Thursday, June 22, 2017

How white Europeans who contributed to African cultural identity and dignity

It may seem a characteristic of modern times, but not all our experiences
as historical beings must be reduced to a good guy bad guy story. The facts
can be accepted for what they are, without the intention to take advantage
of their ideological purpose. On March 16, 2017, Hellen Zille, white South
African politician, publicly expressed his personal opinion on colonization.

According to local media, black South Africans were offended by myopic
thoughts of protean politician. It is difficult not to recognize the fact
based opinion. Migrants who left Europe to find a new home in Africa has
not accidentally arrive at exact time Aboriginal people were about to start
building modern urban infrastructure. They brought this aspect of their
culture with them.
But these are not apparent positives from this fact that, by consensus,
offended our majority. It is the ideological implication of this cultural
enrichment. In other words, we should accept that the big bad white man has
made a positive contribution to the black cultural identity and dignity.

I will not consider benevolence made to any agenda. However, I elucidate
the cultural contribution the largest European migration is human dignity.
contrived black African identity, dignity and power
Archeology confirms that there were farmers, states and civilizations in
Africa before colonization. In South Africa, we Mapungubwe and Great
Zimbabwe. In West Africa there was Jenne-Jeno and Kuombi Saleh. In East
Africa Manda and Kilwa. In the north there were ancient Egypt and northern
Kush, Meroe and Axum. All centers were complex and well organized to be
proud of. But since we are inclined to manipulate historical facts for
ideological advantage, Egypt took the first place.
A while back, Athena Black Hypothesis provided a new history of ancient
Egypt. Basically, he argued that black Africa has inspired the development
of the state, and by extension, the whole of Western civilization. This
hypothesis and its derivatives ideas, movements and memes not even trying
to hide prejudices in an argument and openly stereotypical European
societies as cultural usurpers. But despite the obvious historical flaws,
it continues to provide a cultural identity that anyone of black African
can be proud.
African dignity for sale.
The fundamental contribution that Egypt is the African dignity is its long
tradition of intellectual inquiry. This proves that long before the Greeks
and Romans, Africa had already advanced beyond a primitive lifestyle. With
the assertion that white European thinkers may have been influenced by an
African intellectual tradition, the stereotype of cultural appropriation is
validated and obvious that political gold for the will to power Afrocentric.
The precolonial facts of Civilization Africa
If one were to take into ancient Egypt as the jewel in the crown of African
pride, we must recognize some peculiarities. Egyptian civilization was an
indigenous development limited to the confines of the Nile Valley. There is
very little reason to believe they were anything other than Mediterranean
They had occasional contact with the black African kingdoms but, as
evidenced by the chronology of these sites, the contact was late and
especially shopping. Their conservative intelligence also does not produce
much in terms speculations on the nature and the universe. So despite their
history of 3,000 years, they had an imagination that was ossified in a
rigid universe.
A static universe arranged according to personal desires and moral ideals.
rigid orthodoxy meant that Egyptian & # 8212; and by extension, African
thought early & # 8212; was enslaved by religious dogma, economic and
political for thousands of years before Europeans arrived. Smart,
Successful as they were, the first African societies could not get out of
the intellectual inhibitions their vision of enchanted world was created.
For example, if the old African scholar were presented to a mathematical
problem during construction, it refers to the empirical rules previously
documented for solutions. Over the millennia, theoretical generalizations
for the universal application has never been available to them.
European companies did not invent the ideas and cultural patterns on which
civilization is built. They have developed a taste for the ancient Near
East with a major contribution of Egypt. But they were not limited to,
ownership or subjugation. In fact, they are responsible to the contrary.
They invented intellectual freedom.
Free the mind from the rigid orthodoxy.
European contact and impact
Afrocentric are eager to declare that Thales Meletus was influenced by
Egyptian priests & # 8212; intellectual culture. It is not unlikely because
he thinks he has traveled extensively and visited Egypt. Therefore, it
could be argued that the school of Miletus was created by the Egyptian
imprint of the Greek spirit.
However, ideas about the universe of the school of Miletus show very little
intrusion of anthropomorphic desires and moral ideas, both of which have
characterized the Egyptian thought. That is to say Miletus thinkers were
the first to attempt to disenchant the natural world. There is no evidence
of this trend in pre-Greek influenced Egyptian speculation and they
certainly were not just invented when Thales showed.
For the first scientific hypotheses and the subsequent development of
philosophy ahead of the Greek spirit rather than Egyptian is not uncommon.
Unlike the Egyptians, Greeks conceived of capricious gods. The random
blessing and cursing would have created the need to strengthen intellectual
humanity against such a volatile status quo. The settled case-stable
supernatural universe and mystically manipulated the African state has not
provided any stimulus to free humanity from the comfort of orthodoxy.
The European contribution to African dignity was much more powerful than
colonialism, and can not be exaggerated enough. It was a contribution to
humanity. It was freedom from the shackles of dogma and propaganda. This
intellectual freedom has given us the ability to think about our world
beyond the limits of learned responses. It helped solve old problems with
new solutions and the ability to be factual and rational when we are
emotionally inclined to be offended.
? Scars or enriched We won know until we open our eyes.
African identity and dignity was formed by several contributors. When
considering the European contribution to a scar, it must be deep, which we
inextricably linked to the full human experience through a mechanistic
universe that provided in the end social media platforms that we now to
express our modern self-serving opinions.
More: Black or African-American?

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