Tuesday, August 15, 2017

How the decentralization of elite power structures destroyed globalist

In my previous article, I wrote about how Bitcoin is destroying the global
banking cartel. It's a decentralized, peer to peer transaction mode can be
done anywhere in the world. In other words, it can t be traced, it can t be
hacked, and it can t be printed. While Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies
were loosening the stranglehold that bankers and payment processors in the
financial markets, something else began to happen.
During the past year, as the Conservatives began to wake up and realize the
dangers of having huge conglomerates leftists, we started to see an
interesting phenomenon. Instead you can become more centralized, as is
typical of technological change, energy becomes increasingly decentralized
reality. In layman terms, the power slowly going to the people.
From 5000 to now in British Columbia

For millenia, governments and the powers that tried to control information.
It is not hard to see why, either & # 8212; when you control information,
you control the population. Unfortunately for (((the))), however, the
outlets for media distribution have been expanding slowly to allow everyone
with the basic technology to express their opinion.
Take, for example, the following sequence of changes in the media:

5000 BC to 1440 AD & # 8211; controlled scribes and clergymen 100% of
non-verbal information. Only the highest levels of society had access to
information. No one could even read.
1440-1850 & # 8211; The hand printing press created massive intellectual
growth as the cost of books has been pulled down. Still, however, the
top .001% created the information.
1850-1920 & # 8211; The emergence of the press control machine led many
newspapers to start presenting local and national news. At this point, the
top .01% created what was printed.
1920-1960 & # 8211; Radio has become popular, which meant a massive change
password written to the spoken language. Although still highly centralized,
radio has helped to spread ideas much faster than before. At this point,
approximately the top 0.1% created the information.
1960-1990 & # 8211; As television grew, thousands of men eager to share
their opinions and ideas followed. At this point, the top 1% ccreated
1990-2010 & # 8211; With the digital age revolutionizing the distribution
of information, we began to see a sharp increase in primary sources of new
2011-2017 & # 8211; As platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and
WordPress have grown, literally everyone with a blog and a camera can reach
millions. The elites have begun to feel the change, and began to push hard.
At this stage, 25% to create information.

While we have certainly made no massive giant in creating the information,
the power structures that distribute the information is still relatively
centralized. While having access to a computer can create information, the
top 0.00001% of the company still has a say whether or not he's seen and
Companies such as YouTube, Google, Facebook, Twitter, and we have shown
repeatedly that they have no problem with the censorship of conservative
and nationalist views. Although they t realize yet, the global elite are
creating their own demise: decentralization very power structures that
allow them to control us.
The death of YouTube

In the wake of recent YouTube censorship protocol implemented, the
Conservatives have sought alternative platforms to disseminate ideas. For
years, one site had a monopoly over 95% of streaming video services online
but this monopoly is now beginning to disintegrate.
After YouTube started demonetization YouTubers pro-Trump in 2016, many
conservatives began to panic, fearing a future Orwellian was close. When
YouTube crossed the line by putting the Conservatives videos in limbo,
however, a new video sharing platform emerged & # 8212; and it can t be
controlled by a handful of globalist leaders. It's completely decentralized.
Meet LBRY, a free database, open, and digital community management filled
with countless hours of video. Although it's only in its beta,
decentralized library (no pun intended) won massive support worldwide. LBRY
works using the technology of the block chain, where the volunteers at
random around the world can volunteer to store data. This effectively
decentralizes the video sharing network, put in the hands of tens of
thousands of users like you and me, and because of that, he's immune to
Blockchain technology

I predict that the new digital technology known as the blockchain will be
the vanguard of this process of decentralization. Although I'm not techie
enough to understand, I have a basic knowledge of the concept, and I
understand that's completely revolutionary, something that will be even
change the world as the printing press or the locomotive.
Let's use Wikipedia for a quick definition of what is blockchain:
A blockchain [1] [2] [3] - block chain at the origin [4] [5] -. Is a
growing list continuously records, called blocks, which are linked and
fixed using cryptography [1] [6] Each block typically contains a hash
pointer as a link to a previous block, [6] a stamp time and transaction
data. [7]
By design, blockchains are intrinsically resistant to changing data.
Functionally, a blockchain can serve as an open book, distributed to record
transactions between two parties effectively and verifiably and
permanently. [8]
For use as a book distributed blockchain is usually managed by a
peer-to-peer network collectively adhere to a new blocks validation
protocol. Once recorded, the data in a given block can not be changed
retrospectively without changing any of the following blocks and collusion
of the majority of the network.
In layman's terms, blockchain decentralized files and can be applied to
virtually everything that's digital. The world doesn t realize yet, but
historians will remember this technology as the final nail in the coffin
global aristocracy s & # 8212; Soros and Bilderberg buddies are too
isolated in their own bubbles to achieve this.
Through blockchain technology we can effectively bypass the centralized
power & # 8221; problem by creating a free, open network and supported by
the community WHAT EITHER & # 8212; Money for video and data to medical
records for commercial transactions. Practical applications are absolutely
There's a pattern here

 Here, Jon & # 8212; you've just referenced a few points. Are you
cherry-picking data & # 8221 ?; This is a question that many readers may,
and though it may seem I m selectively choose my data points, if you look
closely, you'll start to notice a very interesting model.
As I asked in the previous section, for the last 7000 years, the means of
creation and distribution have become gradually more and more
decentralized. Now it's only a matter of time before this quantum leap in
civilization bleeds into every aspect of our lives.
We saw it with Bitcoin have, Ethereum, and other digital currencies. I have
personally ridiculous gains to invest in cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin
and Ethereum (among others), and know men who have seen yields as high as
22 000% in less than a year.
We have seen this pattern with information, as well. With new applications
such as radical Filecoin, information can be outsourced so that no single
entity can control. With such as Golem, whether or data processing can be
outsourced, so we must rely on the monopoly of the distribution.
How You Can Benefit

As decentralization process continues to progress, we will all benefit & #
8212; the powers are beginning to lose their grip on Western civilization,
an era of prosperity and cultural renaissance will emerge.
Some will benefit more than others, however; especially those who can see
the changing tides and act accordingly. If I were you, I & # 8217, to take
some steps to ensure that you can not only benefit financially upcoming
changes, but in other ways.

Safeguard you & # 8211; As society undergoes these changes, there will
probably retaliation. The elite do not want to lose their power and will do
everything they can to prevent that happening. So get ready: buy weapons,
buy food, get in good shape, and learn some basic survival skills.
Investing in & # 8211 cryptocurrency; I've put my plan to make $ 1,000,000
in this article here. I recommend you follow his advice T.
Become a creator & # 8211; With the decentralization of power, everyone can
create new content. There are just ten years, the ideas discussed on ROK
wouldn t a chance to reach the public. Now, however, we have a player base
in the tens of thousands. Start a blog, create a YouTube channel, selling
an eBook, simply do something to set you up for the future.

Millions of men have already begun to feel the change & # 8212; it's only a
matter of time before the powers are beginning to crumble, and humanity can
finally be free. Although many may call my idealistic visions for the
future, even naive, I challenge them to look at the good in people. It
seems that no matter how hard they try, no matter how they control, and no
matter how many people they silence the elite can not resist the human mind.
If you want to support Jon's work and more SHREDDED than you ever thought
possible, check her Body Fitness Guide Alpha & # 8212; on sale for South
Korean players only.
Read more: How cryptocurrency Jewish globalist banking cartel Destroying

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