They're so
ignorant & # 8221; aren t they? 😉
Fortunately, many people aren t put up with this crap, even if it is
ultimately sterile protest online. People can read the fine print and know
damn well this series is going to do nothing but humiliate tacitly Whitey
attempt to turn African Americans against Whitey, and try to remember the
country that white supremacy night to everybody. Therefore, massive
non-white immigration policy must remain a national priority.
In the meantime, keep an eye for at least several of the following
attributes cultural Marxists at this Hollywood diarrhea hits the small
South Nazis although Suh (Mr.), I have reason to believe you are hiding
runaway slaves under your floorboards. Do you deny Suh & # 8221 ?;

Innuendo that C.S.A. maintained peaceful relations or even support (similar
to or even beyond authoritarian Spain) with fascist Germany and Italy in
World War era. This despite the C.S.A. being a constitutional republic,
which would have scorned any notion of authoritarianism / fascism.
The Confederation is a true white supremacy always the dream left. All
non-whites are 2nd class people who can not vote and have to give up their
seats, tip their hats, no side on the trails, and open doors for whites
without expectation of reciprocity.
The slaves are beaten with whips on a regular basis. Expect lots of
close-ups back plan bloodied faces in distress and crying, tearful and
melodramatic music is to instill maximum white guilt and anger among the
maximum Hillary and Bernie bots.
Complete omission or mention of Jewish slave owners or traders, despite
large Jewish involvement in the slave trade. It must be 100% white
White southerners will atrocious IQ temperature sounding accents and a
The slaves will be bought, traded or sold on smartphone applications like
tinder (called!).
Waffle House chain imitation will consist of slaves. & # 8217 MB; Suh
groats (Mr.) & # 8221 ?;
Chick-Fil-A imitation chain even refuse service to free blacks (a literal
interpretation of the joke that expensive fast food is a & # 8221 white,
place to eat).
 Dog The Bounty Hunter as reality TV shows after the hunters of runaway
The southern white women having sex with black male slaves & # 8211; (By
the love and mutual consent, and to leave their boring husband and
possessing beta slave).
The white South having sex with black slaves & # 8211; (Via rape only).

It seems that the efforts of those in Hollywood and the media to divide and
conquer more races not cease.
Read more: The Truth about Black Slavery in the Americas

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