Monday, May 22, 2017

How to reduce Drama in your long-term relationships

Ah, a long-term relationship (LTR), where you have a wife at your side who
loves you (at least in women so are able to). The red pill tells us that
even if we lock that unicorn or special snowflake, this is not the end of
the game. One thing LRT brings with it DRAMA. From my own experience of
being in LRT, with knowledge of the red pill and state of mind, I would
like to share some of my tactics to manage and contain the drama.
Lesson 1: The drama is inevitable
As the great CH noted:
& # 8230; it is only women who feel happier when the drama reassures them
that they are loved. Men do not need to feel loved drama.
So first thing is that there will be drama. Now that we know there will be
theater, it's time to see how we can reduce it. No cancel. Accept the

Lesson 2: Good sex
I call it "preventive medicine." Perhaps obvious, but still a good point to
consider. Good sex reduces the drama, but what good sex really mean? It's
when it releases emotions.
Make her feel extreme happiness, sadness or other. I highly recommend a
good cry. A woman who drains you emotionally will not give the drama, as
she still "gets" the release of emotions. Orgasm is a bonus, but to reduce
the drama you have to cry or have some sort of emotional release. My method
includes a combination of verbally encouraged to let his emotions and his
Technical Drama reduction you don t consider
After the combination of pain, followed by an emotional release she needed
a few days (at least 48 hours) to return to its "normal" state (ie, regular
random drama).
Lesson 3: Initiate drama
I call it a "Fight fire with fire." Chicks Crave drama? Give him some, on
your own terms. Although it seems against-productive, it is very effective.
My method is to choose a topic, which is significant for me, and launch the
drama by launching a "semi-fight." My requirements are:

Don t start a fight on a great event that I am invested in in the very near
future (for example, going to a show I expected).
I have to feel good (well rested, relaxed and full).
There was no drama for some time.

If these are met, and a trigger is pulled, I run the drama. I can get angry
tactically, call him on his behavior and even to reveal the reasons for his
actions of the past. Yes, I flip the script. By doing this, you give it the
drama she wanted, but on your own terms. Bonus is up sex and restore your
Lesson 4: Be clam
I call it "fire fight with water." The purpose of drama for girls is to
make you lose control, or test your alphaness. So, let's stay calm and let
the storm. You still need to handle it, but it must be done from a place of
trust. What is the worst thing that can happen? She will leave? So what?
Being quiet does not mean being indifferent. She may have a point in its
drama. In this case, you have to answer. Just say "my bad" and secure (if
possible). But if it's not your fault, do not reward the behavior. Tell him
that the best thing to discuss and do one of the following:

Walk or go ghost
Look her in the eye and did not flinch
Explain, using a combination of male and female logic (referring to his
emotions) it is moved.

Whatever you do, do not get caught in her emotional distress. If you feel
you are losing, either out or say, "You have too many negative emotions, I
can not be here right now." Even in the midst of a tantrum, those words hit
hard and will make him start thinking about his "negative emotions."
Lesson 5: Analysis
I call it "mind over the emotions." You are a man. You have superior
analytical powers. It is time to use them. The way to use them is to
listen: is this a repeating pattern? What it actually mean? What was the
drama of trigger?
You acknowledge the problem and repeat it in your words. This shows him
that you "make an effort". Once you pass, you begin to apply your logic and
guide her out. You always acknowledge his feelings, but keep your image on
the problem, its causes and solutions. In keeping part, you start to take
your part. This is the place she wants to be under your masculine direction.
By analyzing with it, you go the way of emotions in the way of logic. In
addition, by shifting the focus to logic, it can not "dispute" your claims.
I called a "scam" or "con man" for it. Good. This is exactly what you want
to be.

Lesson 6: Doing your part of the solution
I know I am responsible for leading the LRA, but that does not mean it
doesn t do anything. Some women are really surprised when I tell them I
want them to work for the relationship. Women are just waiting to manifest.
Thus, using the BS of equality, you can move them to a real work in your
This is done by showing its model and ask her why she thinks this happens
and what can it do. This is a topic that has been covered before. Once you
pass this first: "What do you mean I have to do something? I am here "and
maintain your setting, she will discover the joy of doing things for his
men (other than sexual things). Now she's doing things for you, and
focusing on this point, the drama tends to wilt down. This is one of the
most delicate parts. You will be faced with the massive outrage and
probably resentment at first. You must have "alpha credit" to pull this off.
Lesson 7: Be proactive
The drama is sometimes a sign of trouble. , Might not be his, even if your
life is quite interesting. And that is the lightning rod that all emotions
are turned? YOU. In this case, one must make against-measures in advance.

We are not talking initiate the drama, but to make the relationship
interesting. If you have a calendar with your girlfriend, change at least
once a month (or more). You always hang around the same places and do the
same things? Do not. Make hangout options pool and direct it to try new
things. A 90-10 ratio is generally best & # 8212; 90% of the time you do
the routine activities "ltr", and 10% of the time you experience & # 8221;.
Reports can vary from girl. Here are some examples:

If you usually sleep in his place, once a month to sleep in your place.
If you go to bars, go to a coffee shop.
If you hang out with the same friends, try to meet new people.

Some activities are found to be lame or worse. Framework as a failed
experiment and next time try other activities. For example, one of my
current LRT, I slept once in place. Big mistake. The bed was uncomfortable
and it hit me the next day. Never again. But the girl was happy that we did
something "new" and the drama has been for nearly a month.
The theater is one of the disadvantages of an LRT. It is a sign that we
must manage his wife in a more masculine way. In my experience, and I think
the manosphere share this view, the tragedy is inevitable, but can be
reduced. I do not like drama as much as the next guy, but I hope that these
lessons can help. Be proactive, fight fire with fire and do not be afraid
to stand your ground.
Read more: Do not stop the execution of the game in long term relationships

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