Thursday, June 29, 2017

Facebook added a Gay "like" to the glee of the Signalers under

Facebook has made a lot of new things to help people celebrate the Gay
Pride Month of June. Adding more degenerate is a pride reaction that adds a
small arc ball in the sky for five standard reaction choice. The button is
active only if you have assets approval for homosexuals on the site.
The gay reaction is unlocked if you go to the Facebook page and as she LGBT
(don t rush both now). This will give the gay supposedly like buttons and
probably put other things gay in your news feed.
If you live in a country that is not down with the gay community, then
you're out of luck, because Facebook doesn t give gay love for anyone with
an IP address intolerant.

The only good thing about the left is that they have less attention than
the duration of a squirrel. After the next Islamic terrorist attack,
Facebook can add the ISIS flag so we can too.
Facebook is recruiting you gay cult

The establishment of a month of pride for homosexuals is their legitimacy
as if they're black. It is a movement warned by the gay community to adopt
all that isn t heterosexual, monogamous sex as part of their movement under
increasing their acronym rather clumsy.
This may turn against them if they overextend their relevance in approving
the next big thing as pederasty or bestiality, but, for now, their strategy
seems to suck everyone who isn t completely in the right head.
He makes fun of Christians
I want to & # 8230;
Since America is a predominantly Christian country since it started, much
like the Jewish pornography and Satanism, exist solely to bash her.
Supposedly the gay rainbow flag represents many things, but the rainbow was
originally God's promise that he would never again flood the earth after
the great flood. It looks like it from the M. O. gay pervert religious
I m a pretty tolerant person. I had no problem with a guy like another guy;
I've even had no problem with two guys or two women living together. I
really do have no problem with receiving the same benefits under the law
that married people.
But why do they have to spread their degeneration to everyone, including
children? Don t they understand that these children will never, never
normal and they won t have the choice to go gay & # 8221; as they did? Do
they hate Western culture so that they decrease the birth rate far below
the replacement rate that Islam can waltz right in two generations, throw
off the nearest roof and establish a caliphate?
While Facebook giving you the opportunity to virtue signal your Gay taste
of something is no big deal in itself, it is a sign of the times that
sexual perversion, which should be something handled discreetly with an
agreement unwritten things remain quiet, is now quite common and somehow
glamorous. It is ours and other right-thinking men to find a way to reverse
the course if it's still even possible.
More: Adored Gay leftist George Takei Calls child molestation "Charming" &
amp; "Delicious" With no media outcry

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