Wednesday, August 2, 2017

10 lessons on girls I Teach My Teenage Self Today

Over the past two decades, I did a lot of play, had many adventures and
relationships and encounters which short-term benefit with lots of pretty
girls. But it was not always like. I am now in quarantine at first. When I
was a teenager my love life was a shit show. I lost my virginity until I
was twenty.
There was no need for it. I do not pretend that I could have been the
greatest player in the world, but I missed a lot of opportunities because
of false beliefs and a lack of experience.
Here are 10 things I would say to my self teenager now if I had the chance.
1. Relax, it's better

When I was sixteen, I already felt that I had been alive very long. Things
are not great and my hunch was that they would continue to worsen & # 8212;
forever. I feared not only that I have a girlfriend, but I'd never get a
job, I would not be able to support me, I would end up homeless. Etc.
Today I can be prone to negative projection also. But with much more
experience, I am able to see that life is made up of both good and bad.
While bad things happen no doubt, so do good things.
In addition, I have more control than I thought. With the ability to work
(in the game, as well as businesses) I can shape my own future.
2. Do not put her on a pedestal

This is perhaps the most important lesson any young man can learn.
Early in my life, my love interests all have followed a predictable
pattern. I become fixated on a particular girl (usually a brown, lean & #
8212; t my paradise tastes really changed at all). Then, instead of taking
action, I would expect something to happen, hoping that my significant
glances during chemistry class were enough to convey my interest in it.
Sure, it was a terrible strategy. And since nothing was happening, I become
more and more obsessed with the girl. This would increase the perceived
value to goddess status in my eyes, and so the pain of not having her
become ever sharper.
By putting these girls on pedestals I not only gained a lot of emotional
discomfort, but I've also done is much less likely that I did get them. You
see the desperation is palpable: women can say, like a sixth sense, when a
guy is interested. If then doesn t have the balls to follow and be honest
about what he wants then she'll quickly despise her.
3. Go with the girl who is actually interested

Another consequence of putting girls on pedestals (or oneitis) was that I
did not take those who were genuinely interested in me.
I always used to say I had terrible luck with the girls at school. In fact,
it wasn t really the case. There were many (attractive) girls were
interested in me. But I would always blow for anyone the object of my
obsession was at that time. This meant that I spent a number of great
Remember, when you get IOIs you should always respond to & # 8212; Failure
to do so means you're leaving money on the table.
4. Jealousy is a powerful motivator

Ironically, my lack of engagement with these girls who were really
interested in me cost me opportunities oneitus with my girls could have
been sparked by jealousy.
What I could not achieve as a young man had the power of jealousy can also
be a motivator. I'm still clung to the notion of blue pill that would
only "showing that I was serious," I could hope to get the girl.
This is misleading. & # 8216; Show that you are serious is the worst way to
ignite sexual arousal and the best way to look like a desperate chode too
If I had taken the bait on one of the other girls he's probably not only
that I had fun, but I would have also stimulated demand in the market too.
5. Do not try to be perfect

Don t strive for perfection. Don t guess what his & # 8216; perfect man is
like and try to fit the bill. Don t waste your time on these things.
Look at the guy who gets laid in high school & # 8212; saccades, the
wasters. You think they waste time trying to be & # 8216; & # 8217 the
perfect man? Of course, they don t. They are just honest, upfront and put
themselves on the line, come what may.
My strategy has led me to try to be & # 8216; different from all the rest &
# 8217;. Although the radical differentiation from other men is essential,
trying to be more honorable just won t work & # 8212; not in this universe,
6. The sexual attraction comes first and you can not negotiate your way
into her underwear.
Vinny Pringo yesterday.
As a teenager my strategy to get the girls focused on trading. If I could
communicate all the reasons why she should love me so she would realize
that I was perfect and select me over other men. What I don t see, at that
time, was that sexual attraction always trumps appeals to logic.
My contemporary Vinny Pringo had a much more visceral strategy than me. Our
recreation area school boasted a climbing frame for young children. At
lunchtime, Pringo remove his shirt and do push-ups on the bars, showing off
her well-developed shoulders, arms and abs for girls. As I despised his
method for & # 8216; & # 8217 too obvious;. I swear he used to oil his
chest before these screens.
Nevertheless, the reality was that Pringo was knee deep in the most pussy
during our last year, so I stuck having & # 8216; deep and meaningful
conversations with girls who have gone nowhere.
If it's a choice between gross sexual attraction ignition or negotiate
intimacy, always go for the first and not the latter.
7. Put yourself first

For this reason & # 8212; Naturals such as Vinny Pringo are intuitively
aware & # 8212; it is imperative that you put yourself first.
Do not guess at what you think the girl wants. In fact, do not lose any
time to think about it at all. If you enjoy working on the bars and so. If
you like football and play. If you want to learn the violin then do it.
More looking to please rather than to him, the more you are on your own
path, the better you'll end up doing because no woman wants to replace a
human task.
8. The rejection is not the end of the world

When I was in high school, I am absolutely terrified of rejection: it was
the cause of all my problems. Honestly, I thought if I threw just once the
sky would fall and I would not survive likely.
Of course, this was absurd. The fact is that rejection is inevitable in all
areas of life, if you want to publish a book, get a job or investor
interest in your business idea. Why should it be different with dating?
As I got older, I learned not only to accept rejection, but to embrace it.
Rejection of time has become a badge of pride. At least I was doing
something that intimidates a huge percentage of guys. For that alone, I was
ahead of the pack.
9. Not all girls feel the same

After the previous point, just because you get rejected by a girl, it does
not mean that the next turn you automatically as well. It was yet another
fundamental error of mine. I really thought the girls were all thinking the
same thing as the other, and that if you were deemed unsexworthy by one
then the other feels the same way too.
That was before successful in mastering the complexity of the sexual
marketplace, and realized that the male value is not static. A guy who
could not pull a 3 in the United States may well be the toast of the city
of Shanghai.
Your VPS is very subjective and in the eye of the beholder.
10. Even if you get with it, it will not solve the problems of your life

And finally, another fantasy blue pill that must be canceled. Even if you
get that girl you wanted for so long, do not for a moment think that will
make your life wonderful and you never have any new problem. Quite the
The sad truth is that it is when a relationship with a girl begins the work
begins really hard too.
For a compilation of all the best written game Troy, tips and techniques
the past four years to buy his new book How To Get Hot Girls in bed
Read more: Women Don t want relationships with men who want relationships

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