Wednesday, August 30, 2017

What it was like Attend a French survival training in Poland

Last month I was invited to consider a weekend survival training conducted
in English by the Hussar company in Poland for French men for most. I m
French or Polish, but I speak English and that was good enough. To attend
the first day of training, it's clear to me that at least some French
Steeling themselves to greater conflict in their home country while more
carefully exploring the idea of ​​expatriation.
Hussar is organized by Gregory Leroy, a French who left France for Poland
there are five. I flew from Warsaw to check training and see what kind of
man attended. Muscular and tall, Gregory made the countenance of a man who
would make training involving weapons and survival. meet for the first
time, he fell as confident but friendly.
The remaining fifteen French participants didn t jump at the chance to
speak English, although many will warm to me as the day went on. Besides
me, the only non-French this was a three-man crew of Vice, who came to
shoot a video segment. I feared they painted everyone as far-right
extremists, but as you can see below, the end result was reasonably

We all took the shuttle to the city center of Warsaw with a range of
weapons belonging to the local level where we met two operators of Polish
special forces who saw action in Afghanistan. I don even know that the
Poles sent men to the Middle East, it was fun to pick their brains, like
their ideas on self-defense and what they thought of other special forces
units (ranked the British SAS very french and were classified down). One of
the trainers was quite open is described nationalist views which
essentially boiled down to remove kebab, but he stressed that Poland's most
existential enemy is more Russians than Muslims.
the wounding

We started with the formation of wounds, especially tactical battle
Intensive Care (TC3), which focuses on stabilizing the wounded until they
can be evacuated.
 Your natural instinct is to rush to the wounded immediately, but this is a
good way to get yourself killed, the instructor said. If you're in a mall
and there is a shot, first wait until the threat is gone before anyone
help, or at least drag them to a hidden area & # 8221. He showed us
technical support for your knee against an artery in the leg or arm to stop
the bleeding while continuing to shoot the enemy, assuming you have a gun.
We were taught the system ON:
M & # 8211; massive hemorrhage (apply pressure to the arteries or to a
A & # 8211; Airways (make sure the breath can hurt)
R & # 8211; Breathing (check can pneumothorax)
C & # 8211; Circulation (recheck for blood loss, apply a gauze within the
H & # 8211; head injury (hypothermia and maintain body temperature and to
ensure at least one blood artery supplying the brain)
E & # 8211; Everything else
The best thing you can do in an emergency situation prevents the injured
from bleeding until they reach a hospital. A tourniquet is the easiest way
to achieve this goal for limbing injuries and trainers showed us how to
apply ourselves. When a couple of students complained of pain when the
tourniquet is too tight, a coach said flatly, Either take pain or die & #
8221. They have tightened the tourniquet. He relayed How if you're putting
on a tourniquet for someone else, they howl in pain as you tighten, but s
necessary for survival.
One important fact I learned tourniquets is that if one is for at least ten
minutes, you should not release him. The reason is that potassium
accumulates in cells that don t receive oxygen, so that when you cancel the
turnstile, all potassium strikes your heart at a time and could stop. The
good news is that you can have a turnstile for six hours or more (maybe up
to twelve) until there is a risk of having to amputate the limb.
Gun training

At 34, I've never fired a gun in my life. It's not that I per gallon soy
drank, but I became so nomadic starting my late 20s that ownership of
firearms never make sense, and now I live in a country where crime weapons
fire is virtually nonexistent. It's no shock that I was very happy to
finally draw a gun to my adulthood 34. For training, we used Glock 17s.
The instructors taught us the basics of using a Glock: how to load and
release a clip, how to reload the mag with your hands, how to release the
mag, how to add bullets to the clamp, and how to pull the trigger .
When I got in position to shoot my first ball, I noticed that my hands were
trembling slightly. I don t know if it was because ten other guys looking
at me or because I m a boy sweet city that is not intended to shoot guns.
Worse, maybe I'm just a pussy. Then BANG, a bullet flew threw the paper
target, I pulled out the clip, and the gun was in my case. I could not not
help but smile.
There was some shooting towers two towers to both refine our technique,
until a last lap where I was instructed to take ten turns really fast
without releasing the trigger all the way between each round. Launch that
hail 10 rounds of gunfire was exhilarating, even if my accuracy was
horrible. Inexplicably, I started laughing like a school boy.
 Why are you laughing & # 8221 ?; the trainer asked me sternly.
 I don & # 8217; know I replied. The only other time I laugh without reason
is after a good orgasm or smoking weed. Immediately, I started thinking
about how I could get myself a gun, maybe something discreet like an Uzi or
an AK-47, and just spray bullets for the race.
Two French police officers were, and this was evident with their superior
technical firearms and precision. After this was done, I added firing guns
to my list of male activities, just after. & # 8221 kiss;
Conversation between men

After Glock training, we returned to Warsaw and I started thinking about
the practicality of what I just learned. The wounding at least for the
French, where there is apparently a terrorist attack in their country each
month, could certainly be useful, especially as trainers showed us how to
use clothing or a belt as a tourniquet of Fortune. Training guns is useful
if you are allowed to have weapons, but from the French Are not their main
hope is to steal a terrorist's weapon as John Wick, then use it against
them. At least for me, introduce the use of firearms has been invaluable in
helping me decide if it's something I want to pursue.
Back at the hotel, I sat with a group of French and asked what they thought
of the situation in France. They immediately looked down and tight lips.
The most common refrains were France is over and & # 8220 unless we soon
fighting back, it's on & # 8221. In the shadow of Emmanuel Macron s recent
victory, these men were quite realistic to understand that France as they
know it is over, and something new and much more violent take his place, at
least for the duration of their lives.
Their training in Poland wasn t much to learn to kill returnees, but to put
their mind on a level of self-defense and survival as their country
descends into a real life The Camp of the Saints. And judging by the way
they complimented Poland, his wives, security and the lack of immigrants, I
wouldn t be surprised if most men return in a year for a longer trip.
As the night wore on, I noticed another great advantage of the training
offered Hussard: the ability for men likeminded to meet each other,
obligations, and speak without filter. I can t talk about these issues back
home, I was told. I d be called racist & # 8221. I remembered how the media
and the government have worked so hard to stop ROK s jogging a little over
a year.
My mind stirred with anger, because I know that there are men nothing can t
solve if they meet, plan and act. The elite knows and will do everything
possible to stop the men from the organization and the exercise of their
freedom of association, which requires more laborious men to train and
network abroad. The French, I met return home stronger, more skilled, more
connected and more able to help their tribe, and who knows, maybe they'll
find the collective strength to tighten the tourniquet in a country
bleeding as we speak, and where hope not much left.
If you liked this article and are concerned about the future of the Western
world, see Roosh & apos; book Free Speech isn & apos; t free. It gives an
inside look at how the globalist establishment tries to marginalize male
male with a leftist program that promotes censorship, feminism and
infertility. It also shares the key knowledge and tools you can use to
defend against the attacks of social justice. Click here to learn more
about the book. Your support will help to keep our operation.
Read more: How the Saints camp Destruction Migrant Predicting Europe

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