Tuesday, June 6, 2017

6 influential men Feminism Body-Slammed

We know all the tricks and trades of feminists. Now they're using scripted
allegations and monitoring responses to force their ideology in the throat.
Many of normal men and women who come through these focus points can be at
a loss of words against feminists because they refuse to accept the facts
that 70% + divorce cases are initiated by women.
Men living in the West may feel unsure of how to deal feminists without
having to stoop to their level. However, here are a few men who defeated
the dark delusions of feminism by using reason and logic. Let's see how
they did.
Marc Rudov

Rudov is an investment banker who decided to stop accepting prefabricated
concepts & # 8221 equality; between men and women. He argues against the
social norm that men must pay for women all the time in exchange for their
business. It defines chivalry as BS & # 8212; benevolent sexism, where
women are put on a pedestal that creates a generation where women feel
entitled to all the comforts of life generously provided by the lower man.
Marc also argues that most women are more able to pay for the men, but t
because they feel they have the right to be served. Watch it shed light on
what feminism really is, and how it treats the feminists angry.
A woman in the audience said that men don guess that women go through the
pain during pregnancy and menstruating, a common tactic used. What they
fail to recognize is the pain, sacrifice, and struggle of men go through to
take care of their wives and children.
Ben Shapiro

A religious Jew, Shapiro goes head to head with a feminist pro abortion.
Transgenderism is trying to be pushed as usual, even if the media ignores
the cold and hard as the transgender population is one of the highest
suicide rates. Feminist in video calls for the pro choice and planning,
even if they benefit out of killing babies and the founder herself,
Margaret Sanger, called for the elimination of the black race.
 We do not mean to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population
and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever
occurs to any of their more rebellious members and # 8221. & # 8211;
Margaret Sanger

Sanger was also an early proponent of eugenics, the idea of ​​controlling
the population by not allowing those deemed worthy to reproduce. She even
spoke at a rally Klu Klux Klan.
The fact that nearly 80% of Planned Parenthood abortion clinics are located
close to black and Hispanic neighborhoods is another truth as reported
feminists don t & # 8217 won; t accept.

The world famous guru of the East was put on the spot when asked the
question, if we have more women leaders, would we have a more peaceful
world and # 8221 ?; Sadhguru is about explaining the concept of yin and
yang, and that women are encouraged to identify a perverted form of
masculinity only.
He says so elegantly that it even had Huffington agree that excessive
masculinity forced on women is dangerous. You have to give the guru of
accessories for its audacity. Sadhguru even shared that who he is today is
mainly due to his mother's femininity.
Thomas Sowell

A graduate of Harvard before affirmative action was established, Sowell is
a perfect example of what a minority can become when they stop blaming the
white man for all their failures. When presented with the idea that men are
in power in the world and the repression of women, her response was the
same as everything else: show me the evidence.
Again, common sense and cold hard facts, Sowell found that the opposite was
true. Women who attend college, make more money, moving career and get more
opportunities as men when analyzing the variables equal.
Michael Savage

The popular talk radio host is known for his tough style say it as it is
fashionable, and so when a caller is trying to push the idea that women can
do anything men can do, Savage with his lights comparison of a woman on the
battlefield to a male soldier.
For biological reasons, most women find the situation unbearable and this
can have a negative impact on morale. Of course there are exceptions, but
the vast case are undeniably clear: most women are not cut out for military
combat. Sure, it looks good in Hollywood, but the reality is the physical
fitness standard in the US armed forces have collapsed to recruit women.
If you're going to have women in the military, they should adhere to the
same standard as everyone else and not give a pass.
Gavin McInnes

The author box, outspoken, and sometimes hilarious laugh Sean Hannity on
the air with his brutally honest speech. Look at him go head to head with a
Fox News contributor advising him to marry and have children instead of
being miserable constantly pursuing career success.
The light reveals the truth
Men and women were the subject of lies and manipulation regarding equality.
This is why you have skyrocketing divorce rates and the creation of
alternative online spaces as ROK help educate each other and protect
feminist lies can not continue so long, because eventually the light will
scan the darkness.
Read more: Feminism Comes Full Circle In Embracing Aristotle s & # 8221
Natural slavery;

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