Tuesday, August 8, 2017

6 reasons why learning Man game should also do Jiu Jitsu

Sometimes you can fall into the trap of the single thought.
Ok so I meditate in the morning for an hour before going out and
approaching at least 20 girls and lifting later. Tomorrow I will do it
It's easy to have a long list of things you have to do and can not be used
for a specific purpose & # 8212; as have 50 tools for 50 things. Why not
have some tools to the same 50 things? As you go through the process of
improvement, you will find ways to streamline your tools to achieve the
same results and beyond. Let me introduce a great tool for everyone who is
trying to become a casanova Jiu Jitsu
1. Increase confidence

On the mat, you are forced to concede defeat in men (and sometimes women if
they're really good). Normally, you will be training in front of most of
the class, too. Failing a crowd can be painful, especially if you
participate in a tournament. The constant beating you receive is doing its
part to destroy embarrassment.
Always pushing the envelope and continuing discomfort with new classes,
tournaments and better opponents. Become proficient in everything increases
a man's confidence. Once you break this beginner s rut, submit a person,
then two, then ten, and looking back on the distance you come to your first
miserable day make you proud. The thrill of conquest in your bones, it will
be much easier to apply the same setting for the girls game.
2. Double self-defense training

Over 90% of street fights go to the ground, grappling and teach you how to
manage, deliver, or outright destroy your opponent. BJJ is only struggling,
which means that no punching, kicking, or any form of strike. Knowing how
to do a defenseless opponent, without throwing a single punch is both
rewarding and incredibly convenient. Of course, in a real fight that you
will be striking, but training BJJ give you a huge leg over all those you
might get into a fight with.
3. Train the mind to relax in uncomfortable situations

When you start BJJ, you will burn energy and sweat a storm like never
before. Think aggressive tactics is all you need to win at JJB. You will
enter every game 110% and burn all the gas in the tank.
Off the mat, your mind will be occupied by thoughts of time you tapped,
times when you have missed an opportunity, and have regrets about what you
do not have it. Losing BJJ and react with anger and frustration is the best
way to quit or never improve. The same mindset applies to play.
Over time, you spend less energy and focus more on technique. Your body and
mind become connected and synergistic flow you more & # 8212; rather than
being tense and hyper all the time. Finally, you will develop a Zen state
when grappling. You focus less on breathing and become in harmony with your
environment. This Zen is simply mind to achieve homeostasis.
The conditioning of the mind as it can be done through meditation and
rhythmic hobby, but JJB did too. Capturing the essence when you hit the Zen
mode is how you apply it to all other areas of life & # 8212; game
included. BJJ force you to be in the moment and flow with your competitors
while trying to get an edge to beat him. Like chess, you can think ten
moves ahead, but what is happening now (his shit test, your opponent to
make a move) determines how you flow with it. Getting tapa (rejection)
phases you less hyper after exposure.
4. You meet tight girls own tournament

The girls you will encounter when doing BJJ are some of the best
aesthetically. Get muscle is not going along with grappling, so girls who
are fit and lean, instead of trying to look like a man. They tight, firm
ass, legs and pert breasts faded.
Some sports have a bell curve with a higher proportion of women uglier (*
cough * of the crew), but the girls JJB not disappointed me so far, except
very few outliers. JJB as a discipline is attractive to women because there
is no striking violence, and women can compete with everyone without injury
5. breaks the contact barrier

JJB requires you to get close and personal with your partner. Not once have
I thought of two men grappling as gay, but I saw him struggling with girls
having sexual connotation sometimes. We all know that women think about sex
more than men, but when these girls run around with a lot of guys sweaty
hormones from left and right & # 8212; you get the tingling paradise.
Go tournaments and other classes, you can run the game on a girl you ride
with, and it is extremely easy to break the physical contact barrier and
get with it when you work more tingling using your game greenhouse. Roll
with girls while having other girls you see also sets out a biological
signal in her head if she thinks or not. Seeing you dominate another girl
made her think about sex 10/10 times. Thus, it is easier to open other
girls after practicing on a few.
Personally, I have excellent results to be deducted such that subjects
girls and charismatically # 8221; in both gyms and various competitions.
One thing though, if you have a gym or two that you call your home, then
don t shit where you eat. 99% used these gyms are very united, and if you
aggressively pursue the girls at your gym if you are unable or not, can
lead to a less favorable environment training for you.
Don t nuke potential links with other grabs your gym for a piece of pussy.
You can be more aggressive sexually outside your gym at home (s) and
competitions. Set your home gym should be after it shows IOI. Do not let
your cat precedence desire your desire to become a great wrestler.
6. Teaching dates to attack leads to sex

You will look like a god of the fight in front of a girl who has zero
experience in the sport. Be sure to let him know when your interaction you
struggle. Make it interesting and tactical work in your smashing RMT, or as
a means to facilitate sexual intercourse. If you get him to accept to learn
some important tips for self-defense, then the foot is already in the door.
She can not see it as sexual first, but getting heated and roll with your
body rubbing close together creating friction will get a girl the racing
engine for you.
Your focus should be on your education first. The point of this article is
that BJJ naturally cures some problems facing many men today who are
learning play. If you end up joining just for Poon gainz, then my advice to
you is to stick with it for at least a year.
Over time, you greatly enjoy getting on the treadmill with your classmates.
You will sign for tournaments because you want to win. There is a
widespread belief in the manosphere that says if you promote an attractive
lifestyle, healthy and interesting, women are more inclined to come to you.
This is the raw truth honest when taking in BJJ. You will have so much to
talk about, a hobby that shape your body, and an excuse to give girls a.
Read more: 5 things I learned about life from Jiu Jitsu

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