Thursday, August 17, 2017

The Challenge Purity

When people try to solve their problems of fatigue or mood, they can become
dependent on substances or drugs that have the opposite desired effect
added at the expense of long-term issues. I recently undertook a period of
30 days purity that allowed me to solve health problems, stabilize my
energy and mood, become more in tune with my natural state and reduce
psychological dependency.
In your first physical, you're not likely to give a second thought to drink
a few espressos a day or have fun on the weekend hammering shots with
friends. Your sexual vitality can remain high despite excessive consumption
of drugs or estrogenic compounds. This changes once you reach your 30s.
Your old habits are starting to slide down your energy and mood while
hiding lifestyle or health problems to be solved.
I wake up and I'm tired so I do not drink coffee all day. Then I'm too
nervous if I drink a few beers to bring me down. I'm too busy to go out
during the day so I take vitamin D pills instead of getting sun. I m bored
at home so I watch porn and masturbate. Suspecting that these habits harmed
my natural state, I have quit cold turkey. Here's how it all & # 8230;
no caffeine

The first thing I did when the alarm was brew a strong cup of black coffee.
I sometimes add a second cup throughout the day or drink black tea pot.
As I wrote before, the caffeine withdrawal symptoms are severe enough,
revealing how powerful it is as a medicine. The third day of the challenge
of purity, I was extremely tired, and had to take daily naps for several
days. I also have bad headaches for more than a week. It took ten days for
any withdrawal symptoms to subside.
To replace my coffee habit, I would drink a cup of green or white tea in
the morning, which was extremely low caffeine, and tea herbal after that if
I wanted more hot drinks. The result is that my energy is flatter
throughout the day, without the ups and downs that I had before. I also
know that if I don t go to bed at an early hour, there will be no way to
relieve my fatigue the next day, unless I take a nap.
No alcohol

During the winter, I developed a habit to drink at least a pint of beer
every night. It was easy enough to stop a viewpoint of addiction, but it
was more difficult socially and dating.
Every time I go out at night with my friends, they're drinking. I can see
directly how using alcohol to get into a more relaxed and fun state they
appreciate the strong place while I remain stiff as a board. I was also
reminded of how integrated the point alcohol in modern dating, since girls
insist to drink large amounts of alcohol the night and dates. It was not
your big deal that I had not been drinking at the bar when hunting for my
lemon soda water could easily be mistaken for a drink, but not to drink
dates assured girls wouldn t be drinking, greatly reducing the speed to
sexual satisfaction.
I've had some experience with simple game in Ukraine, where I met girls who
didn t drink, but having to do it every single date posed a great
challenge. The result is simple dates that you actually love each other
beyond physical attraction, because your logical mind is strong enough,
willing to reject the girl for practical reasons that you would have put in
t drunk.
Go completely sober means ultimately that it will take more time to sleep
with a girl. The advantage is that you do not manage to hit the subpar
girls just to the notch and are able to spot genuine gift connections t
need a drug to bloom. Regarding health, the benefits are not hungover and
improved sleep, especially the nights I would have consumed more than two
drinks. I can stay out late on weekends and wake up the next day without
feeling the negative effects.
No supplements, medicines, drugs or cigarettes

My extra battery was fish oil, magnesium (to counter the palpitations
caused by caffeine) and vitamins B, C and D. I stopped everyone cold
turkey, added more vegetables to my diet, and spent more time in the sun on
hot days.
I think vitamins work in theory, but I don t think they are absorbed in the
same way that nutrients from food. We must also be careful to think
substance has an advantage for us when it was tested on populations that
differ in their genetic profile. For example, the benefits of fish oil are
advertised as reducing heart disease, but it's most tested on Asian
populations where fish is a staple of their diet. The problem is that I'm
not Asian. I also didn t know exactly how these vitamins are made, and if
companies cut corners during the manufacturing process.
I haven t noticed obvious changes after discontinuing all supplements. This
is not surprising since most of the benefits are expected to be long term.
If you happen to smoke cigarettes or take pharmaceuticals or illegal drugs,
you can stop those too to meet the challenge of purity.
no porn

Finally, I leave the pornography. I m already the harmful effects of
pornography, especially the way he programs you want many sluts impairing
the function of the long penis, but what pushed me over the edge was that I
felt less boners spontaneous. For years I have training to get boners that
when I was watching pornography or was with a naked woman. Porn also made
me not to masturbate when I was excited, but when I'm bored.
Masturbating without porn meant I had to be really excited enough to
imagine sex with my mind, which I haven t had to make more than 15 years.
Since the use of your mind to masturbate isn t as fun, the effect is that
you fap less and have a higher lubricity base that helps your game.
Another important impact not using pornography is I m much more sensitive
to seeing female flesh or images of girls in lingerie. It is possible for
me to get half a boner right now if I see a girl by the window in a bikini
top. I m 38, but feel that my vitality Penor acquired a solid decade among
young people. If you think you're masturbating too much, you can also add
fap not challenged.
The lessons of the challenge of purity
Even after 30 days of the past challenge, I decided to continue because of
strong advantages. No caffeine consumption has stabilized my energy,
forcing me to fix fatigue with rest and sleep instead of providing
short-term coffee. No drinking alcohol has improved my ability to seek
other relationships with women as I like better mood and sleep. Do not take
supplements pushed me to the door to get more sun while improving my diet.
And do not watch porn boners gave me more frequent and comprehensive
Another change is that I became extremely perceptive to small changes in my
body. Coffee and alcohol tend to hide your natural state, but now I can
link a power change or mood or to my previous nights and # 8217; sleep, a
meal I just ate, bad news I received, or a tense conversation I lived. It
has become easier to connect why I feel a certain state with my most recent
actions. This led me to conclude that getting a good sleep is the absolute
best way to have a good day. Following this is to avoid foods that have
high glycemic index such as pizza, which can make you feel drowsy and
steering clear of people who start drama or arguments.
The first two weeks of the challenge of purity can be a hindrance for you
as your body copes with withdrawal symptoms, so waiting three and four
weeks to observe its true benefits. I'll certainly backslide on alcohol and
coffee, but at least I'll remember that their benefits are outweighed by
the costs that have a measurable impact on my body, and exists mainly on
sleep, food, teas and light water puts me near my more primal animalistic
This article was originally published on Roosh V.
Read more: 5 surprising uses for baking soda

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