Tuesday, May 9, 2017

How Subversive Tactics KGB past are now used to destroy America

The Soviet Union was exporting revolution a high priority. Although the
Soviet Union has disappeared, the effects of their campaign of subversion
linger to this day.
The Communist takeover script

KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov glanced at depth.
[O] nly about fifteen percent of the time, money and manpower is spent on
espionage as such. The other ninety five percent is a slow process that we
call either ideological subversion or active measures, or psychological
He described how they recruited journalists and personalities to expand the
Party line. In addition, they compiled lists of affected, including
Communist sympathizers likely to outlive their usefulness after the
Bezmenov describes the revolutionary scenario demoralization
destabilization, crisis and standardization. After coming to the United
States, he was horrified to see this process well in development. Let's see
how his 1984 predictions proved.

It takes fifteen to twenty years to demoralize a nation & # 8230; Because
this is the minimum number of years required to educate a generation of
students and # 8230; exposed to the ideology of the enemy. In other words,
the Marxist-Leninist ideology is pumped into the soft heads of at least
three generations of American students without being challenged or
against-weighted core values ​​of Americanism, American patriotism.
This has been the standard brainwashing for students since the 1960s is why
education has played a role subvert.
Get the media on board & # 8212; our other institution & # 8212 formation
of opinion, was certainly much easier, given all the other travelers and as
such already running the show.
Most people who have graduated in the sixties or dropouts wobbly
intellectuals, now occupy positions of power in government, public service,
business, the media, the educational system. You're stuck with them. You
can not get rid of them. They are contaminated. They are programmed to
think and react to certain stimuli in a model.
This is what the leftist Long March through the institutions and # 8221;
fact. The education system is completely out pozzed. Even the K-12 public
schools have become indoctrination centers with disgusting results.
Propaganda journalism saturate Hollyweird, television, creative writing,
the music industry, and many magazines. It's even infiltrate the mindless
entertainment like books and comic pornography. Many other institutions
have been hijacked, of course: the government, big business, several
nonprofit organizations, even many religions.
The demoralization process in the US is already virtually completed. For
the past twenty-five years, in fact it is overfilled because demoralization
now reaches areas where previously even Comrade Andropov and all his
experts would even dream of such success. Most of it is done by Americans
to Americans thanks to the absence of moral standards.

After the company was softened, the plan is to create chaos leading to a
revolutionary ferment.
This time, and it takes only two to five years to destabilize a nation,
what matters is essential. Economy, foreign relations, defense systems. And
you can see very clearly that in some areas, in sensitive areas such as
defense and the economy, the influence of Marxist-Leninist ideas in the
United States is absolutely fantastic. I could never believe that fourteen
years ago when I arrived in this part of the world that the process is
going so fast.
Age of Aquarius had a violent undercurrent. This included angry
demonstrations that sometimes skidded, terrorism by leftist whack-job, and
race riots. As Gordon Liddy G., an FBI agent and Watergate burglar,
[W] e have been involved in a foreign war in Vietnam, but they tend to
forget that we have also been involved in an undeclared civil war at home.
And unless you can understand the nature of this struggle and the questions
posed to the administration in Washington, you will never be able to
understand my motivations or reasons for my associates to undertake the
actions and execution risks that we did. We were against a formidable
constellation of forces in those days, an alliance of influential members
of the media with against supposedly representing a Weltanschauung and
lifestyle were quite repugnant to me. [& # 8230;]
We didn t a crystal ball to us in the days to inform us that the student
mass opposition to the war exhausted after the end of the project, or the
racial cauldron in major cities would eventually subside. We had to be on
our best assessment of the intelligence forces arrayed against us, and that
assessment was far from encouraging, especially considering the
As Vassili Mitrokhine, a KGB Another insider said:
The attempt to stir up racial tensions in the United States remained a
service of A goods in stock for the rest of the Cold War.
In fact, the Communists were until the 1930s for more riots in the city,
most of the other ravages of was not always peaceful peace movement; it
would be a clear priority for the Soviets to paralyze the Vietnam War
effort. This n t mean that all protesters were taking orders from the KGB;
more just didn t want to be rescued. Yet Soviet active measures and # 8221;
(Even if indirect) had their effect.
During the 1960s, the chaos reached a climax. Then, during the Reagan
years, things are almost as quiet as in the 1950s Thereafter, the disorder
has returned to about the level of the late 1970s and stayed that way.
Then, when the Obama administration, anger and riots against police
protests have become relatively common. Often participants included paid
demonstrators bussed from the state. Worse, in police services began to
assassinated. agitation groups haven t been linked to this, though their
rhetoric didn t quite promoting peace.
Finally, 2016 saw riots reminiscent of the 1960s Does anyone tries to start
something? Is it just a coincidence that was an election year?
Occupy Wall Street protesters gather on the Duarte site in New York
Flashpoint begins:
The next step is of course crisis. It can only take up to six weeks to lead
a country on the brink of crisis. You can see it in Central America now.
In the wake of the 2008 economic crisis, Obama was elected, promising to
fix the economy. It was also supposed to cure America's racial divisions,
halve the deficit in his first term, lead us out of the war in a year, and
give everyone a pony for Christmas. Somehow it managed to Lightworker
reelected, proving conclusively that the masses have a short memory.
Certainly there are those who can hardly wait to use (or engineer) a new
crisis. What form it might take, and whether it may be more successful, is
someone's guess.

And after the crisis with a violent change of the structure of power and
economy you said the normalization period & # 8230; This is what will
happen in the US if you allow all the schmucks to bring the country to the
crisis, promising people all sorts of goodies and paradise on earth, to
destabilize your economy, to eliminate the principle competition in the
free market and a big brother government in Washington DC & # 8230;
In the end, they had to settle for the legal route, meaning they didn t get
everything they wanted. Therefore, it was a remarkably crappy revolution.
Instead of a radical Gleichschaltung, they got a dysfunctional health law.
So leftists got their mediocre elected community organizer. After that,
they placed their hopes with Hillary, expected to run against a Republican
candidate lukewarm.

How revolutionary activities early 1960s were caused by the KGB's active
measures and # 8221; campaign? Circumstantial evidence is convincing
enough, but the story hasn t yet been said. It's easy to underestimate how
radical left was well networked.
I'll agree with Bezmenov the process of demoralization was overfilled.
Leftists continue to push psychological warfare. (In 1984, today
degradation have been unimaginable.) Destabilization was very promising at
first, but they failed to keep the ball rolling. Thus, they never reached
the point where a violent overthrow was possible.
Then in 1991, the dissolution of the USSR. Thus, the KGB was no longer in
control. Yet it was far from the end of the story. Their failure to export
ideology & # 8212; Cultural Marxism, better known as progressivism & #
8212; is further pushed into the groove by the schools and the media. Some
items have embraced, losers SJW small bureaucrats to the ultra-rich
(ironically) that are useful for their purposes.
Cultural Marxism has lost something vital after being co-opted by a clique
of billionaires decadent with a God complex. While their shadow government
(in general) can anoint candidates for both parties, they still operate
through figureheads. Their New World Order dictatorship isn t ready for
prime time. They overplayed their hand. The public is becoming wise to
their games, and they lost their chance for Queen Hillary to finish the job
on us.
We now have a fighting chance to restore national self-determination. The
future is what we do.
More: Defector Soviet Yuri Bezmenov How America accurately predicted would

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