Friday, June 16, 2017

4 Flagrant lies about the American Confederation

If you paid attention to the news lately, leftist groups drop monuments to
Confederate leaders like Robert E. Lee (pro-Constitution, anti-slavery, not
drinking, not smoking, not pious Christian profanity) faster that they do
not put in place new kinds of affiliations.
Why? Because two years since the murder of nine African Americans in
Charleston church (the left still can not turn around), it was a powerful
domestic jihad dominated SJW on public monuments to the Confederate States
of America. All because the author was seen white man holding Confederate
memorabilia in some pre-trashing photos, including & # 8221 Confederate
Flag; (To see further).
Feedback triggers
SJW s insist that the flag represents slavery, oppression and white
supremacy, terrorism, Nazism, and a laundry list of other words in the
naughty mode that are 100% fit for our enlightened & # 8216; Social Justice
conscious nation.
However, like the Vox Day and his book have pointed out, SJWs Lie still.
This article will address four most striking examples of how groups are
left on the old Confederation to try to achieve the moral high ground
(under signal) and to legitimize their desired destruction of the
Confederate monuments. Objects countless European Americans in the Southern
States take to heart their history and sense of regional identity.
1. If the South won, we have slavery
Brazil was the last Western country to abolish slavery in 1888, but the
signaling of virtue leftists want to pretend that we still have slavery in
2017 when the Confederation won.
Of all the most belated claims against the Confederation, and all the more
lame signaling efforts under to try to fully legitimize the Union war
effort from a contemporary perspective, is the rest of the argument we
slavery . In other words, assuming that the Confederacy won the war and a
hypothetical C.S.A. was alive in 2017.
However, has anyone in social justice-the earth get the memo that Brazil
was the last Western country on earth to abolish slavery in 1888? That's a
human generation beyond the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863, and almost
complete there 130 years from the time of writing.
In the middle of the 19th century, slavery was the way of the Dodo in the
world, due to both rapid technological advances in industrial societies
making cost analysis to impractical benefits, and simply being the air
current time morale of age.
Yes, it is true that there was some damning rhetoric of some Confederate
leaders supporting slavery in the 1860's, but make pea-brain leftists and
SJW s really believe that black slaves would still be bought or sold via
smartphone applications in a 1st world Atlanta 2017 yet still developing
and Brazil semi-dysfunctional would otherwise have been the last territory
from the west to end this nonsense 130 years before?
Confederate Atlanta, Georgia in Dreamworld SJW delayed 2017. A blonde
Buckhead Betty is stunned and excited about buying a new black slave well
built on a sales application auction like tinder with her husband s money.
(The husband told her just to get a gardener, but when it's far, it has
more housework to mind).
Here's the truth as simply a conduit of leftist emotion can not understand.
Chattel slavery would not have lived to see the first of the 20th century
in a hypothetical and intact Confederate States of America. In even
assuming the worst case where Brazil beat the fact C.S.A. the abolition in
late 1880 s, that slavery by point would not only have been rendered
completely irrelevant by industrial technology, but international pressure
for emancipation would be extremely serious.
Beyond the industrial north, the powerful French and British colonial
empires (the biggest world powers in the late 19th century) probably would
have acted or threatened trade sanctions on the bottom line bleeding and
other isolation sentences. Inevitably, the Confederate slavery soon throw
in the towel for good and C.S.A. modern (if it existed) would be incredibly
apologetic for some aspects of it s distant past. Just like any other white
countries intimidated majority in 2010 s.
Besides, the world still have slavery & # 8221;. Except that's almost
entirely black African Muslims enslaving other black African Muslims in
countries like Mauritania, which SJW s and & # 8216; Material black living
donation really does seem to be concerned for obvious reasons.
2. The Confederate flag represents slavery and White Supremacy

That must have repeated so many times, generation after generation, that
the same level of willful ignorance on all sides of the debate should be
about to legendary.
The Confederate flag & # 8221; for it is popularly known today has
absolutely no direct political affiliation whatsoever, unlike say & #
8230;. Nazi flag modern SJW s are always trying to compare the flag. It is
a battle flag that was used primarily by the Robert E. Lee's Army of
Northern Virginia, and careful observation, it hardly represents the & #
8221 slavery; and certainly not white supremacy & # 8221;.
95% of Confederate soldiers did not own slaves, and I'm sure the
maintenance of white supremacy on their nonexistent slaves was the first
thing on their mind as a sum to 6 digits of the southern white men
(compared to a negligible amount of black soldiers on both sides) met their
maker after kissing the hot lead of a musket battlefield.
In addition, here are some quotes from the battle flag top general, Robert
E. Lee himself.

In this enlightened age, there are few, I believe, but what will
acknowledge that slavery as an institution is a moral & amp; political evil
in all countries. It is useless to expatiate on its disadvantages.
While we see the course of the final abolition of human slavery is ahead, &
amp; we give it with our prayers & amp; all legitimate means in our power,
we must let the progress and the results of his hands which sees the end;
who chooses to work by slow influences; & Amp; who two thousand years are
but as one day.
Far from engaging in a war to perpetuate slavery, I am delighted that
slavery is abolished. I think it will be greatly Southern interests. So
while I am satisfied that, as regards Virginia in particular, I blithely've
lost everything I've lost the war, and we have all suffered I suffered, to
have this item achieved.
Its like the talking points of a pro-slavery and & # 8221 white
supremacists; BIGOT for you?
3. The Confederates betrayed
Southern States in 1861 after the nations most revered document and
peacefully convene to form the new government. Being called & # 8221
traitors; SJWs by the 21st century.
This is one you'll find in the comments sections of blogs and sites left
(wing LEL) leading, such as Washington Post, Salon, Alternet or when an
article related to the civil war is displayed. The Confederation was full
of & # 8221 traitors; and all these evil white men deserved whatever was
coming to them.
However, if any of them have simply ceased to be driven by the emotional
rhetoric under traffic, and actually bothered to read a history book or
two, their argument would be filled with bigger holes than Swiss cheese .
All evidence clearly shows Confederation was at peace following principles
set out by the founding fathers, the Declaration of Independence, and the
12 amendments to the US Constitution that were in place from 1861. & # 8221
Patriots; Confederate may or may not have been. But & # 8221 traitors;
definitely not.

I'm with the South in life or in death, in victory or defeat. I owned a
negro and nothing for the insane, but these people were my friends and I
have resisted all occasions. On top of that, I think the North is about to
wage a brutal war against kind of a people who have not hurt them in
violation of the Constitution and the fundamental principles of government
& # 8230; We will not offer Northern invasion, any attack on them, and ask
to be let alone. & # 8211; Patrick R. Cleburne
4. The Confederates & # 8221 Terrorists;

(SJW Thom Hartmann's spiel on Confederate terrorists at 21:24 & # 8211;
10:52 p.m.)
This preposterous label is a more recent attack on the history of
Confederation, and almost as retarded as the idea that the South SJW would
still have slavery in modern times, they have won the conflict mid 19th
century .
As you may know, the left is currently obsessed with the use of a
combination of an omission of fact, subterfuge and tactics of red herrings
to try to divert the attention of Islamic terrorism (a real problem ), and
instead tell you that white is the terrorism scourge.
Of course, politically incorrect statistics (the correct real life) does
not indicate that the white terrorism is a major problem in the United
States since the white represent over 60% of the population while Muslims
countries are barely 1%. So why not loosen the definition of a terrorist
white & # 8221; to include essentially any Christian white man who held a
gun against someone before? With Confederation in mind, the SJW s are
granted their desire to demonize Christian, second friendly amendment,
white men south on a mass scale.
As for the true definition of terrorism, Hartmann and the rest of SJW s
have a lot of courage to act as the Union Army was never raped, pillaged
and terrorized the people of the south by the policies of the number 16
(Abraham Lincoln) and wild lap dogs like General Sherman.
William Tecumseh Sherman. General Union, terrorist, and all around mega
My goal was to whip the rebels, to humble their pride, to follow them in
their most private housing, and make them fear and dread us. Fear is the
beginning of wisdom.
War is cruelty. It is no use trying to reform it. The more cruel it is, the
sooner it's over.
This war is different from other wars, in this particular case. We are not
fighting armies, but a hostile people, and must make old and young, rich
and poor, feel the hard hand of war.
I would make this war as severe as possible, and no symptoms of tiredness
until the South begs for mercy. & # 8211; William T. Sherman
Its as discussion points and actions of someone who is anything but a
terrorist to you?

Finally, here is a well made and researching the video showing number 16 s
cruel war of subjection and terror against the south. (He's about
five-dollar bill and a giant monument to Washington D.C., which, unlike the
statues of the pro-abolitionist and pro-constitution Robert E. Lee, is
unlikely to ever be removed.)
It is undeniable and regrettable that the Confederate government (not Lee's
army) fought to maintain slavery as one of its basic objectives s, although
it is inevitably short-term continuation in case of victory.
It does not really hinder and limit the amount of praise that can be given
to this nation short of a contemporary perspective. Because otherwise, many
of the reasons for the secession of federal research were solid, easy to
understand, and above all legal.
However, I also do not sit idly by and watch SJW s use slavery or white
supremacy or & # 8221 white terrorism; as a crutch to lie effusively of the
Confederation for the points of the agenda and brownie policies that are
designed to further bully and humiliate 21st century southern whites. The
side of the conflict in the Union really dirty hands on a lot.
Pun, the history of the civil war is not & # 8216; black and white that the
left wants to be.
Read more: Reflections on the New Confederacy During a visit to Ole Miss

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