Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Men need to take back the reins

As I got older and hopefully wiser, I think there is a moral duty for all
of us to make, so to speak, to the world around us by making a
contribution. This may be something to share knowledge dissemination of
monetary wealth & # 8212; if such a thing could have the chance to get your
personal finances & # 8212; to give your time to those less fortunate than
If you do that on you and you alone, I guarantee you'll emotionally empty
and you are in your mind unfulfilled. Indeed, if anyone outside of yourself
says you have internal quality to shoot, your internal mirror does not
reflect a real tangible value back to you who you are.
Have you learned the most, manly lesson behind Clint Eastwood's Gran Torino
I remember a case study for many years about who were the happiest people
on the planet. As funny as it may seem to some, the results showed that
those who are immersed in the work of goodwill, if the recipient has no way
to repay them in some way, was the happiest most satisfied of all. This
finding coincides with what science has come to show that the brain's
reward center; the party not only releases endorphins, but also dopamine.
The trigger can not be pulled with just a random act of our choice; it
requires specific stimuli.
Now, there will certainly be among those who are reluctant readers here
that I say, and I argue them in advance: pass. But, if you have ears to
hear, and if you can appreciate another person's life experience that
reached mid-forties, then read on and take stock of what I'm about to
share. Because what I have to say here is intended to improve the world
around me, specifically, my words are for young men and men in general
Now, some might wonder, am I so shamelessly assuming I right to believe
that my understanding of right living & # 8221; is palpable and applicable
at all levels? Fuck, yes. Every man, or person for that matter, who tried
to walk according to what they feel and believe to be true, and doesn t
believe that they have the stock to instruct others ain t worth shit. Your
belief system has to be rock solid, and you must be satisfied by trial and
error, you are on the right track. You must be satisfied, and you must make
a solid attempt to walk in your beliefs.
I've been a wrestling coach and personal trainer now for the best part of
nearly 14 years, people teaching all walks of life in a dozen countries,
plying these trades, and much of what I do has to do with psychology. I
have learned and seen. I became a mentor to many of those I trained, and
some of the life lessons I Vee scattered outside the physical aspect of my
coach were received with open ears and minds. Some even returned to thank
me, years later, for the advice and lessons learned. So yes, I think I can
help a lot around me. Not all, but many.
Having had the chance to travel around the world several times in my world
tours both as a professional wrestler and rock musician, I have seen many
cultures and shared my time many areas of life with the people of many
nationalities. My life experience is quite wide here in my mid forties. Add
to that the teachings of the life of a morally strong father who is a
preacher, and voila, you have a pretty solid ethical foundation on which
this man of personal house was built. Lessons learned early in life are
certainly not lost in transition, the years roll.
Vertical Calendar
Gladiator: another movie which teaches the viewer what true masculinity
For years and years, I looked around and digression movements and
undercurrents of modern society, and not so slow erosion of the moral
fabric and backbone of our Western society. A lot of this has to do with
our excessive desire for hedonistic pleasure, as the time of ancient Rome,
just before s empirical collapse. Today, people are more interested and
immersed in frivolous pleasures, vain than at any time in the recent
history of the world. A lot of this has to do with the advent of technology
and the easy distractions that provides its captives.

It has never been easy to get sucked into an alternate reality, one that is
experienced only within a s head. With the advent of the Internet and the
explosion of social media, people are entwined in a false world of virtual
existence that only feeds their growing inner void. Less face-to-face
meetings, brain activity most congested and mental overload cheap, thrill
direction caused by likes and followers, in addition to entertainment and
useless crap & # 8221 new; that are forgotten at the end of the week, at
the latest. People crowded the heads are full, but their minds are upset
and their souls are empty.
In this puzzle, people today are increasingly mind-fucked. It's not nice
way to put it. And for the record, I refuse to be politically correct to
appease people who feel offended at the slightest thing that bothers them.
That's another area where we, as a culture, are away on the right track: we
try to use practical language and # 8221; that wouldn t & # 8217 rock all
the world, the boat or stir any reaction.
We have become loose and flabby in the day of political correctness, fear
of what those around us might say to dissuade our beliefs or position. I
tell them if the shoe should wear. If you feel offended, you have reason to
be offended. Point Blank. Check your own beliefs and values ​​and why all
you rubbed the wrong way was so powerful a aggravator in your case. And if
your beliefs or attitudes have been questioned, then you have a personal
obligation to make stocks and housecleaning, because no one can survive
internal civil war within themselves and go out together.

Today, the issues goes far beyond the generation of research misconduct
before the younger generation. This is not a case of grumpy older men
picking apart strapping young boys for love or ego not only get & # 8221.
Believe me when I tell you, your fathers ( and mothers) have gone through
all the crap you have passed by the interior, because although
technological advances, people remain basically the same. Our internal
makeup as individuals remained the same for thousands of years, despite the
nonsense social engineering the evolutionary dogma trying to push on us.
This is proven by the fact that even the ancient, ancient texts today still
resonate with people. The teachings in itself, Socrates, are still as
relevant today as they were in 470-399 BC, that wisdom is universal.
Therefore, there is no such thing as "do not get it" when it comes to the
older generation (read: accumulated life experience) singling fallacies of
the younger generation (read: the indoctrination). Only a fool would not be
having, without selling and bypass the information, advice or lessons to
those who are far ahead of them in the game of life.
The Precious and central lesson

Men are expected to lead the charge, as they have throughout history,
building empires and construction of crop, so direct, loud talking should
be expected by all who stands to it a man. True, Napoleon was not a twit
pimping, which quieted those that address, so as not to ruffle the
feathers. No. Leadership is quite another thing, and men since the
beginning of time, have been called to lead. Whatever your spiritual
beliefs, think about the lessons told in the first chapters of Genesis,
where Adam and Eve fell into sin and God's salary awarded punishment for
their disobedience.
Then he (God) said to the woman, I sharpen the pain of your pregnancy, and
in pain you will give birth. And you'll want to control your husband, and
he shall rule over you & # 8221.
 And the man he said, & # 8216; Because you listened to your wife and ate
from the tree whose fruit I commanded you not to eat, the ground is cursed
because of you. All your life you will struggle to scratch a living '& #
8221. (Genesis 3: 16-17)
Now anyone with an iota of understanding and a rational mind can think
clear these passages for a moment and see the powerful truth of weight
behind them. They describe exactly how things turned out. This is also
where I have my man to man speech referred to the male species there, and
it concerns men's relationship to women, basically.
For some reason, today, men have, to a large extent, become emasculated.
Their bullets were shorn and their authority is not only challenged and
balked at, it's damn near rejected. A lot of guys today don even know what
it is to have authority or walk with your head and chest up, taking the
role of the alpha of the species. Modern society that doesn t want. And
that's a damn tragedy.
Whether the onslaught of the first, second and now third wave of feminism,
each uglier and warlike than the last, or social engineering unisex dogma,
teaching boys and men to be passive, pink dress and get in touch with their
feminine side, the results of this ambiguous infusion were terrible. Today,
men are lost, out of touch with themselves slaves to their gadgets and more
beta, so easily controlled by external influences and others. The men, in
short, were sold on the river & # 8230; but why?
Here is my question: what men acquired by renouncing their position of
authority and the sale of their male strength, as Adam shifting blame him
eat the apple to Eve, who extended the forbidden fruit to her husband? How
did he benefited men, they have become passive and accepting, which are
feminine, maternal, nurturing traits to start?
Looking at the statistics of the players locked in their basements, young
men drop out of the education system, the suicide rate among men, the
onslaught of drugs for depression and mass explosion of pornography on the
Internet, s damn clear that men are not good at all.
Where your grandfather came out to dance like a wolf killer looking to land
your grandmother in the hope of getting successful with it, guys are now
settle for a POV with Asa Akira, imagining s, get the royal treatment,
instead of learning the age-old mating and courting game that countless
generations of men have set up with women as long as people have been
around. I don know about you, but it all sounds and seems pretty pathetic.
Would you rather live, or just dreaming?
The age-old dance of predator and prey, an essential dynamic intergender
The great mistake of the male
It's here, in the area of ​​gender and gender relations, where men have
gone so badly astray, and by a large extent. It s this hemisphere of the
human experience, which, for some reason abandoned by God, men have sold
their manhood and masculine Forté down the river, hoping to appease women
and soothe all their desires.
Now, remember the lesson of Genesis 3:16 where God says that after the
first human couple disobedience, women seek to control the man, but the man
would still rule over it. It is a platform in itself rotten cards we're
dealt at birth. Women always try to control men, because it is part of
their fallen nature. You'll get both sides of the coin when you are
involved with a woman, each time, and s to you, like man, you learn how to
navigate through the woman's inherent desire to control you.
Of course, you can always expect it spiritually enlightened that smartens
and taking the red pill is good for her. Yet the man of place of origin and
the position was one of the leaders because it was created first, and God
gave man the express command not to eat of the tree of knowledge in the
garden of Eden (Genesis 2: 15-18).
Tending to your wife's need is quite reasonable and good, but welcoming
their every need is an endless process of unhappiness, exhaustion and
vanity (in short: hedonism). You are simply not responsible to fulfill the
needs of others. Wants are the cherries on top of cake, their little bonus,
and should be considered as such and appreciated that.
Woman happy, happy life. Never heard of that one? Where this adage garbage
comes? Let s around us reverse: husband happy, happy life. Doesn t rhyme,
is it? Perhaps why nobody ever thinks about the downside or even the back
issues. But it is to be questioned: why are we, as men, so hard to please
and appease women? What do we gain in all this pimping, agreeability sweet?
This has led us to believe that women should somehow be gifted with the
most beautiful of all experiences, pleasures and treasures, and we, as men,
are driven to provide this simply because they have two X chromosomes?
One of the cases the saddest of hogwash feministic in film, What Women Want
with Mel Gibson arrive at a pathetic low beta Reflecting all the time
In recent decades, the role of men has changed dramatically from what it
had been for thousands of years. Much of that has to do with men bend over
backwards for women now, which is something that didn t get to this absurd
point in the past. It's like the men became afraid of the reactions and
opinions of women, and to stay the course and keep the females (I don t say
ladies, because it is a term that should be used sparingly, if ready to
label him) happy, men sold their cojones on the river.
What this all boils down to sell for the "power of the pussy" illusional,
which really is nothing more than men sell for a piece of the cake they
want here and now. Put a rain check on that thing and letting your hunger
build! Hunger makes you stronger.
So men have given women not only what they've wanted, but more. They
abandoned five male alpha traits and become betas to try and keep their
women happy. But divorce statistics are off the charts and marriage is seen
largely as a joke now. Don t believe me? Just think in almost every sitcom
there. Single mothers / single parents are growing beyond measure.
It's a glorification of distinct individuality (though erroneous) and the
freedom of being single. But hey, keep drinking to forget your misery,
popping these psyche drugs and depression pills, and remember that social
media will be there at your peak dopamine, regardless of the law of
diminishing returns!
It s no longer mentoring on a societal level. Well, not unless you pay
through the nose by taking a course specifically designed for this purpose.
Back in the day, however, the elders of the tribe or whatever culture
passed these essential life lessons on the stock of young puppies as part
of the daily routine. Fathers taught their son essentially masculine skills
and values, where mothers passed on to their daughters the virtues and
know-how to be a good wife and mother in turn. All this has been done away
with, and we, as a culture, are the harvest it's the bitter fruit, thorns
and thistles.
Resolution time

It is men in general I rally to man the fuck today s always convoluted,
dirty waters of confusion and displacement. It s time to take over, to
enter a place of personal responsibility when you own your shit where you
implement resolution difficult to lead the charge.
Your inner person and value thank you. Your ego will find a way of
achieving healthy, strong, instead of bragging, empty egotism. Your nearest
community feel the change, and fleas begin to fall into place, your
personal relationship to the business dealings.
Oh, there will be plenty of play and mockery. The world will not understand
for the public's consciousness and conscience is sedated. Expect to be shit
on speed and in full battle armor. Just stay strong, as building your body
at the gym, and before long the empty background image and non-beneficial
opinions of others won t you even trifle.
Become a man of his word. Here, like a rock. Act like a man, like the
heroes of tradition and history have stood before, because they are your
models and predecessors. And stop running women to appease, trying to
soothe their every whim and, in the hope of landing a sorry piece of pussy.
Don t sell your manhood on the river.
Know your stock, have some respect for yourself. Having solid-rock
standards. Aim higher. Opt for a unicorn, they rarely are. Be a fighter. An
adventurer. Take the challenge and make your life interesting. Be the hero
of your own life story. There's a lot of false advertising there. Don t
fall for the hype and glamor. Don t believe the bullshit. Test the waters,
try the ice before going out on her. Make better choices. Own your shit.
Find a cause worth fighting for, because every man needs a battle worth
discovering his own power. Take responsability. Take charge. Be a leader.
Become an alpha.

the Payoff
So what's the rise of this? Feeling like you are allowed. Feeling like you
could even include a small iota of what Winston Churchill preached when he
spoke to his people in 1940 during the Battle of France, facing the Nazi
Another head? Winning the respect of women, especially the woman in your
life. Pussy follows so fast. It's the natural order of things, because it
creates the polarity required for intergender relationships.
Another head? personal clarity. You will be able to cut through the scum
much easier than ever before. You can see things for what they are, not for
what you say they are.
Life is short. Don waste most of it. Your golden youth is only for a
moment, but the consequences may be for a lifetime.
Learn more: The red pill is one of the hardest things A Man Can Do

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