Friday, June 23, 2017

6 lessons on women and relationships from the code of law of Manu

Considered a long perspective of memory, feminism is quite recent, due to
its exponential growth to a modern very specific historical context. The
leftist anthropologists matriarchal tribes were fools are only a historical
aberration. All civilizations and peoples who have gone beyond the small
stage of tribe and erect kingdoms or empires patriarchal.
The irony of modernity lies in men who invented most of what exists there,
toiled in steam plants, dug piles of dark mines, fought in the bloody wars,
and managed to produce a incredible wealth & # 8212; the result of work to
take away the right, unsightly womyn.
If you look closely, suffragettes and their ilk do not revolt
because "oppression of women", but rather in a context where men were
already low and middle were already dominant female. Nineteenth century
American prostitutes had many wives things are not & # 8212; like money,
the glamor, the opportunity to travel and kiss a lot of rich guys, even the
attention of men & # 8212; and they created a precedent.
Similarly, if you look at the Belle Epoque (about 1870-1914) art, it is
full of sensuality, mesmerizing beautiful women, accompanied by high status
or wealthy men orbiting. The men of those times had already turned into
wimps, proud to be hypnotized by a dog wearing lipstick. Far
from "oppression", these men depended, and spoiled women can easily
evaluate the money and power from them.
This women's recovery trend, either by seduction, subtle threats to social
or grabbing direct against men has shaped many of the changes of the last
century. Our male potentials were buried in a taboo subject and forgetting
the blue pill, and now that we are growing again, it becomes increasingly
clear that we need to reverse the degeneration and illegitimate powers we
learned to take for granted. With this in mind, we need a traditional
perspective, extra-modern from which to stand and strike hard at Libtard
The right Manu Code, an ancient Hindu legal code, is exactly the kind of
content that can power a "neo-classical" perspective. Its rich content led
me to write twice ROK, and is now a third and last law of Manu piece
specifically on gender relations. What a legislature superhuman say about
women & # 8212; and that allowed civilization to the test of time?
1. Mating is transactional

This is something modern would forgive us. " Love love! "Cree bourgeois
literature of the nineteenth century, full of romantic tales and penning
men on long pages about their passion for this or that girl. Novels and
poetry of this period are sometimes so full or marshmallow, a ite and
pompous prose are almost disgusting.
These were "free love love they wanted," & # 8212; especially when they
were not also the guys from high status willing to marry down? Of course
not: lack of control of themselves, they were trapped and led to believe
that their strange state of obsession-this girl-I-am-loving-oh-so-passion
was higher than meditated weddings. Behind the artsy celebration
of "progress", "freedom" and "love" emerged pure power seduction.
These trends did not exist in ancient India. There, police at least were
aware of the transactional nature of the coupling and of the need to link a
man and a woman from a relatively equal status. Although men of a higher
caste could marry in the event of a shortage (3.13), the practice is
ignored, and Manu explicitly warns that "contracting marriages aberrant ...
respectable families quickly come to ruin" (3.63).
The code is done so that men are more or less limited, but also recognized
and reasonably protected. The right of men to sexual and romantic
satisfaction expressed (3.45). A man, the Code says, should seek a joint of
his own caste and "physical law" (3.4). Families are encouraged to behave
in a respectable manner, allowing them to enforce a fine sociability and
offer good girls to marry.
So, as everyone for virtue and works with quality & # 8212; instead of
taking away from & # 8212 ouster, an honest man has a good chance to find a
decent girl. As men have struggled to be able to "buy" the woman they
deserved and women at least maintained their capital, it exercised too much
power, could not impose his game of seduction, and the men could focus on
building value correctly instead of painfully adapt to how sororities HR /
2. Young women are valuable (and should not be squandered or wasted)

At the peak of their beauty, sex appeal and fertility, women have a higher
value. Our reptilian brain knows about it, which gives a woman of 18-25
years a high sexual market value in a society "free sexual market" and so
does the Code, also knew how the girls could easily be spoiled if left to
party down their early years and creamed in by massive amounts of dick.
To regulate the market and prevent an alliance against nature of the
daughters of the party and assholes slots-racking, the Code states that a
man must be older than the girl he is courting "a man of 30 years should
marry a charming girl of 12 or 18 years, a girl of 8 years or
sooner "(9.94). In other words, instead of yielding to temptation and
embark on a cut-throat competition for slots, young men must control their
own desires while getting with girls younger engagement. Then, as a
well-deserved reward, they get a good spouse, each of the peaks at once,
everyone can take advantage of the other & # 8212; 30 years has the young
woman who enjoys old dominant male & # 8212 and build a house.
This looks like what Aristotle wrote about marriage: "women should marry
when they are about 18 years and men 37; then they are in the prime of
life, and lower powers of the two coincide. "(Politics 1335a25)
3. Women should be made based on their own good

Code provides:
Even in his own home, a woman & # 8212; if it is a child, a woman or an old
lady & # 8212; should never complete a task independently. As a child, she
must remain under the control of his father; as a young woman, with her
husband; and when her husband died before his son. It must never seek to
live independently. (5.147 to 8)
If women are dependent on their families and must be exchanged or supported
by men, which makes matching easier and simpler. Be exchanged, women can
focus on their own value and avoid being damaged by their own foolish
choices. Moreover, as they are hypergamic, women must be socially inferior
to their own satisfaction: if they get equal to men, they despise men of
equal value and want for a higher value one over which they must match .
The women in their families are limited in their ability to attract every
male in their traps: if they do, they will probably get the wrath of their
parents accountable.
men day and night should keep their women to act independently; because
Attached to the pleasures of the senses, men must keep them under their
control. (9.2)
Drinking, the association with bad people, living far from the husband;
travel, sleep, and stay in the homes of others & # 8212; these are les six
things that corrupt women ... Lust, the fickleness of mind, and hardness
are innate in them ... Knowing this, a man must be the effort possible to
guard them. (9.13 to 6)
4. hypergamy is a real danger to society and must be monitored vigilantly

Even then, it seems hubristic hypergamy had already begun to rear its ugly
head when the code was written law, as it explicitly warns against the
temptation to give her husband a man of status more high:
When a woman leaves her husband of lower rank and unites with a man of
higher rank, it only brings shame on itself in the world and is called "a
woman who had a man before. "By being unfaithful to her husband, woman is
disgraced in the world. (5.163 to 4)
The Ancients knew well the conditions necessary for a marriage to be
auspicious, and relative equality of status and the stability of the union
were necessary no doubt. Some women, at least, had left their longing break
the social fabric and betrayed their house to get the "superior" man, for
if it was not that the Code does warn against it.
5. The husband and wife should not be "equal"

Some things have to be checked as relatively even between a husband and
wife as caste, social, or being in one of the premium, the marriage works
well, except for "time of adversity "when upper caste men can marry down.
All, however, should not be the same.
A woman is realized and developed by its place in the family. It must be
obedient to have its own center and dignity. So,
Although devoid of virtue, because of lust, and totally devoid of good
qualities, a good woman should always love her husband as a god. For women,
there is no independent sacrifice, vow, or fast; a woman will be high in
the sky by the mere fact that he served obediently her husband. (5.154-6)
On the other hand, a husband may go for years that his wife must maintain
the house, provided it ensures a resource for her to live on (from 9.74 to
6). It is also free to divorce his wife if she hates him for no good
reason. The precise reasons are specified in the Code, as it turns into a
repentant alcoholic, or becomes "rudeness" (9.81).
The men and the roles of women and different, complementary, and uneven.
Modernists should get over it instead of ruining the social life in the
name of a nonexistent abstract equality between individuals.
The effort of a man mainly expressed in the public arena, outside the home,
while the search for the man is the center itself and larger projects. A
man should be able to grow out, while his wife, being fixed, is realized at
the same time help. Also note that the risks are shared here because the
woman may seem in a riskier situation at home when the husband meets
external risks.
6. Women have qualities to develop

Just as social castes are supposed to develop and entrench internal
vocations names must say something about the wearer. For girls, the names
act as a kind of guardian or landmark:
The names of the girls must be easy to pronounce and without fierce
connotation, a clear sense, be charming and auspicious at the end of a long
final syllable, and contain a word for blessing. (2.33)
In addition, the family of dependence and her husband does not mean lack of
self-organization: as women quests to continue & # 8212; making
self-improvement as relevant to them as it is to us.
A woman who controls his mind, speech and body and is never unfaithful to
her husband reached the world of her husband, and virtuous people call
a "good woman." (5.163)
[Women should be employed] in the collection and payment of his wealth in
cleaning, meritorious activity in cooking, and caring for household goods.
When they nailed in the house by men of confidence, they really are not
kept; only when they are careful they themselves are really well kept.
(9.11 to 2, the spirit of emphasis)
This is consistent with Roosh identified three objectives.
That modern trends of "emancipation" of women would actually break into a
disaster for most people, let alone our civilization as a whole, could have
been predicted by the wise men living there for millennia. particular
vocations, social balance, good chances and fair trade are handled by the
wisdom and fidelity of traditional men.
As we work hard to Reclaim our institutions, countries and civilization, it
is also necessary to glean discernment (almost) Scriptures timeless.
Chances are, the more familiar we become with ancient wisdom, especially
the modern trends look like blind or monstrous deviations. This can be
unsettling. I could bet my last penny, however, that in the long run, it
will be understood as a necessary step to get out of the rotten world we
are born and not to fall for the same mistakes again and again.
Read more: Modern Marriage is hell Seeking Rental

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