Friday, August 25, 2017

The Dissident law should adopt Gandhi's strategy of non-violence

We operate in times of oppression. The alt-left is much more violent than
the alt-right, killing five policemen, shooting a Republican, and condone
Islamic extremism. With a controlled media, we BECOME low when a single,
stupid, neo-Nazi, which may have panicked, rams his car in Charlottesville
protesters. As Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky wrote in their 1988 Treaty,
Manufacturing Consent, "the media used, and the name of propaganda, the
powerful interests of society [of] globalists who control and finance
them. "
However, this should not discourage us like wars have been fought and won
in the past. In particular, I document the reasoning behind the peaceful
struggle of Mohandas K. Gandhi for Indian independence. Although Gandhi had
few personal demons, he offers us in the dissident right, a strategic
action model in the middle of a sea current unrest.
This is not a general call for non-violence, which is simply a strategy. I
have no doubt that if a civil war broke out, we straight triumph against
leftists grumpy cat ladies. But a victory would be Pyrrhic at best. We must
battle to sustainable success, and in this case, non-violence offers the
best opportunity.
The Indian Mutiny

British colonialism, mainly because of Christian missions, a lot of good to
India: schools, hospitals and universities. Still, colonialism was,
overall, a cruel master; The Bengal famine, Amritsar Massacre and partition
were just advice imperial iceberg. Basically, no nation should be enslaved,
a feeling acknowledged the American founding fathers.
In 1857, perhaps inspired by the old revolutions, Indian troops (sepoys)
rebelled against their British colonial masters. Initially, the sepoys used
the element of surprise to great effect, seizing towns and important
strengths. However, the superior British forces returned fire, killing
Indian sepoys and civilians in Delhi. In December 1858, the so-called
Indian Mutiny had been completely removed.
British newspapers reveled propaganda during this period, and were
especially attracted to rape reports. The Times, for example, said in Delhi
the bloodthirsty eyes, brown skin sepoys had violated 48 innocent English
girls. The report, however, was a cleric based in Bangalore, 2,000 km from
Delhi. Indeed, this tradition false sexual assault reports continues to
this day, as Western feminists argue that India is infested urban jungle
Ten years after the Indian Mutiny, Gandhi was born. The mutiny of memory,
of course, will never fade from the memory UK & # 8211; much like
Charlottesville can never disappear from his left.
Gandhi Strategy

degenerate leftists have propagated the myth that Gandhi was a pacifist.
Instead, Gandhi wrote in Doctrine of the sword,

... where there is only a choice between cowardice and violence, I would
advise violence.

He even believed in the right to bear arms, and thought that the Indians
should receive training in firearms, rather than "crawl like a worm at the
bidding of a bully. "
In other words, non-violence, Gandhi was a strategy, not an overall
philosophy. He knew that the Indians were outgunned, and that the efforts
of the armed rebellion would only advertising strikeouts. Nonviolence, on
the other hand, exposes the enemy for what it is: pure, the miscalculated.
The practical effects of non-violence are threefold:

Participate in non-violent strikes and independent enterprises, thus
depriving your enemy of economic power.
Cooperate with the authorities, if appropriate, therefore freeing your
legal fault movement.
If your enemy is violent, then make sure you have a camera: you can capture
for the world to see the barbarity of your enemy.

Ninety years after the Indian Mutiny in 1947, India gained independence, at
least in part due to the tireless struggles of Gandhi.
Lessons for Dissident law

The fight against violence against alt-left is too costly; police,
universities and media back and BLM Antifa. Although we managed to win the
war online, who knows how long it will continue? Google, Facebook, Twitter
and PayPal are against us. Instead, we must adopt a non-violent strategy.
First, we need to organize clandestinely, as Roosh organized its Canadian
conferences. This allows us to plan, while strengthening the male
solidarity and community spirit. We must not limit ourselves to the South
Korean players; countless men are angry against the establishment.
Then we should carefully remove our economic services; male men produce the
bulk of GDP, which gives us immense power. Refusing to pay taxes, serve SJW
customers, or work in a leftist organization can strengthen our cause.
However, this step must be used wisely; for example, the shooting of James
Damore pilled red Google many moderates & # 8211; Your dismissal would do
the same thing?
Capture of the press is the next step; we barbarians video alt-left band in
the middle yet nonviolent suspicious men right. Demonstrations and rallies
can be useful, but only when we are ready to sacrifice our physical safety
to expose the leftist brutality. In other words, the right of leaders
should understand that demonstrations, rallies and direct actions serve as
a strategic objective.
Finally, we need good leaders. Men like Richard Spencer, who had a death on
his dashboard activist must be exorcised of the movement. Instead, we need
organized, thoughtful and inspired captains of masculinity. They need to
control the crowds, and bear in mind media spin. More importantly, they
need maybe a winning strategy; in this case, I suggest nonviolence.
Read more: Charlottesville was a disaster for the right Dissident

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