Wednesday, May 31, 2017

The game principles that I used when I took a South Korean girl

Of course, many men are interested in casual sex. So too are many girls.
Why must therefore appear to be a problem for guys to get it? It is because
they fail to recognize the subtle clues that girls give indicating that
they're eager to get frisky, and they do not act even if they do so.
It's something of a truism that men think about sex all the time. Maybe
they do, but the reality is that women are too. And if anything, the girls
are more obsessed with sex than boys. The big difference, however, is that
girls generally don t go around telegraphing this world for fear of
slut-shaming. Too bad, really, because if they did then the players would
work much easier. As it is, we must learn to be hypersensitive to small
signs that the girls give, and be ready to act on them by things escalating
to the next step.
In my career pickup, counting from before I entered & # 8216; & # 8217
formal; game and just going to clubs all the time to hit on girls to this
day, I probably lost more than girls by an inability to act than anything
It's funny. Many men & # 8212; & # 8212 myself included, go into the game
from a position of low self-esteem. They believe & # 8212; & # 8212
mistakenly, that the reason they have failed in the past because they weren
t (physically) attractive enough to Snag the quality pussy. Of course, this
is a mistake. In most cases, they have simply not deliver enough value to
girls through the game means to obtain optimal results. And in most cases
it is because they have not escalated when the opportunity arose.
It's less to do with the fact that you were a pretty hot guy for her, in
other words, and more to do with if you had the balls to pull the trigger
when it was time.
Korean sex

I recently enjoyed a lay day even with a cute Korean girl 22 years that I
have met in a grocery store. OK, plus a second rest day, I guess. I met
Thursday we hit on Friday, during our first & # 8216; & # 8217 Date;.
I pulled through a rudimentary day game. London's experiencing a heat wave
recently. I bought sweet potatoes when I saw this cute chick breeze, thin
past hotpants and a vest. She paused in front of a battery monitor and
spent hours watching them.
& # 8216; You look like you're choosing a special gift, I said, sneaking
her side.
& # 8216; & # 8217 Why ?;
She pointed to a battery in his basket as answer a question that I asked
& # 8216; Look, I think you're cute. I m busy with friends but another time
I d like you to have a drink & # 8217.
& # 8216; Oh. Right. I thought you were asking me questions about the
battery & # 8217.
I gave him my phone and told him to put my number. As she did, I asked
where she was.
& # 8216; South Korea & # 8217.
& # 8216; Well, at least it is not North Korea, I said. She laughed and we
This comprehensive set of ominous only a few minutes. I am convinced that
it would lead to anything, but I messaged him on WhatsApp nevertheless and
thus began a volley of vaguely flirtatious banter was going on throughout
the evening.
The next day was glorious again and she told me that because it was so hot
it was going to go to the new park. I had not planned especially for this
afternoon I hit him back with this.
& # 8216; Cool & # 8211; meet me there for ice cream and # 8217.
& # 8216; sounds good, she said, with a gesture of incomprehensible emoji.
We met by a van of ice cream in the park. I bought two cones, then took its
course in a beautiful position on the grass overlooking the main playing
field, where there was a game of rounders in progress.
His English wasn t brilliant (and of course my Korean is non-existent) if
the conversation was a little uptight. I pressed on, though, trying to
spike things where I could by dropping in sexy remarks with a few cheeky
kino here and there & # 8212; we played thumb wars, a former technical
school of kino and my personal favorite. In the main if the cat has been
limited to rather boring stuff chode why she was in London, where she lived
in Korea and so on.
Following the thumb wars I bent to kiss her. The first time she turned her
head. The second time, we were happily.
After we finished with our ice cream I took a walk to the pond to show him
the ducks. Then we walked on the grass for a while, before stopping the
innocuously cat watching some people who practice walking the tightrope
(it's a beautiful metaphor in there somewhere). So I left him in the park
and in the direction of my apartment nearby.
& # 8216; I haven & # 8217 peace t been so before, she said, looking around.
& # 8216; I just wanted to show you where I live, I said.
& # 8216; OK
We came back to my place. I pour the drink (a little left my ex Malibu
flavored with lemon) and we found some funky house tunes on YouTube. A few
minutes later and we were both naked, and I enjoyed exquisitely
proportioned body.
How did it happen?

Clearly I had spent on what many players call London a day & # 8216; yes
girl & # 8212 This is a girl who just happened like me and had sex.
Nevertheless, as I said on Twitter recently, is actually pretty easy to
mess things up even with a girl who is in you if you don t take the
appropriate measures. I have done so many times before.
So what do I do well? Well, first I approached first. If I had not spoken
to him on the stand of the battery then none of this would have happened.
To be honest, I was 50/50 to do it well that I did.
Secondly, I followed even though I was not certain that the result would be
positive. Whenever you get a number or Facebook or any details that you
really need to follow. It only takes a few seconds and you never know what
will come of it.
Third, I'm flexible. In general, I don t like dates day, and I have a
pretty tight encounter model where I always take the girl to a lounge in
the evening and buy him a few cocktails before whisking her home. But in
this case, I calculated that the park would be a good bet. For starters, it
was sure to be not doing well because of the heat. And the location was
ideal & # 8212; right next to my apartment. I had already mentally mapped
the possible sequence of events before encountered.
Fourth, I have a sense of his respect it could be for sex and so I went
with it and climbing. If you read my account of the afternoon again, you'll
see I was leading the thing, and that it was ready to be driven told its
own story.
Also of course, we did go out, which made tangible for me its attraction.
Some guys say not to & # 8212; do not do it in public before sex because it
can break the tension. They have a point. For me, however, a useful
barometer to determine whether or not something is & # 8216; on & # 8217;.
Fifth, I led her back to my apartment without asking permission first. This
may not seem like much, but it is actually huge. Working on a hunch that
the date could turn into a quick set I went to an escalation.
Again, you've got to be flexible in these situations. In fact, I was
planning to meet friends later in the evening I n t to cancel. In the past,
I could have suggested to the girl that we take a rain check and meet again
at the weekend. Bad mistake. Every time I have done in the past, I've never
seen the girl.
It is also a colossal mistake of thinking that you have to wait for the & #
8216; right time for sex, for example at night after've been for a drink.
Sounds silly, maybe, but several years ago I attended as AFC this pretty
blonde girl. We used to spend many hours on a Saturday stroll through the
shops in Manchester together. Why the hell I never bring my apartment? I
kick more to date. It wasn t as n t have time to have sex, it was just that
I was too much of a pussy, or too preoccupied to do things & # 8216; the
proper way to pull the trigger.
If anything the sex of the afternoon is hotter than sex the night. , Girls
tend to have their evenings booked in advance. In the case of the Korean
girl she had plans for Friday and Saturday night, and probably in the next
week as well. So you have to strike when the opportunity is there.
Finally, I believe that same sex date with this girl was not only possible,
but probable. In fact, if I showed you her Facebook pictures of you
probably think it was & # 8216; good girl & # 8212; young, studious,
sensible, conservative, etc. There's even some of its Korean traditional
costume. Fortunately I've been with pretty Asian girls to know that as nice
outside, they can be pretty wild.
In the case of the blonde girl from Manchester, the main reason why I don t
go for a bang day because I naively thought it wouldn t go, the girls didn
t do this kind of thing. How wrong I was.
It's been said before in different ways, but it's well worth repeating & #
8212; it's much better to go in every situation assuming it's a crazy sex
nymphomaniac not. Even if you're wrong, it will encourage you to increase.
And you may be right.
Want to know more about how to get a great gaming? See the book The 7 Troy
seduction laws and follow him on Twitter.
Read more: A girl that you should definitely approach every day

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