Tuesday, August 29, 2017

The Australian Army is 70% which establish a female quota for new recruits

First the SJWs came to the fire department, they came to the Army, Air
Force and Navy & # 8230;
Military recruiters in Australia are facing sentences of senior officers if
they do not comply with draconian new gender quotas. For the goal of
recruiting 50 people a week in the Royal Australian Army, Royal Australian
Air Force and Royal Australian Navy, 35 (70%) of the candidates must be
women. One of the only exceptions seem to be if some of the recruits are
men of the Aborigines of Australia and islands in the Torres Strait.
So why is all this happening? Well, the Australian Army wants to double the
proportion of female soldiers, this 12.5% ​​to 25% over the next eight
years. The solution is to encourage an influx of lower elsewhere and
inappropriate physical additional recruits, women who will be required to
pledge two years and # 8217; serving in roles such as infantry or artillery
(yes, -man), compared to six years compulsory service for men.
The initial physical tests only require that female recruits in full Royal
Australian Army four push-ups and 20 sit-ups. After seven weeks of grueling
training, they will be required to complete & # 8211; wait for it & # 8211;
eight amazing push-ups and 45 sit-ups. The standards are generally lower in
the other two main services, the Royal Australian Air Force and Royal
Australian Navy.
In a classic case of Orwellian doublespeak, an Australian military source
told the Daily Telegraph: Yes, they [men] can ask - but only women will
employment ".
Australia will be in great danger over the next 50 years, and # 8211; and
it makes things worse
Australia will depend on the technological sophistication and training
soldiers to counter the threat of military forces much larger, such as
Indonesia's. However, the influx of female recruits physically poor in the
Australian Defense Force seriously undermine it.
Australia self-inflicted soldier problem is one he shares with many other
Western countries. The Marine Corps has already been down the rabbit hole
of supposedly gender norming, after some years ago zero female recruits
passed specific forms of training. In the UK, three women & # 8221
soldiers; received £ 100,000 ($ 130,000) each in compensation after being
forced & # 8221; follow the male soldiers walking. The passage of the cat
is very deep in Western militaries.
Nevertheless, I do not think that Americans and other Westerners seriously
appreciate the terrible geopolitical challenges facing Australia over the
next decades, more than other Western societies. Sandwiched between an
economic relationship with China (our largest trading partner) and
political and cultural ties with the United States and Great Britain,
Australia will eventually have to make a decisive choice between the old
and new.
Added to this dilemma is the presence of many other fickle allies / Foes of
potential future, mainly densely populated and poor in Indonesia. Australia
prosperity, which is even more miraculous in the context of its isolation
from the world and its very lightly inhabited landmass, will be more and
more a jewel in the eyes of the aggressors would be larger.
All this underlines the clear and present danger of lowering the standards
of the Australian Defense Force (ADF). In the case of a serious armed
deployment to avoid an enemy attack, or worse, a real whole invasion, how
Australia can depend recruits forced to finish four pumps in the early
stages of their recruitment? Even eight is deplorably low.
The disaster of the Australian workforce (wo) can not be refused. Having
only 25 million people, two-thirds of adult residents are overweight or
obese, Australia has a very modest 60,000 active soldiers & # 8221; (Many,
if not most of them will never expect to make fighting), while Indonesia
435750. Because Australia's essentially faces the north coast uninhabited
Indonesia, it would take a minimum of effort in Indonesia to land thousands
of troops in a conflict.
What other possible enemies?
This is far more than Australia
It's in China's interest to avoid recruiting more women as it can t throw a
grenade. Why? Because right now the West made her fight for them, with
countries such as Australia recruiting soldiers physically subpar in
bizarre kind of experiences.
Do not let the focus on Australia's military wrong. If you are not an
Australian, but lives in the West, your nation is currently taken by the
kind of tentacles or social engineering will be next.
As our societies are gradually (pardon the pun) being undermined internally
by SJW and other politically correct madness, even our external means of
foreign opponents defense is rapidly destroyed too.
When the shit hits the proverbial fan, how countries like Australia survive?
More: Australian Fire Department Female 50% quota firefighter will get
people were killed

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