Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Why white people are dying

Whites are declining worldwide. They're watching their nations
demographically transformed before their eyes and evaporate political
power. More white people are dying than being born in 17 states, and that
demographic trends are progressing this statistic will soon include 50
They just don know what makes them lose everything. Scapegoats abound. Them
Messicans. Them Muslims. But the Whites never think to look in the mirror
and question what their masters turned them into?
Unfortunately, the truth is a very bitter pill to swallow and whites have
wandered too far on the road to hell Primrose of social engineering to make
an escape without pain or to vote the way they change. What caused the
current decline and possible genocide of the white race?
Here, the hairy armpit is feminism
Feminism has made stomachs statistically sterile white women, and literally
tries to turn them into bad copies of men. It ruined the male / female
relationships in the Anglo American. He made women and men compete for the
remains of the corporate table rather than cooperate. It turns women
maneuvers rather than mothers. It's creating a massive bubble spinster who
descend on earth and break the state already bankrupt even further in
future generations than older women need care the government that in the
past, a family would have provided.
However, due to 50 years of media propaganda, it is verboten to criticize
this hateful ideology. Dresde James, writer, summarizes what happened with
this timeless quote:
When a well packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over
generations, the truth will seem utterly absurd and its speaker a raving
Indeed, the social engineers attempt to score truth tellers in the
manosphere as delusional lunatics. Or slander with accusations that our
brigade consists of everything from rapists to terrorists. And most whites
still have no idea of ​​the Trojan that is feminism.
That's how the propaganda and the government worked. Yet there are those
who think the libertarian side the government is ineffective. Nothing could
be further from the truth. social engineering complex systems of government
companies have succeeded beyond the elite s wildest dreams.
The slow spiritual death, materialism has a firm grip on the West
Materialism killed the white culture. caucasian activity in modern times
can be summed up succinctly in the West. It goes like this: People work and
consume mindlessly like zombies. There is no room for cultural or spiritual
activities in countries that only measure the entire human condition in
terms of dollars and cents.
Moreover, there is no monetary benefit to solve all society's problems, as
in the creation of several of them. Two maxims rule in the materials
economy female leads today: You have to create problems to create profit,
and you must take endless laws to create new businesses.
Examples? The government has manipulated the diets nation in the 1970s,
replacing carbohydrates for fat. An obesity epidemic leads, which gross
domestic product go up as more people became diabetic. Ironically, heart
disease also increased, even if it's the government meddle in the human
diet was supposed to prevent. Anyone who has studied the issue knows humans
ate fat since we lived in the savannas of Africa, but have never eaten
carbohydrates in the quantities that we are eating.
It was quite a hand-pocus, worsening human health in order to make more
money flows into the economy. Yet all whites never talk about more money
and sell more of their lives.
An example of the adoption of laws are endless government passing laws to
strip you of rights and then resell them under license. But that's not
enough. Over the micromanagement of government (and the costs of fines or
costs) life sheeple, more money can be used to buy more useless crap.
Ironically, the more money a nation produces the worst condition, it is
culturally as arguably materialism and culture are inversely related. As
one goes up, the other must go down. Or, more simply: It's a lot of poverty
in the wealthy neighborhood and a lot of wealth in the poor neighborhood.
All these schemes are hatched so that more money can be generated from the
ether, so that people can buy things they do not need with money that they
do not have to impress people that they do not like. Unfortunately, when
people dedicate their lives to extrinsic goals as materialism rather than
intrinsic goals such as raising a family, dying nations. What we see today
is not unprecedented.
Greek historian Polybius wrote during the Hellenistic period:

In our time, the whole of Greece was the subject of a low birth rate and a
general decrease in population, due to which cities have become deserted
and the land ceased to produce fruit, although 'there is neither had
ongoing wars and epidemics and # 8230, for the men had fallen into such a
state of pretentiousness, avarice and indolence they did not want to get
married, or if they married rear children born them, or at most a rule, but
one or two of them, so as to leave them in wealth and lead them to lose
their substance, evil quickly and gradually grew.

It seems greed is truly one of the seven deadly sins.
Once a topic of SNL sketches featuring Julia Sweeney, androgyny becomes the
norm in traditional white country
Briefly, liberalism makes whites hate, their culture and their very
Liberalism was also weak and apologetic white, to the point where some of
them are now quite suicidal. Go to all the major cities in America and look
with horror how many white men are intimidated and pathetic become as a
result of liberal indoctrination in the education system and the media.
Not to mention the success of the elite had to use liberalism to shame the
men and women on gender roles, biology and making them both more
androgynous. The result? A sterile ethnic group, made that way by a Doxy
pumped into at least two generations and # 8217; minds by presstitutes,
Hollywood, puppets and flexible public school teachers.
Oscar Wilde knew human nature quite well.
Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions,
their lives mimicry, their passions a quotation.
Most people try to make their lives are like illusory confections media and
Hollyweird. The illusion sold to the masses on most sitcoms and traditional
films is characters who live an easy life that you would need to earn $
100,000 a year to maintain the standard of living on the screen. The median
income in America is now $ 43,000 per year, and stagnant. They also try to
imitate the freak show that they see on television.
Most of all, liberalism is debasing all the foundations of European culture
on both sides of the pond. This will prove fatal to both culture and ethnic
group founder.
The approach Carlin
George Carlin offers two solutions to the continuing decline of the white
race, which by the way he spoke just before his death
We can be angry at what's going on or can separate from this cult of death
and look implode of its own accord. This is what one might call the
approach George Carlin:
When you're born you get a ticket to the freak show. When you're born in
America, you get a front row seat.
Carlin knew the freak show & # 8212; that this author believes is
compounded by feminism, materialism and liberalism & # 8212; would consume
an ethnic group once powerful. Speaking of equipment he was working just
before his death, Carlin told investigators that he was writing about:
The rise of Russia, the rise of China, the Islamization of Europe, the
decline of the white race. It will be an amazing story as it develops, and
I just wish I could see everything. I'm 70 now. I'll probably live between
90 and 100 I think and I'll see some of them, but it is an interesting,
exciting thing to watch if you can detach yourself emotionally. And that's
the end of it.
Unfortunately, he died before we could hear his prognostications on
continuing disappearance of whites.
The adoption of the Carlin philosophy basically means standing, watching
the tragicomedy unfold, and document the disappearance while trying to turn
your life to the fullest. In my case, he gave up a sinking ship for a more
rewarding life abroad.
If doesn t satisfy you, Carlin is the only alternative, more relevant than
ever now that Trump has apparently abandoned his base as he hailed the
passage of Obamacare Lite and the border wall remains in limbo with the
recently spent $ 1 trillion Republican budget.
If I were to tell you what the answer I would say that the outpouring of
massive blood. I really would like. I'm not really, honestly believe deep
in political action. I think the system contracts and expands as it wants.
It takes into account these changes. I think the civil rights movement was
an accommodation on the part of those who own the country. I think they see
where their own interest lies, they see a certain freedom seems good. An
illusion of freedom, give these people a voting day every year so that they
will have the illusion of meaningless choice. choices we Meaningless like
slaves and say "Joe I voted! "
The debate in this country limits are established before the debate begins.
And everyone is marginalized and made to seem other communist or some sort
of disloyal person ... a kook ... there's a word. And now there is
conspiracy ... see? They made something that should not entertain even for
a minute. That powerful people might get together and have a plan ... Does
not happen! You are an idiot! You are a bit of the plot! So ... the only
way to heal ... death, blood ... I do not advocate ... but I see that it's
really the only answer.
What do you think the answer is?
If you liked this article and are concerned about the future of the Western
world, see Roosh & apos; book Free Speech isn & apos; t free. It gives an
inside look at how the globalist establishment tries to marginalize male
male with a leftist program that promotes censorship, feminism and
infertility. It also shares the key knowledge and tools you can use to
defend against the attacks of social justice. Click here to learn more
about the book. Your support will help keep our operation.
Read more: Democracy is dying?

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