Tuesday, June 20, 2017

The American Civil War Cold

The left has decided that they want to live among people who share
different viewpoints that. They clog their fingers in their ears, shouting
racist, fascist, Nazi and Hitler. They refuse to give in, compromise,
debate, or even accept that their political positions start losing
democratic elections despite suspected of cheating that helps. This put us
squarely in the middle of a cold civil war where both sides of the
political spectrum are warming to the idea of ​​killing.
Confirmation of the left's defeat is apparent when you see how their manic
behavior converts more people, particularly moderates against them. The
greatest recruitment tool against the left became the left. Whenever they
protest, riot, screeching against whites, or show their vulgarity, the rest
of America mentally healthy mind realizing that left the platform has
become so out of touch it represents more fundamental ideals of the
country. Failure cucked law must only show after tantrums and say, Look how
they are crazy for converts to come pouring in.
The left is option

Many people wonder why the left has become a recruiter for law promoting
violence or engaging. Firstly, they simply do not know what to do. When a
parent tells a child he can t eat candy for every meal, and the child doesn
t have a logical argument about the merits of eating the candy, what does
he do? He screams, stomps his feet, threatening to run away, throwing
insults like meanie and shock, and may even strike her parents to get her
way. Donald Trump and his supporters are parents won t return to an
emotional child.
The second reason why the left is wrong with their cause violence because
its controllers billionaires, especially George Soros, want to divide
America to such point that is irreparable forced hot civil war, giving them
the opportunity to increase their power. Soros wants to create so much
hatred, animosity and chaos that any resulting conflict has a chance to
maintain absolute power, compared to the current situation where only a
moderate amount. In other words, it rather takes the chance of war to
consolidate its grip further.
Leftists that Soros sponsors in Women Marche and Antifa explosions may also
want a civil war, but a look at their faces shows they would struggle to
even go a day without electricity, and they have the same psychological
Directive that the child who is angry he can t have candy. Soros is the old
neighbor who goosebumps promises them the sweets they crave because he
wants to gain their trust and do it alone. The child, naive the extreme
danger behind the likes of Soros decides to follow him into a van parked in
the driveway in spite of his own parents and their fair authority.
The reason why the law was reluctant to respond to violence because they're
winning. The violence comes not from a position of strength, but despair,
when all other options have been extinguished, and should serve as a signal
to you what the real score between left and right really. Without violence,
the left now has a 100% chance of losing, continuous and humiliating, for
at least the next eight years. All the gains that have decades to reach
will be lost if we ravage and rape their power structures.
With a warm Civil War, the left has a 25% chance to win, a bet that they
are willing to take even if there is a high chance they will be among the
first to die in the conflict. A logical person would ask why they push for
a conflict that will surely destroy the infrastructure of urban centers
where they live and where food, water, and other necessities are sure. The
answer comes in realizing that a child does not realize that eating sweets
every day make him sick. The child must be controlled for their own good,
because he lacks the ability to care for herself or understanding the
consequences of his actions.
We all lose in a hot war

Before the warrior you are excited at the prospect of crushing left in a
hot war and kill Antifa members with weapons of great power as they wield
sharp mop handles to you, understand that any war the US would quickly
become a proxy war involving all major military powers, especially China
and Russia, rushing to spend billions of dollars to have ultimate control
of the country. It would be long and correspond to the first civil war in
terms of brutality, where 2% of the population died.
With the current population, a mortality rate of 2% would result in more
than 6 million deaths. Compared to 3000 who died 9/11, which was considered
the greatest national tragedy of modern times, a hot war would conduct
every American a profoundly negative way. No sane person with a family in
mind for this result, which also highlights the folly of much of the left
to push for that reason. Instead, they see millions dead and the country in
ruins but to accept a democratic process where lost their crazy ideas.
, The underlying problems are not resolved, even if we avoid a hot war. The
left is constantly subverting against the country in hopes of achieving a
hot war, using both economic and physical violence against those on the
right who disagree with and inevitably descend into terrorist violence that
rivals ISIS. It's intolerable for things to do as they are, but if you take
a hot war of the table, what option remains?

I recommend the long divorce option, which has three components. The first
is the extreme law and order. Beginning with the federal government, every
single instance leftist threats, intimidation and violence must be
investigated, prosecuted licenses Maximize by law and made public. The left
has been away from their illegal acts too long, to the point where violent
protesters don t fear the judgment, thanks to Democrats mayors and police
chiefs who allow. The FBI has to enforce the law and punish those who break
and municipalities or universities that allow illegal acts should be
punished by withholding federal funds. It immediately reduce the number of
violent agitators left and limit the power of their institutions.
The second part of the long divorce option is to excise the left of all the
cultural centers of power so they can not actively convert youth. The false
news, already on its last legs, must be replaced by organizations that are
not so anti-American vehemence, academia must be purged, and all globalist
traitors who work in government, both at federal and state, should be
removed from positions of power.
The media are a money hemorrhage and viewers, millions of citizens are red
fluffy subversivity to the school system (in particular anti-male agenda
and anti-white), and Trump began to recover the federal ship which
certainly can trickle down to local levels. Because the establishment
leftist loses control of their story, the younger generation Z is already
showing signs of thought with being right in relief on 4chan memes more
than the TV programs. This means that we simply need to remove power and
millennials expect they die of old age or AIDS while preventing them from
causing further damage to US institutions.
Immigration is the third component of the long Halting divorce option. The
left has not been able to show how immigrants benefit the US citizens in
addition to the most diverse dining options, and emotional pleas from human
rights and # 8221; and & # 8221 compassion; not sufficient enough to
transform the US into a large social welfare office. Open-borders
immigration is hurting existing citizens, serving leftists cynical way to
win more votes in the elections, while intimidating their enemies with & #
8221 hate speech; codes that require non-Americans love more than Americans.
We must also defend a white population increasing from where it is now,
because America is not America if that number dips below 50%, and instead
look something like an international airport. Once immigration stopped, and
illegal citizens expelled, it will become more difficult for open borders
policy monumentally win nationally again. This can be quite assured if the
woman suffrage is repealed, a proposal that I know many find unpalatable,
but that would open the way to win permanent era.
For us to win without hot civil war, we must take the reins of power and
coexist peacefully with the bitter leftists over the next fifty years while
culture itself slowly heals. Once the institutions are purged of
anti-American leftists, the new left will exist in addition to a
conventional liberal form and believe in the nominally nationalist ideas
while accepting cultural values ​​shy traditional. The long divorce option
will not excite you because of the length it takes to see a resolution, but
it s that will preserve life and the existing infrastructure of the United
Four future results

There are four outcomes that can occur from the junction we are. The first
is a globalist resurgence surveys with demographic changes that push the
vote far left, from 2024. In this case, we have a president who is more
authoritarian than Hillary Clinton. The boot will descend on all aspects of
American life, especially the word, and we basically live in an open prison.
The second result is a hot war in which we win. The country will be
devastated and millions will die, but at least most of the deaths will be
The third option is a hot war in which we are losing due to foreign
participation. Not only are we more likely to die in this commitment, but
the globalist boot go down with such savagery that those on the right who
survive can expect that they had died in the war.
And the fourth option is long divorced, we will easily win if the
recommendations that I made above are taken. Very few people die and life
can make a big stability and prosperity for the majority of the country.
The globalist left has so damaged the country for decades, they have been
in power there is no quick fix, and those of us who are alive today
probably not see a resolution that can support a complete victory in our
lives. I understand the frustration that many on the right have, and desire
that they should be immediately cured of poisons that the left has
unleashed, but we must carefully analyze any outcome that results in the
death of our loved ones and even ourselves . There is a time and place to
die for what you believe, but I hope I have convinced you that we have not
yet reached this critical time and that we can avoid the disadvantages of
hot civil war and globalist boot taking the opportunity to long for divorce
still win in the end.
The laws we have on the books are pretty & # 8212; let's apply them and
allow the country to focus on herself instead of building the empire and
the police so that the collapse of the media and universities on the weight
of their own lies and degeneration. In addition, the entertainment value of
watching the crunching left and cry for the coming decades will surely
bring us tons of fun. That's a better result than outright war.
This article was published on Roosh V.
Read more: How to save Western civilization

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