Wednesday, August 9, 2017

3 reasons why the Democratic Party has already lost the presidential elections in 2020

Our enemies not only have overplayed their hand in a spiral panicked during
recent months, but also demonstrated a shocking inability to read the new
spirit of the times and learn from their mistakes. Believe me there is a
chance 0% of a democratic presidential election victory of the United
States in 2020.
Although the reasons for this are many and varied, I did my best today s
Article distill the three most important reasons why I believe that any
attempt to win them simply will not work, but other dire humiliation
they've been since undergo Trump s victory.
November 8, 2016, was a sign that the pendulum of American politics is now
swinging the other way. As the pace is an eternal law of nature, it will
now continue for decades swing right at least until it reaches its peak and
of course come back the other way at some point in the future .
However, I think we should conduct ourselves with a mind avant-garde, and
focus more on what we are going to build over the next decade that the way
to defeat an opponent who has already lost .
That said, we take a look at three specific reasons why the Democrats have
already lost in 2020.
1. Constituents They lose (and win none) Every passing day
Even politicians are beginning to abandon ship.
With each failed attempt of social justice on the market to the American
public (and it fails every single time), more citizens and # 8220; & # 8221
revival; that happens. Their mind the big room together tapestry to a
higher level, and they feel the sting of betrayal of the establishment they
had thought previously had their best interest in mind.
Each time this happens & # 8212; which is now a week, if not daily event &
# 8212; more and more of those who grew up on the left begin to question
their old beliefs. The issues that have been simmering in their minds for a
while, finally boiled over in full curiosity, and they begin to look around
for answers that may help them balance what they're watching what they've
been said is the truth.
This does not & # 8211; & # 8211; & # 8212 always lead to the conclusion
that everything is as it seems & # 8221. Deeper down the rabbit hole they
go, the more they become exposed to the truth that has been hidden from
them; what drives inevitably far from the left, especially when they begin
to understand who is responsible for keeping everything hidden in the first
This phenomenon does not occur on the other side of the spectrum. There are
no conservative or traditionalist who, observing what's happening in the
world, abandon their beliefs in favor of social justice & # 8221.
The only people social justice calls are those who have already made their
minds and # 8230; and more and more every day to change their minds. The
universal mind of the American public only moves in one direction & # 8212;
and with the latest revelation that millions of illegal immigrants have
voted Democratic for at least eight years, it seems likely that this was
the case for much longer than is becoming obvious.
Their only hope of winning the popular vote is to flood the country
illegally and to remove the requirement of citizenship for voting. I don t
think it will happen, because more people than ever now keep a very close
eye on this process and I think there will be some major criminal cases
soon for those who tried to prevent the legal voting process in the wings.
Our president obviously knows this, and I suspect that his last act of
immigration was written to prevent illegal leftist votes more than for any
other reason.
2. They Themselves barricaded in a corner
An artist sketches of the 2020 Democratic candidate pool.
Having no coherent message to bottom with white men, Democrats have
automatically limited their leadership options for white women, minorities,
women, or men of minorities.
The three options lead to a fractured part (and an electoral defeat), given
the particular quirks of the leftist mind. I will detail in a moment.
They can not run a presidential candidate white male, because most of their
rapidly shrinking base will jump ship as this is already happening anyway.
Regardless of what the white male could say most of their audience is not
really able to grasp anything beyond the surface features, even if he says
things that they agree with, they will feel bad if they vote for a white
And at the end of the day, feelings is what leftists go with. It won t win
no matter how he throws his own race and sex on the bus trying to do.
For the record, I & # 8217, to vote for a traditional Christian minority on
a white liberal atheist 9 times out of 10. I strongly believe that all
forms of nationalism without God at the center is doomed to failure, and
that finally the faith is a stronger bond than ethnicity.
Theocratic Nationalism more sense to me than any other genre, and brings
blessings that I frankly charge t do with less traditional forms of
Anyway, that's a question for another time. Back on the main subject.
Given the staggering level of identity politics in play within the
Democratic Party, the other options are also linked to the end of nothing
but division and fight. If they are at a white woman, most of them will
complain even riding it's not white and finally the support.
White women themselves generally hated Hillary Clinton and many voted for
Donald Trump, they have already demonstrated that a candidate's simply
being white woman and not enough to win. They prefer more traditional
values ​​in identity politics.
But if Democrats run a minority woman, anti-white message anti-male, she
shall operate invariably alienate the majority of the US population. If
they run a minority man, other minority groups complain that 1) it's a man,
and 2) there isn t doing enough to serve minority groups which he himself
is not a member.
The leftist hoax intersectionality is a lie. When the rubber hits the road,
their constituency is nothing but a bunch of competing victim groups that
each chooses its own interests on the other.
In other words, the Democrats have not played a winner in the election
2020. It is already over.
Ultimately, the left simply can not and will not appeal to the majority of
the US population legal anyway. They Whitey is poorly their only point of
connection with their constituency, and & # 8212; How lucky for us & #
8212; seem quite incapable of learning from past mistakes.
Not enough people believe in this message to vote for them, and the vast
majority of legal American people became reluctant to vote for candidates
who are just insulting.
Even the massive censorship on public services such as Facebook and Google
was unable to contain the obvious change in the story that took place in
recent months.
Since the mob rule democracy we now live in basically means that anyone who
says the masses what they want to hear wins (one of the founding fathers
worst nightmares) you can not win the presidency running on a message that
the most of the population does not want to hear.
3. We will probably war

Whether it's with Russia, Iran, North Korea or just several factions in a
civil war in America, I think there is a good chance that the US will be at
war during the election 2020. There will certainly be a war times during
the decade, but it can happen earlier.
If you look at American history, you will quickly discover that the
presidents who run for re-election during wartime simply do not lose.
Whether it's because the American public has decided that it's too risky to
make a big change when things are already so tumultuous, or patriotism and
love for the leader are exacerbated in times of conflict, we always stick
that we had when things militarily difficult.
Ironically & # 8212; and that in these countries, we'll finish in armed
conflict with 2020 & # 8212; there a good chance that'll be because of the
creation s saber- rattling. Yes, the same school that threw everything he
had into the disastrous loss to Hillary Clinton in 2016 could be entirely
responsible for the fact that their next puppet loses at least as deeply as
it did (and probably a wider margin).
So you see, gentlemen, Democrats have already lost. And they have lost
badly. Rather than continue to ridicule them and take part in their
arguments (as fun and easy that can be), it is much more prudent at this
time to decide what we want the form of post-2020 to America to look like.
It is time to formulate and verbalize exactly what we want to move forward,
so that our leaders in the near future can begin building their platforms
and policies now. Being ignored sting Democrats even more than all these
recent losses, as they seem to love the theater and attention more than
they like to win anyway.
Instead of wasting our time with sterile debate, let us laugh at them just
to have already lost. Let them spray and shout in their desperate attempts
to remain relevant; we stifle their cries with our laughter.
As we begin to deny them the attention and respect they most want, they
will double their madness and simply push more of their base already
shrinking our side. All while we prepare and advance our desired parts in
Read more: 3 reasons why only men Unmasculine Vote Democrat

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