Wednesday, May 31, 2017

4 Books I think my IQ increase by ten points

Intelligence is the extent to which we can do without special conditions to
create principles, and then apply those principles to new details. In other
words, IQ measurement pattern recognition and model application.
Although IQ is largely determined by genetics, we can increase with a
concerted effort. Inadvertently, I concertai this effort. At least I think
I did. Using corroborative evidence of the SAT, ERG and WAIS, I generously
estimated my IQ increased by ten percentage points over the past decade.
Given the nature of intelligence, I think these are the books below which
contributed the most to my brain improvement. They do not teach facts or
theories as they teach the learning process behind the facts and training
theories. As a result, they offer the reader the opportunity to enter the
subjects that can not dance even smart people around by heart and repeat.
1. History of Philosophy

In the history of philosophy, Windelband believes the main epistemological
schools that form in philosophy before he considers philosophers. These two
schools, empiricism and rationalism & # 8212; which now appear as liberals
and conservatives, respectively & # 8212; gears behind each turn of
philosophy and therefore political. When we understand culture as a process
of thought and its axioms, as Windelband educated, we inevitably think
abstractly and apply abstractions & # 8212; ie, we become more intelligent.
Instead of criticizing the SJWs as ugly morons, we say they rehash the
strict materialism of the early 19th century and # 8212, which was a revolt
against idealism more & # 8212; in a tribal setting and bring it to its
natural conclusion. It is not only just, it is more useful.
2. Discovery of the Unconscious

A history of philosophy may present the philosophy of belief, but
Ellenberger present psychology of belief. It hurts my brain to read this
book because in addition to think of an idea in terms of truth, I began to
think of an idea in terms of what's true. This change made me myself issue
more than ever. Communism is a logical point of view; addiction is a logic
point of view; change your gender identity at work by a childhood trauma is
a logical point of view. He n t subjectivism rather perspectivism.
This book has been criticized for not offering a unique perspective on
psychology, but the originality of this book is its excellence in unifying
themes throughout the development of psychology. As intelligence is
abstract, this book is the intelligence with a seamless application.
3. Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology

Most people do not know Rand's ethical defense of the free market. Although
these are sometimes stellar points, its genius is not completely palpable
until it leans on epistemology. In Introduction to Objectivist
Epistemology, Rand articulates the specific steps behind the crux of
intelligence & # 8212; deriving concepts from the experience and # 8212;
thereby bridge the gap between rationalism and empiricism mentioned above.
It would be a great idea-deal if it is correct, and it can not be, but all
studies of human vision and processing of information since this book was
written validates most of its points. Few people know this because most
people who study vision and treatment have read that pieces of Rand, and
only with the intention of mocking.
Although the solution to the problem of concepts can miss it n t matter.
The intimate way which analyzes intelligence always the smartest player.
4. The hero with a thousand faces

Intelligence is in fact recognition and application model, but to put it
more practical, it's the extent to which we can get what we want. This
means understanding what it takes to navigate the fundamental challenges of
the world, which requires that we understand the myths, vehicles of this
Campbell's book demonstrates that all the myths & # 8212; from all over the
world and from all periods & # 8212; is the same. They are composed of
several parts, interchangeable. Indeed, our psychologies are the same, then
how a man advances in the company's hierarchy is the same. Every man we
want to be ever is St. George slaying the dragon while protecting his
beautiful girl. Therefore, it is good to know that the sword, dragon and
girl represent. This plan smarter by now we are focused on what's important
when wading through life's inevitable trivialities.
There are some honorable mentions. First is beyond Good and Evil Nietzsche,
a distillation of the fate of the man of the 19th century, inadvertently
reveals a situation timeless. Second, the Undiscovered Self Jung. Everyone
is religious, it is important to question what our religion is and how it
is useful. Last Man's Psychology Guide, written by me. Writing it made me
smarter, maybe reading make you smarter too.
More: 5 INNOVATIVE Books written between 1918 and 1945.

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