Friday, August 4, 2017

5 steps after declining a society is infected with Feminism

Individuals within the body politic are that the cells to organisms. Just
as people can catch diseases, nations can suffer from ideological
illnesses. Here's how the disease progresses feminism.
Step 1: Benign growth
Is it a threat never been slowed?
Feminism begins as a benign condition, but case studies show that often a
malignant tumor metastasis. Political movements in democratic societies are
similar to homeostasis process in organisms. If the groups are
disadvantaged by the law, they will consider this unjust and pursue change.
This becomes pathological if excess (disturbing homeostatic balance the
other way), or hidden programs become vectors ideological pathogens.
In some countries & # 8212; especially under Sharia & # 8212; women are
really oppressed, and very badly. Most feminists overlook that, and some
even combine with radical Islam. Note that seems paradoxical to anyone who
doesn t understand modern feminism s actual programs.
When the first wave of feminism America began with the Seneca Falls
Convention in 1848, women were treated much better than the Middle Eastern
standards. Women have their role and the obligations expected, but it was
men. For example, back in the bad days & # 8221; a man could be enlisted in
the war, unlike women. Finally, step 1 feminism has achieved its goals of
equality before the law. The exceptions are the men disadvantage areas
(such as divorce law or the project).
Women have reached the voting gradually, beginning with Wyoming in 1869 and
finally all the US in 1920. In itself, this was not a problem until that
feminism has become malignant. Finally, if someone claims the woman has no
power in society, that's been wrong for nearly a century.
Step 2: Malignant hostility
Andrea Dworkin, radical feminist and donut addict
Second wave feminism began in the mid-1950s, and infection spreads
throughout the body politics rampantly in the mid 1960. It metastasized
through exposure to potent toxins ideological disease called cultural
Marxism, a mutant strain of communism.
There are diagnostic tests to determine whether a political movement has
become an ideological malignancy. A biopsy can determine whether people at
the center look like normal people, or are a mutant strain. In addition,
they are acting in harmony for the common good of the body politic, or are
they sabotaging critical functions and dissemination of contention?
Finally, when their objectives are achieved, they are soothed or they even
make more radical demands?
With 1963 s law on equal pay, the ultimate objective of American feminism
was reached benign variety. (Next time someone whips the myth of the wage
gap, remember that the equal pay for equal work is the federal law for over
fifty years.) Are feminists declare a job well done celebrate the golden
peace between men and women? Did they give us even a crumb recognition to
acquiesce? No, the application is now even shrill.
Ten years later, they got abortion, which has now exceeded the number of
bodies of FDR's good friend Uncle Joe Staline. Yet even that wasn t enough
to appease the feminists. The gods of liberalism thirsting for blood?
In step 2 feminism, sick individuals (including some who are literally
crazy) propagate this spirit virus. During this phase of infection, this
new contagion infects large amounts of normal females, devoid of any
ideological natural immunity. Feminists suffer chronic irritation, some
even pushing cries of rage.
Infected people irrational fear all men, whatever benevolent or harmless.
social heart of the disease begins as gender relations are poisoned. The
divorce rate reached 50%. Reproduction slows; certain individual lines
start disappearing.
Step 3: sybarite tertiary syndrome
Res ipse loquitur
The third wave of feminism began in early 1990. The fever subsided a bit,
but the infection was far from its course. Some even questioned what they
were doing, but quickly shouted down. Then, oppression screeching renewed
quickly. Feminists began exacerbating concomitant Marxist cultural
conditions, a symptom called intersectionality & # 8221;.
Step 3 feminism profoundly affects the life cycle of individuals. In the
past, men and women pair up and form families, a biological fact quite
unpleasant feminist wave second. Step 3 feminism promoted alternative
lifestyles & # 8221;. Sterile pairing of the same sex is just the beginning.
people young female high class are invited to enter college. It wouldn t be
a problem if other factors. They're indoctrinated and massive debt by
graduation, educated to serve businesses and generate more tax revenue.
During their most fertile years, they consume large amounts of ethanol and
frequently mate. However, a constellation of arbitrary criteria (too
flashy, too short, middle class, too beautiful, etc.) are the reasons for
Only when the bloom of youth fades is installed & # 8221; acceptable.
Wedding requirements include having adequate undrawn guard property
resources. If he displeases her (usually expressed as I am not happy), then
it may terminate its greeting Until Death Do Us Part & # 8221;, steal half
of his money to the court, then find another sucker. Reproduction rates are
low; feminism encourages them to keep slapping Snooze & # 8221; button on
the biological clock until it's too late.
Another disease progression creates women with low class. They internalize
you don t need a man to include the education of children. Starting at an
early age, these specimens spawn several children by several fathers
absent. Often they're observed at discount stores, with double the normal
body mass, with their illegitimate offspring underdisciplined in tow. The
government is buying their votes with the money of the tax collected from
males and high class females.
Step 4: Artificially induced internal struggle

In the US, the metastasizing feminism in the fourth wave there about ten
years. feminism step 4 is closely aligned to the cultural Marxism. Its
practitioners are difficult to distinguish social justice Warriors. Many
males are also infected now, unaware that they're played as useful idiots,
like chickens persuaded to vote for Colonel Sanders.
While feminism itself was mute mute, cultural Marxism too. Not having
Soviet ideological orientation, his former attorneys in Western
universities began to push things in very strange directions. For example,
the Frankfurt School wanted to turn Americans into a nation of wimps,
reduce social cohesion, and inflict helpful guilt complexes to their
ideology. However, they wouldn t in their wildest dreams have imagined the
US military pay for sex change operations, or school children encouraged in
this neurosis too.
Step 4 feminism profoundly affects the reproductive life cycle of
individuals even beyond stage 3 dysfunction. heterosexual activity is
inadvisable: cockblocking, harassment rhetoric street, terrible lies about
rape culture & # 8220; etc. Unfounded accusations get great publicity; at
its false discovery, there are no consequences for the accuser.
At that time, a multitude of invasive organisms entering the country
because of the concomitant multiculturalism. Rather than creating a
symbiosis in the new society they freely consume its resources.
Step 5: Final phase
Welcoming the collective suicide
The nation is near death. The feminist agenda is entirely unopposed.
Individuals are infected early in their growth phase. Dissent & # 8212;
something that could inoculate against infection & # 8212; is prohibited.
The high viral load causes individuals to reproduce at only half the rate
required to support the nation begins to fade fairly quickly.
Then, invasive body attack the army with impunity, as happens to a patient
with AIDS. The government (the executive function brain Nation) will even
encourage, because while she's been infected by foreign microbes that
released toxins from cultural Marxism. The law (the nation immune system)
is totally paralyzed and can t control the invaders. Several case studies
show that it does not react at all if massive numbers of females are
targeted. However, the law will always punish free speech by healthy
individuals trying to stop the disease killing the nation.
ISN USA t step 5 again, although Sweden is almost terminally infection, and
other Western European countries show symptoms of full blown compromised
immunity. At this point, heal the nations of cultural Marxism and feminism
concomitant malignant becomes extremely difficult. Untreated, death is
inevitable. The invaders also die after I devoured the nation's corpse, and
so will their enablers, but re unconscious of it.
The treatment
Where Augusto s when you need him?
If feminism reached the stage 2, the best treatment is to deploy powerful
ideological remedies that attack the root cause of cultural Marxism. This
should start as soon as possible, before the nation becomes seriously ill.
If feminism reached the stage 5, then emergency surgery might even be
necessary to try to save what's left of the body politic.
Learn more: The warning system DEFCOCK

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