Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Is the American spirit really exist?

The Conservatives have occasionally confirmed what they see as an American
distinct identity. The founding fathers Fs with two capitals, the
Constitution, an inalienable and unconditional all "rights", and classical
liberalism. All this comes to mind when you think that the proclaimed
This position appears in a work such as Charles Murray Coming Apart, which
opposes an "American model" industrious, responsibility, and pride in the
excellent work a "European model", made up of the welfare state, cravings
job security, and the general opposition of work (see chapters 9 and 17).
In terms less intellectuals I also recall the ridiculous "freedom fries"
mode, because lee-bur-ty and patriotism mean to do the deep state of
bidding based on lies, you know?
The large tent alt, although plagued by different political ideas,
constantly sought to escape this position. Many oppose the big banks and
corporations that destroy the possibility of small-scale entrepreneurship
and exercise power without control on pop culture. Some on the Alt-law
openly oppose capitalist dark, to the extent of proposing the
nationalization of SJW managed companies like Twitter, a preservative-free
idea would have been there ten years.
Some consider the ROK "rights" are a convenient myth, a modern invention &
# 8212; a position I agree with. Obviously, we were more effective than
culturally cucks who quote Russell Kirk while worshiping Martin Luther King
with years of delay. But precisely because of this, the two sides of one of
the parties in power, the strong Democratic and Republican weak, accused
alt-sphere of being "un-American. "
Is being "American" idea? A state of mind? In other words, would there be
an "American spirit" that both sides of the current year are involved, but
we & # 8212; regardless of our passports?
Your stars still so bright, wave your banner yet?

For a European, two images of America coexisted. One was of historical
pioneers, infinite possibilities, cowboys, superheroes. The other was
uncultivated Yankees, coarse, imperialist, obsessed with money, but somehow
smart and sassy. These seemingly contradictory images often merged or
superimposed. Both are superficial and, to some extent, true & # 8212; at
least historically.
For a deeper representation, I borrow the work mentioned above Murray.
According to his interpretation of American history, the United States was
based on the following virtues since their foundation:
1. Industriousness. Willing to work, happily watching opportunities and
seize them, generations of Americans have been enthusiastic advocates of a
liberal civilization classic:
For them, the industry is a group of qualities that had led the revolution
in the first place & # 8212; not only a desire to be free to speak their
mind, practice their religion as they saw fit, and be imposed only with the
performance, but the deep bone American assumption that life should be
spent taking the advance through hard work. (Coming Apart, chap.6)
2. Honesty. The Americans would have known that only a people honest,
trustworthy could live without the need of an authoritarian government. the
dishonest men, not virtuous would call the armed forces weighing on
everyone, as people who respect the law and the truth would be able to
govern with only a minimal state beyond. O, the land of the free ...
3. Marriage. Echoing the Scottish philosopher David Hume, founding fathers
such as James Wilson and John Adams stressed how "sacred band of marriage"
were essential to society and how marital fidelity was conducive to "peace
and 'harmony. "Murray emphasizes the degree to which a typical American
corporation makes a marriage, an institution more demanding and therefore
less scandalous in Europe.
4. Religiosity. Here Murray highlights the social role of religion
necessary. Adams to Jefferson, the founders allowed themselves to disagree
on particular dogmas, but all agree that religion was essential to maintain
the moral and keep passions in check. "Avarice, ambition, revenge or
gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as [the
earth?] Whale goes through a net," Adams wrote.
John Adams was not happy
Although the list of Murray virtues "American" key is probably some truth,
it seems to me very idealistic, confusing the wishes of the founding
fathers with historical reality. It also seems unaware of how calculative
and utilitarian its interpretation sometimes sound as if religion was only
a tool aimed at a well-functioning market and success in the world & #
8212; but maybe that part is an accurate representation of a particular
characteristic of modernity.
By all accounts, the birth of the United States owes much to the will of
self-realization of Europeans and free realization. Prudent, religious,
voluntary ascetic Puritans to be managed successfully, and they did in a
way. They wanted the hierarchies of Europe, in both the Papacy and
Anglicanism. Very friendly with the Jews, they often saw as the "people of
the Book", they fed a narrative of emancipation. European nobles such as La
Fayette were in fashion to help them fight against the privileges, that is,
against their own identity blood and caste. (These men who were going
against their own interests and identity have been conveniently brushed
immaterial by the Marxist conception of the reductive story.)
Are you the heaven on earth, or the darkness of the grave?

Murray argued that the four "American" virtues were practiced well into the
1960s, when the cultural left offensive has imposed significant changes
between the commonly accepted behavior. Again, this may be largely true,
but seems to ignore how the worm was already in the fruit at first.
The only founding fathers stressed that their country should be mostly
white. Maybe so it seemed obvious & # 8212; too obvious to say. If we
follow a particular type of universalism, gifted abstract individuals
inalienable "rights," it is likely that everyone can be "American" provided
it claims target these virtues. The Puritans were also cucked from the
start worshiping them later (((greatest ally))), and Jerry Falwell or John
Hagees strike me as Judas contemporaries who could not appear elsewhere.
With messianic fervor Impregnated of Jewish origin, "a zeal Muricah founded
to other causes that capitalism and (mostly white) free enterprise. About a
century after the mythologized Revolution, the government has allowed the
country to show a rather special face to the world: the Statue of Liberty,
a colossal "Exiles Mother", welcomed the immigrants in welcoming
the "poor", the " damned ", the" huddled. "Sordid, loving the poor as such
and as perpetually indebted to a great Luciferian Mother & # 8212; you had.
Later, in the 1910s, masculinized women workers would push the prohibition
of alcohol infamous for their tired husbands returned face down instead of
disconnecting and bantering with similar. All this was long before the 1960
The worm was in the fruit.
If you strip libertarianism of religion and respect for the property, you
get what the French lefties called libertarianism and what normal people
call licentiousness: I have a right to do anything as long as other
people's consent and of course, consent may be obtained through
manipulation and social intelligence. This may seem at odds with the
American ideal of freedom, but it is easy to understand that unbridled
ambition easily trample on the rights of others.
Much of what comes from US equities at least part of the "American spirit"
original and historically degenerate. In the name of "rights" and freedom,
everyone can be something everyone can do it or xieself. A fragile child,
Theodore Roosevelt responded supposedly physical challenge of his father,
saying: "I will do my body. "Arnold Schwarzeneggers and Jay Cutlers
followed the same philosophy. Why not Bruce Jenner then? Maybe something
that nobody wants xie, even special snowflakes in a kindergarten?
The cheerful belief in the "rights" SJWs filled with motivation to scream
and lynch & # 8212; as the messianic idea gave wings to the pseudo-ideal of
racial melting pot, as if considering race as a raw material sounded like
an ideal at all.
Even without considering the forefront of hysterical degeneration, one can
perceive some unfortunate things that have greatly benefited from American
freedom: Jews crushed the last remnants of decency on the porn market and
smashing large capitalists independent businesses. O land of hidden fees,
the slave house, companies belonging to an elite Jewrasians,
micromanagement by RH anglobitches!
Not an end in itself, but a springboard

Do not mistake yourself. As we say in France, I do not spit in the soup.
Some of the worst degeneration was born in the US, but it was the
manosphere, Alt-law and other common vanguard too. Everyone involved here
shares a mindset of self-responsibility, personal investigation, with
capacity for change and adaptation without sacrificing oneself. These are
virtues many Americans still hold in high esteem.
European rights and nationalism often struggle with petty ambitions,
useless ideological disputes, and irredentism division. The Americans have
a lot easier time thinking of themselves practically or racial rather than
divide along national lines to the old, and pragmatism enables them to get
to the point without letting go astray. And while I clearly oppose
the "American" & # 8212; quotes highlighted & # 8212; idea that everyone
can be anything, it would be Murray, as he defends the idea of ​​vocation
or personal vocation that seems closest Dharma that transsexuality.
It should also be noted that the cultural "national" has always been
plagued by conflict. Some possibilities were fiercely repressed in the name
of a vision rather neoconservative of what "America." The stable
immigration period 1924-1965 less "American" as hostile and misandry
today's anti-white? Do you need to consider your ancestors as stupid or
less, the name of progress, to be fully "American", if it means anything at
all? MK Ultra "American" because Hollywood suggests it is?
One can see, of course autonomously, what it means to be "American", or
wake up the American dream while keeping the glorious, adaptation and
identity documents left. As for me, I consider it a stepping stone to
something that goes beyond petty, nationalistic division & # 8212;
including French-Jacobine and variety stars-and-stripes & # 8212; and that
would improve our & # 8212; Yes, we & # 8212; the Dharmic culture and
racially and culturally united again.
Read more: The American Dream is Every Man Nightmare

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