Saturday, August 26, 2017

This is the first video to sandbox the Alliance Censorship of YouTube with ADL

He shared so much truth on Youtube recently that Google has decided to
cooperate with the Anti-Defamation League to close while introducing a
video program sandbox they simply don t like. That came a few months after
a wave of demonetization that affected many conservative channels.
We will soon apply a treatment more difficult to videos that are not
illegal, but have been reported by users as potential violations of our
policies on hate speech and violent extremism. If we find that these videos
do not violate our policies, but contains religious supremacist or
controversial content, they will have removed features. Videos on YouTube
are behind an interstitial, will not be recommended, will not be monetized,
and present key characteristics, including comments, suggested videos, and
This censorship tool has been deployed and identified the first known video
sandbox. Want to take a guess as to what the video is about? It's not Isis
or sexualization of children. He n t a video by an unhinged liberal
encouraging a coup against Donald Trump. It's a video called Race
Differences in Intelligence & # 8221.
Try to look at the following to see how sandboxing works & # 8230;

Youtube won t let you watch the embedded video. Instead, you need an
interstitial warning you of the & # 8221 offensive; speech you're on the

Are you still triggered shitlord? If you're not and click, you're greeted
with a naked screen that doesn t even lets you click through the creator's

The video itself was produced by Jared Taylor of American Renaissance. It
contained the argument that the main reason blacks have poorer outcomes
than whites are not due to lack of opportunities, but lower IQ. Whether you
agree with this argument or not, YouTube believes that no one should have
the ability to share, comment or like because of it. You'll never see you
recommended or shown in a search result. What is the idea of ​​Taylor's
actions caused the ADL and Google to go to extremes to censor? As you may
know, it will instead against their egalitarian agenda.
Silicon Valley, once a brand associated with innovation and high
technology, is becoming linked to the censorship and muffled speech.
Instead of executing their mission of creating technologies that improve
lives, they're using it to innovate new ways to inflict pain and suffering
of those who disagree with their globalist nightmare world. These are the
people facing Islamic terrorism exhorting us to pray for peace while using
a single straight in Charlottesville death as an excuse to launch a massive
purge Internet.
To date, many of the extreme right and personalities sites have been banned
from PayPal, Twitter, PayPal, Stripe, Facebook, Instagram, MailChimp,
Soundcloud, Uber, and countless other platforms. To make matters worse,
domain registrars, and maintenance business website such as CloudFlare and
GoDaddy have no platformed The Daily Stormer, keeping the site offline
since Sunday. It is clear that ideological dissenters will have to change
their tactics in order to keep their websites and other online platforms.
Now it's clear that every company in Silicon Valley hate you and your
ideas. They demonetise you, discourage you to use their sites, and then
finally you deplatform all and for a cherished agenda that is a powerful
hard time standing up to the truth. If this continues until are created
appropriate alternatives, we could enter a dark age for Internet once free.
Read more: Daily Stormer is the first site to be banned from the Internet
to his speech

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