Monday, June 5, 2017

Women want to forbid men to approach them while insisting men make the first

How are the relationships? First, two people have to communicate, but the
men are culturally should initiate. Therefore, the talk stigmatizing form
of street harassment laws will eventually pull the attention of women who
value it more than men. Feminism has already criminalized flirting at work,
but now they want to ruin everywhere.
The goal of feminism in the second wave was to destroy families. The sexual
revolution has resulted in a chaos without for all but lately that's not
enough for them. These twisted souls trying to prevent men from starting
conversations. In some places, they even made a crime. If they get their
way everywhere, you could be arrested for conducting human activity quite
normal. You might even get busted for not flirtatious conversation if
someone takes the wrong way.
Women have absolute control over the distance of interaction (or
relationship) will; that s included. However, women now want to repeal your
freedom of expression.
The feminist spin
Never try to dredge Diana, especially if she's hungry.
As newly composed as leftist terminology, street harassment is a framing
tactic loaded with undeclared assumptions. Everything is normal
conversation with harassment equity. Note, they do t differentiate polite
approaches being a sleazebag. Feminists conflate regular behavior with
wrongdoing, try to scare the public (sound familiar?), And the label
In addition, only straight people are stigmatized. Women talk to men,
either, isn t street harassment & # 8221;. Neither feminist approaches guy
condemn on-guy, because that would Homophobia & # 8221;. Another implicit
assumption follows all men are oppressors and # 8221; even. Finally,
standards are subjective. Because they decide what's wrong, you're never
safe from self-appointed morality police.
This prudery really demonize all types of male sexuality. If they d & #
8220 just say, don t a sleazebag & # 8221; they d have a point. However,
their bias shows more than some tease s cleavage.
This video (you know the one)

The story started in high gear with the video 10 hours walking in New York
as a woman & # 8221; which ends with a request for donations. Our friends
at HuffPo explained:
Rob Rob Bliss Bliss Creative makes viral videos for a living and decided to
use his craft to shine a light on the street harassment, a pervasive issue
affecting women around the world. In partnership with actress Shoshana B.
Roberts and Hollaback, a non-profit movement launched by the militants to
end street harassment, Bliss packed production as PSA and gives viewers a
different perspective on the problem. [...]
His intention, he said, was to provide "impartial" look that many women
live on a daily basis.

The actress has received 108 incidents of harassment in the alleged street.
That sounds pretty awful! Some really good taste rebelled elements, things
that I & # 8217, to definitely do not recommend it. I get it & # 8212; be a
sleazebag is bad.
However, some of them wasn t objectively offensive as How are you & #
8221 ?; or God bless & # 8221;. Perhaps some had to be friendly and no
more. The video was edited from ten hours of walking in a slinky outfit
through some sketchy parts of the Big Apple. The cherry-picking was pretty
obvious, and racial and class implications displeased many leftist
commentators. Clashes stories can be very entertaining! All this aside, one
of the guys had a pretty good point:
Someone grateful to be beautiful. You must say thank you more.
Many others followed discussions and videos. For example, it has been shown
that men & # 8221 harassed; also. In addition, Muslim dress port stops all
the attention. The best responses were hipster Austin kosher version of (oy
veh!). and especially the video Princess Leia.
Feminists are wrong
Certainly, this outfit was chosen completely at random, right ???
While feminists have tried to ban even the polite approach, as usual,
they're in touch with what normal women want and need. We have heard enough
harpies with blue hair. S now back to reality and consider what women feel
Do women want the attention? Of course, they do! If they wanted zero
attention, they D All wear the burqa. , The exterior is strong rather an
art form. That is why the cosmetic industry exists. Some of them get breast
implants. When they show cleavage, it's for a reason. All this is to
maximize their erotic capital, well beyond what men. Now take a wild guess
why. If we were forbidden to give women attention, not only ruin their
social life, it would disempower them greatly.
Anyone who does not believe that men are socially should address the needs
look no further than the rules, one of the most popular dating guides for
women. From the start is Chapter Don t talk to a man first (and Don t Ask
him to dance) They make it very clear that the man's job to open the
conversation. In addition, although men and women interact in many work
contexts, he's still the guy we degenerate.
The introduction states that the book is passed from generation traditional
council to generation; in this case, its millions of readers certainly aren
t the only ones who think this way. It is obvious that the authors have a
much better position to speak for women that feminist cultural opinion
The meeting coach Tony D wrote a piece of eye-opening how feminism has
destroyed the social environment in Vancouver. Men are disgraced if they
are close. However, many respected guy and now women wonder where did all
the good men go & # 8221 ?; He cites strong female perspectives from public
sources of information; for a good example:
I mean, how many months of interaction do we need to have before you
bullets and ask me out? Oh wait & # 8230; You will not be.
Harpies ruined for everyone. Tony summarizes:
Women complain that they are not approached, but they complain when they
approach you. What do you want? You want the guy you're attracted to
approach you. Unfortunately, we do not know if we find attractive, until we
approach you.
We're damned if we do, damned if we don t. That's what happens when
feminists are allowed to dictate the rules of social interaction.
Don t listen to feminists
Triggered much?
Guess wild what will happen if you obey feminists. That s right & # 8212;
if you will not open conversations, so you will not get results, but all
the guys who disobey will be light years ahead. What makes them think they
can dictate to us, anyway?
Don t let these grumpy tranquilizing drug addicts ruin our social
environment worse than they already have. If they get their way with men
banning open conversation, they'll move the goal posts as they always do.
Expect to head for the male gaze & # 8221; and you try to prohibit someone
to notice. They're already calling rape Eye & # 8221;. Thus, women may
express their sexuality to greater extremes, but it is Appreciating a
combined crime and disapproving it & # 8221 a slut shame. Meanwhile, it's
wrong for men to express their sexuality. Who the hell are these feminists
think they are?
The last word is that being a sleazebag is obviously bad, but nothing bad
to start a polite conversation. Anyone who can t handle this without a
terminal crisis immature and unworthy of your company. Their neuroses are
not your problem.
If you liked this, then don not miss the adventures of MP0werdW0myn and
Omegaman: Mission 1 - Operation Cockblock
Read more: Men who approach cold women should be proud of them

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