Monday, May 29, 2017

5 Reasons Why You Should Ditch Your Smartphone

I recently dropped my Samsung smartphone based Alcatel fantasy that makes
calls, texts and would essentially survive a fall of 100 feet of a
building. But why? Smartphones make it easier, improve our lives and gives
us instant access to almost everything we want and need. There is actually
very little benefit to ditching your SMARTHPHONE & # 8230;
1. You become more efficient
Making the most of your time
I notice regularly to work the many colleagues whipping on their phones to
watch the last notification and engage in unnecessary conversation WhatsApp
and Facebook Messenger. They would rather work better, harder and more
efficiently on the current project or promotion they are chasing.
Consider also the entrepreneur or businessman. How can we run the best deal
possible in wasting time scrolling waste in our smartphones? In other
words, smart phones steal our efficiency, our attention and time which
could be spent more productively on our work, our business or our goals in
life in general.
Now, instead of usually reach for my pocket, I have other zero
interruptions texts or important calls. If I want to access Facebook or
email, I do it from my laptop that does not put me updated constantly and
steal my attention to a basic moments
2. You leave a serious addiction
A zombie gathering Commonly Seen
As you can see just walking on the street, at work, in the family home, or
dinner (which is my least favorite), people do not seem to put their
smartphones down. It seems to be an additional member for them that they
can not let go. They reach obsessively for their pocket and mentally
drooling at the thought of all new notifications or news.
There is much evidence that tools like the smartphone affect dopamine
levels in the brain - a neurotransmitter that is involved in the formation
of addiction. In addition to this, a process that makes it even more
addictive is the phenomenon known as the "intermittent rewards." The rats
(which have remarkably similar brain structures to us) enjoyed different
random rewards much more than the exact same great reward every time - in
other words they enjoyed the stimulation of novelty. This explains why
gambling, gambling and pornography can be so addictive. Smartphones aren t
much different.
If you do not think you're addicted, you're not alone. I never thought that
I was. Indeed, we contact users and never stop. How do you know if you are
addicted or not if you ever try to stop? See how your brain reacts if you
spend a day without it.
3. You improve your social skills
Its entitling Eye Contact
When people use their smart phones constantly, they are unwittingly
training their brain to neuroplastic become less effective socially. By
avoiding the daily interactions face to face increasingly using text and a
screen to communicate, we become weaker and even greater social experience
social anxiety when we have to communicate.
Now that I'm not a smartphone, I am naturally more confident and welcomes
social interaction in person. I became smoother and more spirit in my
conversations with men and women that I want to flirt with. I can turn the
most addictive familiarity of my electronic screen whenever I am bored or
unsure in public. Which leads me to the reason of four & # 8230;
4. Patience and concentration improves
Winning at Work
When I had my old smartphone, I used to draw and read something, anything,
whenever I felt uncertain, bored or uncomfortable in public. He was my go
to drugs - a charge plug my time.
While it was difficult to get used to it, it was probably very beneficial
for me. In ditching my smartphone my attention span has improved
exponentially. Indeed, I do not think I would have never written an article
for the return of the Kings despite loving the site and its equipment. Just
sit here and voluntarily spend my time thinking hard to write an item of
value would have been too much for me. Why work on anything where you can
browse your smartphone? Why be patient when you can look like you now want
on demand.
The smartphone generates an expectation of instant gratification which,
while great in the moment, is spreading throughout the rest of your life
and decreases the amount of patience and focus you have for other things.
5. You'll be pushed into positive activities

I spent much of my time sitting at home and flipping through my smartphone.
It was easy, fun and satisfying. So why give that up, you might ask?
Since throwing my smartphone in a public trash can, I have to find positive
ways to entertain me and fill my time. Whether going to the gym, go out to
social events, to be productive, play the guitar or the position just
outside the house, now I can not fall on my smartphone as a dull cushion.
It did wonders for my life, I'm better in all the activities I mentioned
and feel like if I go over the average person in the street to improve
myself as a man.
As you may have already thought, it actually helped me to meet women in
person. Being without a smartphone got me talking to women than ever before.
Smartphones have their place in the world, but if you want to maximize your
chances of being productive, efficient, happy, and the best version of
yourself, I think the odds are massively increased when you ditch the
vampire who is your smartphone .
If you do not want to be as extreme as me so why not ditch just for a short
period so you can see positive benefits for yourself? If anything, it will
confirm how addicted (or not) you are, you can evaluate for yourself how it
would be advantageous to quit or at least significantly reduce your use.
I was asked by my friends why I only did not reduce my own use instead of
throwing my entire handset. My answer is that discipline should not remain
on the edge of temptation. I'm addicted to my smartphone, but not anymore.
Read more: Is Your Smartphone Cock blocking you?

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