Thursday, August 3, 2017

How to train the next generation of Men

If you were a parent in the 1950s, you had a pretty good idea of ​​what the
future for your son. The path to success has been set: get good grades in
school, go to a respected university, and being hired by a large
corporation. But today's parents no obvious way to give their children. We
live on a powder keg, and we can not predict if and when it will explode.
This means that we must prepare our children to succeed, no matter what the
future holds.
Modern Agoge

The film 300 outlines the Agoge (training) that young Spartan boys
underwent Spartan warriors to become full. Although we do not know exactly
what the Spartans was Agoge, we can guess that it was to learn to fight in
the Greek Phalanx, strengthening and endurance exercises, and activities
have developed the confidence and tenacity.
The modern age has removed the need for the boys through a strict Agoge.
The modern army is composed by professional warriors. Everyone in the
company is a civilian with almost no idea of ​​war. The only training most
of us get is training to become a cog in a giant corporate machine. The
modern world hamster wheel to get a job, overeating and incur debt, and
spend the next 50 years working to pay for over-consumption.
But the current environment is not sustainable. Even traditional experts
recognize that the neoliberal order begins to crack, and for good reason:
it enriches a small elite while eroding slowly the living standards of the
masses of people in North America and Europe. The only questions are when
and how the neoliberal order will finally fall.
This uncertain situation makes it inadvisable educate your children the
same way you learned. The next generation of children, particularly boys,
should be trained in both arts of peace and the art of war. In other words,
we must create a modern Agoge for our son. This article is my attempt to
offer a possible approach.
The basics

I do not think our civilization will collapse into something like the dark
ages when we lose the technology we've built so far. It is therefore
reasonable to assume that we can not neglect the basics. The standard
topics that are taught in the Grades 1-12 & # 8211 program; reading,
writing, arithmetic, history, science and grammar remain important for all
children to learn.
Public schools in the US teach all these things, but I think they do a
shoddy work of it, so I entrust my child to them. First, public schools are
constantly experimenting a way to teach math that will make all children
to "get it. "Unfortunately there is no magic method of teaching mathematics
and mathematical latest study programs end up being less effective. The
result of the constant evolution of the program is that most kids graduate
from high school without a good foundation in mathematics.
Second, the mission of public schools is to educate future employees for
academic excellence non-US companies. Thus, there is a lot of wasted time
in the school day. After all, children should learn to spend some hours in
the "office" no matter if they are productive.
There is a part of the standard program that needs more emphasis: American
children are woefully deficient in knowledge of history, especially
European history. As a student in the public schools, I was taught the
revolutionary war, slavery, civil war, racism, Jim Crow laws, almost
nothing about the First World War, Second World War, New Deal and the civil
rights movement. I also had a class in Russian history which was pretty
I left high school with a poor understanding of world history and had to
spend much of my adult life to remedy this deficiency. This should not be
the case. An understanding of history gives a person the ability to learn
from others mistakes made. This perspective is necessary if you want your
children to grow up to become effective citizens.
Other topics

While the standard topics are important, they are not sufficient to equip
our children for the unforeseeable future. These additional subjects will
be useful no matter what the future holds.
As I mentioned above, American education is to produce employees, not
independent businessmen. This is a bad strategy as the model of corporate
employees equals slavery contract. Modern Agoge recognizes that business
ownership is a better path to financial stability.
Public schools teach very little about finance. This ignorance leads many
people to make bad financial decisions. Our children need to know about how
to invest, different investment vehicles, and the best strategies before
completing their school-level diploma.
Qualities of success
In life, you may know less value than the way you react to situations. I'm
sure you know people who are highly educated, but not as successful as
business people with less education and brain power. The difference is in
the courage of each individual. Perseverance, grit, self-confidence, and
people strong skills should be instilled from an early age.
Former trained in rhetoric can move men through the power of speech. A
well-balanced person should be able to write and deliver a speech that will
influence his listeners.
Training to be a man

Up to this point, just about everything I've mentioned can be taught to our
daughters and our son. But there are differences between the sexes. Some
masculine qualities we need to instill in our son.
self defense
Every man should be able to defend themselves in melee. There are many
martial arts that could give your children an adequate self-defense, but
the arts have a lot of sparring are better than those that focus on forms
or practice that involves partners fuss. Brazilian Jiu-Jutsu, boxing,
wrestling and MMA training are all viable options. Know-how with a knife
and a handgun would also be included as part of a modern Agoge program.
Hunting, fishing and living off the land
If civil war in the future, men who can live off the land for short periods
of time will better results than those whose only experience with food is a
supermarket. In addition, hunting, fishing and camping can serve as an
excellent coming of age rituals.
Military strategy
In the ancient world, there were few professional warriors. The army
consisted of able-bodied men who were trained in the arts of part-time war
to protect their land and families of invaders. In early Rome, soldiers
were responsible for purchasing their own weapons and armor. So even
farmers know the basics of military strategy. Today, unless they have
served in the military, most American men are completely ignorant of
military tactics. Given the unstable world situation, it would be wrong to
let our son grow up ignorant of the art of war.
These are my preliminary thoughts on what should understand modern Agoge.
We are in uncharted waters where the old teaching the future generation
will fail. However, we can not wait to education "experts" to show us the
way forward. It is we in the South Korean community to blaze the trail.
Read more: How can men Modern Men Bring Back The Era Of The Gentleman

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