Tuesday, August 1, 2017

What I learned about women from my long-term relationships

I d like to share some things I've learned about women's relationships I've
had. Much of this experience comes the girls from the East, who are more
feminine than American girls, but I think the true nature of women is the
same no matter where you go, hiding under whatever the external
presentation and behavior.
1. They lie a lot

The men assert their interests by logic, domination and physical strength.
Women say their interests by the beauty, cunning, and deception. A young
girl's interest in a relationship that can not overlap with yours, and use
its strengths to maintain this interest. Lying is one of the ways it
manages the relationship in its desired destination, and this is often done
unconsciously to the point where it can actually believe the lies she tells
Girls who are more or moral good & # 8221; compared to the other may still
lie by omission. Because they feel some guilt with bold face lies, they
rather craft stories that leave damaging facts that can make him lose power
or standing in the relationship. Lying by omission requires careful editor
in their minds who are meticulous about the suppression of details that can
cause problems, especially in their encounters with other men.
For example, imagine a girl asking her man what he did during the day. He
answers, I came across a girl I knew today and we had a cup of tea & #
8221. He was walking home from work, suddenly recognized a girl, he went to
college with, jumped a cafe to talk about old friends for twenty minutes,
then gave him a handshake goodbye without touching suggestive flirting.
Now imagine a man asking a girl the same question. She answers, I came
across a guy I knew today and we had a cup of tea & # 8221. The event took
place in the same way that man, right? False. What happened was an old
flame contacted her on Facebook, they exchanged dozens of messages included
suggestive kiss emoticons, he asked him to meet at a specific time over
coffee, they went in and talked for two hours, legs touched under the
table, they recounted a drunken connecting past, they walked into a nearby
lake where touch more accessory happened, and then they finally said
goodbye to the guys did not get a lips kissing and having to settle for a
playful grab her ass.
What she said to her boyfriend of the event was not a lie in his mind, but
he thinks that the event took place in the same way if he told her. As you
can see, ask a girl to tell an event you get closer to the truth, because
the truth would harm its position in the relationship. The truth can only
be discovered after asking specific questions.

How do you know this guy?
Do you hang with him in the past?
How long were you coffee?
Did he try to touch you?
Where did you go after coffee?
What exactly did you talk about?
How he said goodbye to you?

This is exhausting for you to perform, but it may be prudent if you suspect
a certain meeting. If she hesitates to answer, you attend his editing work
mechanism, and presumably it rose from lying by omission to outright lie.
2. They're time vampires

The comic late Patrice O Neal, who dropped tons of advice on red pill
Relations Philip Black Show, called vampires time women & # 8221. He
described how men, the sexual act is the real the fun part of being with a
woman, but a woman, just having time to spend on them man is sex. They like
to be removed, doted, entertain, and so on. This explains why they go on
dates with men they do not even like because getting out and being hounded
& # 8221; a man is so strong validation.
The men just want sex, some privacy, a dining companion or watching movies,
and space. Women want sex, cuddling and conversation endless hours on
anything important. She wants her man to be a problem solver, a
psychologist, warrior, and punching bag all in one, and even if you meet
these requirements, it ever will, because it's in his nature to keep
extract value.
Whatever the reason, a woman finds it impossible to be alone. They'll spend
time with someone they hate, or who they are intensely jealous, to be
alone. A woman rather a gaggle of friends gay, and hear constantly talking
about sex butt and watch documentaries or read old books. Their biggest
fear in life is to be alone, something that many men really want. A man
would not spend time with someone he does not like the fear of being alone
because it's during his time alone he can recharge his batteries and
experiences treat.
When a girl identifies you as a romantic friend, what she really found a
friend time, someone who can now spend dozens of hours a week with her,
just so she doesn t have to be with her own mind. For men who do not value
their time alone, which causes most of the relational conflicts, but given
that the cat feels so good, we continue to make the sacrifice, as we have
done for millennia.
3. They have nothing to do in their lives
Waiting in line for a cupcake
time vampires need other people's time because they have nothing to do in
their own lives. Men have interests and hobbies that can occupy them
constantly. I have days without human contact while working on a book
project or a website, and didn t feel particularly distressed.
The gift women t have hobbies or interests that are not external
projections of how they wish to see. Their interest in the primary life of
men, because men allow them to build an image to others that they want to
be considered: a good friend, a loving daughter, a girl another man
earnestly desires a woman sexy, an honorable woman, and so on. The man is a
necessary accessory in this operation, which is why it is so common for a
girl to dive into a long term relationship, and professes her love for a
man to cheat on him the weakest of pulses. The relationship serves as
validation of how she wants to be seen, not who she really is. The gap
between who she wants to be and that it is actually gets supported by its
advanced streamlined mechanism that prevents it from accepting it is rather
clueless and made serious mistakes.
It s relationships with men who give definition to his life, because
outside of it, it has that new Facebook, Instagram, trends of pop, a
mind-numbing work, and friends who speak mainly men, gossip, text messaging
and feminine hygiene. Besides the work pursued in part to have more weight
in its relations with men by not needing their money (compared to many men
who really love their job), it has no identity she can call her own, no
interest in the land, no passion that are not related to men and to be
considered attractive by them.
The above is a nice way of saying that: if women were judged by how they
judge men, they d be losers. Put a dick on just about all the women you
know and watch it instantly turn into a loser, who is addicted to social
media, overpriced restaurants, toxic entertainment, and endless validation
foreigners. The biggest loser male is accomplished, talented and qualified
as the biggest winner woman, and the only reason why very few girls are
considered losers is because they have a cat, and nearly all cats feel
good, no matter who it's attached.
4. They are unable to see their own hypocrisy

Women hold you to a standard, to the threat of dumping if you break when
she does not take this norm. They do the same things they wouldn t want you
to do, and rationalize by saying that it is actually s Doing different,
when in all likelihood, it is even worse. They remember everything you
said, even there for years, but can t see a behavior they did last week
that contradicts its standards for you.
Women have no objective or legal standard and thus no way to identify
whether they are good or bad anything. Instead, they use pure emotion to
guide their behavior. If they feel good, then it must be right. If they
feel bad then he should not be. Since emotions can distort the perception
anyway, it will simply do what she wants to do and find an emotional way or
a wrong strain of logic to convince her he was right.
The most amazing performance I've seen in women is denying something that
you had to do. You can show them proven right in their face, and they deny
it, then find a way to blame you. I was warned about it, but was skeptical
until I got the experience. It is such an unreliable witness to his own
behavior there may be no point in ever an explanation of his nothing. If
you don t know the facts about something, and need history to get the
facts, you'll never practice.
5. It takes a village to keep a woman monogamous

I don HEAL how an alpha male you are, or how tight your game is, but if you
are the only positive influence in your girlfriend or wife's life, and
everything else around it pushes her to feed her primary need of fun,
pleasure, and the men of higher status, you will have burned. You will not
provide an oasis of tradition and monogamy if everything else is
programming for feminism and promiscuity. You might be able to keep it
together for a few months, a few years, maybe even ten years, but
eventually collapse.
I've learned that having the game is only half the component to maintaining
a healthy relationship. The other half is to have it in an environment that
hers told. Cherish your man, be faithful, have children and # 8221;
Otherwise, you will lose. We're all products of our environment if we want
to admit it or not, but it has even more impact women because they work on
the consensus of others.
If everyone started to jump off a bridge tomorrow, too, because it's social
proof that satisfies it is an activity that it would feel good doing it. On
the other hand, men act in the hierarchy, and we follow only top dogs. If
everyone jumps from the bridge, but our chef doesn t, we do not jump the
bridge. A man will not be followed by a crowd of men weak because they are
many, unlike a woman who thinks that participation in the majority will
feel good by lowering the chance of being rejected or put to gap of a group.
For one of my relationships, I tried to create a serene bubble of
patriarchy and goodness, and it worked for a while, but eventually I lost
on Facebook, his friends, his relatives to promiscuity and majority
degenerate. By dating a girl you date the world around her, and if this
world is sick, a negative result is inevitable.
6. The red flags are red for a reason

If a girl has done what you consider a red flag, you know it will not be
suitable for long-term relationship. But when you really like a girl, and
emotion begins to cloud your logic, you find a way to turn a red flag on a
yellow flag. You ignore the advice of friends, ignorant instinct, and start
looking for green flags as insignificant to warrant against-weight
relationship until everything falls apart.
A woman shares do not lie. I repeat: a woman's actions do not lie. His
words are an unreliable witness and should be ignored. The way she acts and
behaves is who she is, not what it says. If his actions tell you it's not
quality material, don t make her a woman. The problem is that people are so
caught up in a girl's beauty and pussy they are actively trying to
transform the ho or feminist in a housewife.
I can now see the futility of asking a girl how many partners she was with.
You will not ever get the truth. A girl has more incentive to lie about it,
and other characteristics of its past, so look at his actions instead. How
is comfortable with sex? How pretty she was in the beginning you? How are
her slutty friends? From these observations, you will be able to guess a
number, even if she tries to lie about his actions by playing hard to get
with you specifically. If a girl couldn & # 8217; t resist your game, it
can also t resist playing many other men.
Regarding relationships, my standards are incredibly high, and I'll be the
first to admit that, but s based on the logic of modern relationships and
the fact that I don t want to experience a divorce like my parents . If a
woman marries the wrong man, divorce is easy for her. She gets the kids,
the house, the monthly payments, and community support to be so brave. If a
man marries the wrong woman, his life is ruined. It gets depression,
misery, suicidal thoughts and children are programmed to hate him. Who
should be more careful about any decision to enter into a long term
relationship that can lead to children?
I have high standards of relationships because the stakes are high, so I'll
use my knowledge of the true nature of women, which I spelled here, and
then use logic to determine which woman may be the mother of my children .
If I ignore the true nature, I enjoy happiness for perhaps a few years (if
I m lucky) until the hammer is about me, and I m left in a miserable
position relative to an ex which is galloping away with my property and
children. I m at the point in my life where I would t mind having children,
but I'm also a man who can accept being alone. The latter is probably a
better option than being a victim of something I could have predicted would
This article was originally published on Roosh V.
Learn more: The dangers of romantic love

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