Monday, June 19, 2017

How to seduce women using the authority Masculine

When a woman sees you as an authority figure, it will be much more likely
to comply with your request, it will have greater respect for you, and it
will be more sexually attracted to you.
Authority may be the most powerful psychological influence on human
behavior; we spend our years of developing training courses to submit to
authority. When we are young, we have no choice but to do what our
teachers, parents and authority figures tell us. Through years of being
conditioned to obey, we develop a deep predisposition to do what the
authorities tell us to.

For women, this effect is even more powerful. Women are attracted sexually
to men with authority because women have evolved to desire leaders who can
provide the best genes.
Milgram Chilling Discovery
Most people probably would not admit how authority has power over them, but
it is easy to see the power of authority over others. You can see it every
day when people follow stupid trends (male romper) or defend their views by
parroting the views of authority figures (religious texts). But the proof
of the power of authority is not limited to your experience from day to
day; It has been scientifically proven.
The infamous Milgram experiment gave us evidence of cooling that humans are
dangerously vulnerable to the power of authority. The studies were designed
to test how people inflict pain to others when instructed to do so by an
authority figure. The results were not encouraging, to say the least:

In Milgram's studies, participants were divided into two groups, teachers
and learners. Each teacher was paired with a learner. The teacher was
instructed to ask the questions of the learner. If the student has answered
a question wrong, the teacher was instructed to return a switch that send a
mild electric shock to the learner (in secret, the learner is a trained
The participants (teachers) said they help a study on pain and memory.
Although they were uncomfortable with inflicting pain to a stranger, they
all first shock administered at low voltage without much hesitation.
Every time the learner has a question wrong, the teacher administered a
surge voltage higher than the previous incorrect answer. Finally, teachers
administered shocks were so intense that the learner screamed in agony,
have let out and mention that he was having chest pain because of his heart
Imagine that at this stage, the participants refused to administer shocks.
You'd be wrong. When the teacher says the researcher (authority) they
wanted to stop, the researcher suggests that they continue to go with
simple phrases like "Continue, please. "
These perfectly normal people thought they inflict traumatic pain levels on
learners, but a sentence or two of an authority figure was enough to get
them to continue to inflict severe pain. In fact, 65% of participants
administered even the last shock (how the student seemed to be in danger).
Milgram's experiments were reproduced successfully many times with many
variations and are considered by the scientific community to be well
designed and reliable.
The power of authority is amazing. When you leverage in your favor, it will
exponentially increase your ability to influence women.

How to create the effect? Just get a police uniform wearing and tell women
they need to be punished for their bad behavior. (Hope you caught the irony
there and do not stop playing to go to a police uniform.)
Indeed, the long-term strategy to make women see you as an authority three
1. Become a figure of real authority in your career.
2. Live a life where you make your own decisions instead of bending to the
will of others (define your own values ​​and spend your time pursuing these
3. Establish a solid framework by meeting many women and to take risks with
long-term well invaluable, these strategies do not produce notable results
in the short term. Fortunately, there is an effective short-term strategy
as well: establish yourself as an authority figure among women by creating
Who drives? Following?
If someone is considered an authority, people accept their demands. You can
reverse engineer authority by making requests assertive (but reasonable)
that will make a woman feel that you need to be an authority.
The authority is generally considered symbolically (teachers, police,
politicians), but at its root, it is emotional. Old school artists pickup
used that understanding to create complex machinations called compliance
levels; and although the theory behind them is sound, the implementation is
too complex to be practical. There is an easier strategy.
Your goal is to create a sense of authority is simple: always leading. This
may be easy to say things like: "Let's go to the dance floor," "Let some
fresh air" or "Let's sit there. "He does not have to be anything
complicated, the point is simply to drive as much as possible. As long as
the girls feel that you have a certain value, they will usually acquiesce
to these requests. (If women aren t accept small requests, read this
You can also drive conversational. Every time a woman raises a topic you
are interested in, assert your authority in the changing. If she made a
clumsy statement, calling on her. The vast majority of women will go along
with it if they do not, it usually means that you are too poor and
responsive. More often a woman follows your lead, the more it will feel
(unconsciously) that you are an authority figure.
At some point in the interaction, you'll want to drive the girl somewhere
that sex can occur. More she followed your lead until that point, the more
likely she agrees to go to your place.
There is no need to override this with compliance levels; which requires
far too analytical thinking. Just make it a point to try to direct each
interaction as much as possible, when you're a big ask success rate will be
much higher.
Decisive language
The authority is also mentioned by your choice of language and tone of
voice. The language more assertive and decisive, the better. Imagine you're
in bed with a girl, she is naked, and says, "Hmm, I can have sex with you
now? "Do you think this will get her hot and bothered? Fuck no. Imagine
instead, you said: "I will fuck you so hard right now. I'll fuck you to me
again and again. "That's more like it. (Sidenote: Telling a girl she is on
sperm point can actually make his sperm.)
Indecision makes you look like this guy in a woman's eyes. Low.
So many qualified men use and ask permission too. Suppose permission until
you said no. What is better? Ask a girl, "Would you go to the dance
floor? "Or grab a girl by the hand and saying," Come with me. "
The men hesitate to authority because they are afraid it will have rejected
them. The bitter irony is that more often than pussyfooting around is what
you rejected. Women are put off by a man who has not the balls to take what
he wants. Even if a girl is first attracted to you, if you act in any way
questionable, it is assumed that you are not interested in it or ignore it
Now it is true that if you act too authoritarian some women reject you. But
more often than not, these women would have rejected anyway. And other
times, when a woman rejects your lead, the interaction is complete. This
simply means that you either asked too or she does not see you as an
authority yet. You can always change your mind as you do not give a fuck,
hold your frame, and try to subsequently lead again.
Of course, even if it is with the authority you have done rejected, it's a
little more reason to do so. Plus you get rejected, the more you are able
to build your skills. Use these strategies and results with women
significantly improve. Women want a leader, a man with an authority that
makes them literally excited, it is hardwired into their DNA.
That said, use the responsible authority. Once you develop your ability to
project authority that you can easily get people to do things they do not
really want to do. If you are morally opposed to this idea, be careful.
Read more: How to Talk with deep trust and authority

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