Friday, June 23, 2017

The Liberal reign of terror is at an end

Liberals like to prance around like they're big and responsible modern
American society. Since long before the long, hot summer of 2016 when they
set fire to the cities, the early days of the Trump presidency in which
they have been doing their best to create a modern witch trials with Much
Ado About Russian story, shitlibs were figuratively poking a tiger in the
eye with a stick and with it. They've been incredibly lucky to date. But
that luck might be about to fail?
libs radical initiators of the population living outside major cities never
take the time to look in the mirror and realize that they aren t ready for
a duel because they are not the tigers they consider themselves. They're
nothing more than paper tigers playing with gasoline and fire. Let us
analyze modern liberalism we size up our sickle and hammer-wielding enemies.
Ironically, Tim Allen had his popular ABC series canceled after discussing
liberal tolerance in Hollywood. CMT may soon revive
shitlibs modern are a case study in psychological projection. Liberal
conservatives plan on everything they hate, but have become, but in
reverse. They re Christophobes intolerant. They're anti-male. They're
anti-white. They're anti-family. In other words, they're little more than a
hate group to the traditional American and European men and tradition.
They're the opposite of everything they see wrong in the world, but just as
intolerant as Boogeymen they despise. The Liberals are not live and let
live, they're live and try to kill someone who doesn t want to live like us.
What is particularly funny about mental illness known as liberalism observe
hypocrisy in action. For example, I went through a restaurant in New York
on weekends. I looked at a white girl with technicolor hair bend backwards
to kiss the behind of a woman wearing a Muslim headscarf head as if it were
a sacred cow. What? Doesn t & # 8220 this oppressed woman represents
everything the monster with pink hair is supposed to hate? Are not white
girls as it supposed to be against patriarchy? Oh, right: it's that bad if
white bogeyman wrong. brown can still be patriarchal.
Beyond Liberal not realizing the duplicity of their own stories, Tim Allen
has spoken about what he's like living in Hollyweird tolerance and later,
as it should, had his series of popular comedy unexpectedly canceled by
ABC. He told the court jester Jimmy Kimmel:
You have to be really careful here. You get beat if you do not believe that
everyone believes. It's like '30 Germany. I do not know what happened. If
you are not part of the group, you know, what we believe is right & # 8230;
Allen followed with:
I will, though I go, I might have a problem with that.
Allen was shit box shortly after for not adhering to the Doxy, politically
correct uber-liberal ABC.
Liberals use politically correct to put the Conservatives in a
straitjacket, a right is increasingly refuse to be on Tim Allen shows.
These neo-fascists believe that their world view is the only correct world,
and become increasingly hostile to those who refuse to go along with their
utopian fantasies Socialists.
They are fascists, they accuse the right to be, as elucidated by Jonah
Goldberg in his book Liberal Fascism. As they have no God to worship, they
love the state. Goldberg gives us a glimpse of the leftist myopia:
Fascism is a state religion. It assumes the organic unity of the body
politic and longs for a national leader in harmony with the will of the
people. It is totalitarian in that it considers as policy and believes that
any state action is justified to achieve the common good. He assumes
responsibility for all aspects of life, including our health and
well-being, and seeks to impose uniformity of thought and action, either by
force or by regulation and social pressure.
Everything, including the economy and religion, must be aligned with its
objectives. Any rival identity is part of the "problem" and therefore
defined as the enemy. contemporary American liberalism embodies all these
aspects of fascism.
intolerant liberals want to use state power to crush every ideal they don t
agree with. They also want to transform the state's legislative and
executive branches of government in a figurative mom and dad.
The weakness and degeneration
One protester shitlib receiving a wedgie on the Berkeley campus is only the
beginning of what's to come if libs still riling conservative
Make no mistake, modern liberalism is based almost entirely on the weak
belief. It is derived from a human environment chosen r, one created by
K-selected preservatives. The r / K selection morphing biological processes
in the modern political process is detailed in the book Evolutionary
psychology behind policy.
R The strategy is designed to exploit an environment where resources are
freely available everywhere.
When resources become available clusterfuck follows the unfit members of
society who can obtain from producers using state force.
In r-selection, [the fittest members of society] will be out played by that
focus simply on eating pacifists, and play & # 8230; This environment will
favor a tendency to avoid conflict, and tend to break down the aggressive
and competitive. It will also change the trends as soon as possible
coupling, as often as possible, with as many mates as possible while
investing as little livestock offspring effort possible. Here, there are
unlimited resources waiting to be used, and even the most unfit can acquire.
Now we know why there is fat rednecks, cock-carouseling of women, single
mothers and sorry asses everywhere in modern America. They re r selected
human enjoying a free ride because they swipe their EBT card and take home
to their Section 8 housing.
Of course, when resources are available for free, the weakest members of
society begin to overcrowd the crowd and the strongest members of society.
We can watch it with the current manufacturer compared paradigm taker in
the US economy, where policymakers are worked up to 70 hours a week in jobs
increasingly shittier paid and vanishing benefits (often sacrificing
training their own families) to support the welfare class and women with
five children from five different fathers.
One may ask: How America still has a negative population growth if
r-selection led to the likes of breeding rabbits? The simple answer is
sickening. Abortion. Today and every day, about the same number of deaths
in the World Trade Center on 9/11 will happen in abortion clinics.
Over 43 million children have been aborted since Roe v. Wade in 1973, which
is the equivalent of the population of Spain, South Korea and Colombia
disappear from the face of the earth in two generations. abortion deaths
also eclipses the 1.1 million war dead of all American soldiers since the
nation was founded in 1776. So while the Liberals indeed reproduce like
rabbits, they're killing their offspring all as quickly thanks to the deft
hand and bloody social engineers who have seen this behemoth ahead.
& Nbsp;
House cleaning
When the time comes to clean the house, the Liberals know
They have had a good race. But there are signals the Liberal reign of
terror is coming to an end. The Conservatives are increasingly a don t fuck
position concerning liberal labeling, insults, and other games they play to
try to keep straight. The Donald Trump's election to the office (as much of
a disappointment, it appears to be many) was the first sign that the
stories and manlets liberal media have lost their influence.
Another sign fun tables begin to turn on campus past the University of
California, Berkeley, where the Antifa group scarf was humiliated by a
group of supporters Trump. Heatstreet wrote:
At Berkeley pro-Trump protest "freedom of expression" was also organized by
members of various factions like Proud boys and alt-right. Both gatherings
converged quickly turned into a bloody street fight between anti-fascists
and leftist supporters Trump, which resulted in 23 arrests.
The fans were Trump declaring victory after successfully repelling antifa
back and bust heads in.
When the time comes, leftists who think they run the place are unpleasant
surprises. It takes time to annoy the real tigers, chose K-right. But when
the claws finally reach out to them, paper tigers will quickly realize wasn
t a good idea to bring the men who are the backbone of society.
Learn more: The Liberals are not the enemy ... But liberalism

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