Tuesday, August 8, 2017

7 Products recommended for your liberal friends butthurt

It's difficult to identify as liberal. Just about every major news network
actions of your political views, your beliefs won t you get sidelined or
termination of your employer, your ranting won t you get the mass
Unfriended on Facebook and most university professors and other students
all have your back & # 8221;.
Seeing how everything is so stacked against the left, especially the
neo-Hitler infiltrated the White House and will bring back the black
slavery and extermination of Muslims all time, what can they do to deal
with this threat butthurt and inducing new world order?
As an offering of good grace and friendship to our misguided Liberal
cousins, here are six products we strongly recommend that you help you
survive the fallout all triggering phenomenon you have shown in your life
1. I Can t Believe It s Not Butthurt!

The greatest fictional product Liberal butthurt ever designed from the
interwebs. If your & # 8216; progressive friend has a sense of humor (which
is quite rare these days), laughter donation is a quick solution to the
emotional devastation.
Otherwise, you risk being unfriended of all forms of social media. Shows
how tolerant they really are.
2. Professional Service Cuddling

Oh no! Do some fascists in a suit tell you to speak English instead of
Spanish in the United States? How are you ever & # 8221 cure; this
incredibly traumatic event? Fortunately, there are now professionals hugs
from companies that are thriving under the Trump Reich, and they are happy
to help a Liberal snowflake depart with their money.
3. Ben & amp; Jerry's ice cream

Ice cream is truly one of life's great comfort foods. In fact, it would
have made a delicious and therapeutic pleasure for a left winger after the
presidential election. You know, when this evil Nazi white supremacy,
Donald Trump, beat Hitlery Hillary Clinton and marked the beginning of the
Fourth Reich.
Since the Liberals tend to like & # 8216; social justice causes, you should
recommend that they will buy the brand outside of Ben & amp price; Jerry s.
The company was co-founded by Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, two (((super
white guy))) who announced in May 2017 that their company would serve more
than two balls of the same flavor of ice cream in Australia.
Why? Because the Australian government refuses to legalize gay marriage
Nothing says & # 8221 progress; such as removing rights and personal
choices of Australian consumers to protest against the marriage of form
that facilitates childbirth! therefore fatten on Benny's and they'll feel
better in the spirit of social justice!
4. A new basket

Is Donald Trump / (literally) Hitler re-election? Does someone gives a
speech that didn t walk the same pace as social justice? Is this return of
kings publish another article saying that women with tattoos and blue hair
is less absolutely perfect Goddesses & # 8221;?
If so, so be prepared for the maximum rage being unleashed on the garbage.
pick them up and throw them with force on the ground appears to be somewhat
therapeutic for SJW s.
5. The Sound Of Music

Nazi s & # 8230;. Nazi's are everywhere these days! The largest European
wicked 1930 s (after Soviet Jewry s who orchestrated the course Ukrainian
Holodomor) seem to have surfaced throughout the United States, and are
plotting to remove the rights of all those who do is not a heterosexual
white man!
The best recommendation for them to deal with the resurrection of the
Nazi's is to offer them a tour of & # 8216; The Sound Of Music & # 8216;.
It's probably the most G-rated films from the Nazi era ever produced, which
is important to remember, since even the words that liberals don t like
violence are now considered.
Ask them retreat to their safe space where they can & # 8221 defeat hatred;
by a lot of love and singing and spinning around the Austrian Alps!
6. A (other) Cat

This option is most preferable for single women without children over 40,
popularly known as & # 8221 spinners; and pejoratively potential crazy cat
ladies & # 8221;. However, given that this article is to express sympathy
for the butthurt, we'll just call them strong and independent women # 8221;.
In general, liberal, independent strong women tend to absolutely love the
cats, and the older they get, the more they treat them like Pokemon to fill
a void increasingly bitter for their lack of procreation. I have to
catch 'em all!
7. Adult Coloring Books
Take Hitler! I'll color as black as your heart!
adult coloring books have become a thing in 2010 s. A sign of the growing
infantilism Western adults who do not seem to support the release of child
activities. Since SJW's pretty much the children are adults, it will be a
great sedative for their butthurt.
All kinds of shopping centers and supermarkets should be transported. So
quit cryin & # 8217;, down Huffington Post, and color away.

An offer to laugh (if they can withstand) paid hugs, Ben & amp; Jerry's ice
cream, a trash can to throw around, & # 8216; The Sound Of Music DVD, many
cats, and many coloring books adult. Put it all together and you've got
yourself the ultimate security area to facilitate recovery of the Liberal
butthurt cancer! It is time for the snowflakes to go shopping and reject
their unbearable pain of facing reality.
Read more: Feminists Demand Menstruation products so they have to "pay for"

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