Monday, August 21, 2017

What is so bad about A Global Religion?

Peace and thanks to you Lord Jesus Christ. I hope that, in these difficult
times, you are able to find some semblance of optimism and joy.
This past week has been particularly difficult for those of us in the
United States who have the first amendment in high esteem, and it can be
very difficult to maintain hope when it seems that our nation is crumbling
around us. And yet, the living water source we can never find stops
flowing, and in him the security that we seek and strive.
Like most of the audience is probably aware, part of the New World Order
plan for world government also calls for world religion. This world
religion, with its foundation in books like Alice Bailey s Externalization
of the Hierarchy, may seem attractive at first sight. After all, the idea
of ​​everyone living together in harmony & # 8212; worship God and treat
our neighbors and whatever our education & # 8212; is certainly a nice
thought to entertain.
However, there are more things than meets the eye, and today's article, I d
like to address the subject of spiritual warfare and expose some of the
enemy's playbook. It is important (and often difficult) to remember that in
our treatment of political enemies, we are not actually competing against
Paul writes in Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is against flesh and blood,
but against principalities, against powers, against the powers of this dark
world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.
This is the only war that matters.
It is as true today as 2000 years ago that spirits use human beings as
vessels through which to carry out their will. In the case of demonic
spirits that drive the enemies of God and truth, there is a relatively
limited number of ways in which they can enter a human and subvert the
man's willingness to carry out their own order of the day.
I m not going to talk about one of such means today, but first I have to
define what the enemy agenda really is. Keeping in mind that all demonic
spirits are merely minions of the enemy, their goal is to manifest hell on
Earth. They want power and control, and they feed on chaos and pain. More
chaos and the pain they can cause in human affairs, they become more and
more things get worse for us in the physical realm.
The one and only thing in their way to complete domination of the physical
domain is the group of people who are spiritually sealed against influence
by the blood of Christ. This being the case, the demonic spirits know that
their best chance to become manifest on Earth is to attract the minds and
hearts of the people away from Jesus Christ. With that accomplished, it is
a task very easy for them to take control subtly.
Therefore, they disguise themselves in a number of ways to achieve this.
They do not just show as demons and tell you to leave them in, as this give
the game & # 8221., They promise up the equality, liberty, fraternity and
other lies whose inspiration, but lead to destruction. As Paul wrote in 2
Corinthians 11:14, Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light & # 8221.
As, probably carrying a flag rainbow for good measure.
In a sense, the enemy told the same lie today as it did at the beginning: I
m here to make you strong and free! He told Eve that she become as God, s
not so different from some of its many forms, even today. Remember that
these spirits were much longer than humans. As such, they all know our
weaknesses and temptations both as a species and as individuals.
Therefore, you can be sure that Satan will take the form more attractive to
you personally when he's trying to keep you away from Christ. For many
people in the modern world, they want to believe. The diversity,
inclusiveness and tolerance One of his favorite things to culture today is
trying to put all religions on an equal footing and # 8221. People inspired
by the enemy minions will say it s all the same, all led to the same place,
or maybe the classic light, many paths & # 8221.
I was deceived by this long myself, so I know very well how attractive
these ideas may seem. But in the end, they are lies. People disseminate don
t realize consciously, they're lying & # 8212; and believe very likely that
they are on the right side of history & # 8212; s but because their minds
have been twisted and deceived by spirits possessing and using them.
If the demons can get people to believe that all religions lead to the same
place, all it does is to weaken faith in Christ as the only means by which
seal against them. It is not a complicated thing, it's just a very subtle.
Whether it's any truth & # 8221 equality; all these different belief
systems, Christ himself has already answered this question. He said in John
14: 6, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father
but by me & # 8221. All who have been born again know the absolute truth
and power of that statement. Those who sealed against demonic influence are
easy targets, and it is against these easy targets that we are fighting now.
If you want to win this war, realize will not be won on the ground. As
you've seen this week, the enemy all the money and temporal power. Instead,
realize that the spirits animating our political enemies are powerless
against the blood of Christ and his spiritual soldiers. By believing in the
gospel and you seal against demonic influence, you become a puppet under
the enemy and one more point of power by which the angels can work.
Remember that the enemy does not need to win the cult; it needs not only
worship God.
Outside the New Testament book of my highest recommendation to make you a
soldier of God is the translation Jack Sparks Victory in the Unseen War. It
is simple, direct, powerful and transformative.
More people across the planet earth are sealed by the blood of Christ, less
spirits portals can be used is if to enter our realm. That's why the enemy
only the greatest fear is a united worldwide Christian Church, I mean no
more than one body of believers in Jesus Christ.
So to conclude today's test, let me answer the original question & # 8217
What is so wrong with a world religion & # 8221 ?; The answer is & # 8221
nothing. As long as he is the one that Jesus Christ preached.
Read more: The 21 theses of Alt-Christianity

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