Sunday, June 25, 2017

The United Nations Push for "Children's Liberation" is a ploy to reduce parental authority

The international community has adopted a serious approach to children's
release, now enshrined in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Only a handful of small countries aren t yet signatories. Bill Clinton
signed the CRC, but the Senate never ratified officially. This is for the
best, as we shall see.
Supporters portray its non-ratification as a kind of deep embarrassment.
Until recently, the only other major recalcitrant were Somalia (a
government that barely exists) and South Sudan (newly made secession
country and not in the greatest shape). It's hardly a flattering group in
which to include, and now the US is even less progressive than they.
The devil's in the details
No, Hillary, it takes a family to raise a child.
Many provisions are decent and sensitive, that civilized nations had long
ago. However, others are questionable. Even when the road to progress is
paved with good intentions, problems can occur when vague statements and
open reach the force of law. This allows control and micromanagement heavy
agendas dictated by international law is a growing trend; CRC could be the
next legal frontier. The treaty is somewhat considered a living document &
# 8221; and you know what that means. Here are some dubious elements.
3.1: In all actions concerning children, whether undertaken by the public
or private social welfare institutions, courts of law, administrative
authorities or legislative bodies, the child's best interests shall be a
primary consideration .
Who will determine & # 8220 interest; and by what standard? The next two
lines provide more information, but all told, it's missing key details.
Obviously s a compelling interest in cases of abuse or neglect, the laws
already in place. However, apart from that, the door is still wide open to
officials authorized to override parental authority and judgment.
13.1: The child has the right to freedom of expression; this right includes
freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds,
regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form
of art, or through any other media child choices.
It's pretty open. Verbal abuse of authority figures without consequences
could be considered a human right.
14.1: States Parties shall respect the right of the child to freedom of
thought, conscience and religion.
Although I can sympathize with children n t want to be dragged to church
every Sunday, this provision is too broad. This also means that a child can
join a cult, and parents have no say in the matter.
15.1: States Parties recognize the child's rights to freedom of association
and freedom of peaceful assembly.
Parents are losing control of their children who associate other than (by
15.2) prohibiting any contact with known criminals.
16.1: No child shall be subjected to arbitrary or unlawful interference
with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to unlawful attacks
on his honor and reputation.
16.2: The child has the right to the protection of the law against such
interference or.
No need to hide the bong anymore.
28.1.2: Encourage the development of different forms of secondary
education, including general and vocational education, make them available
and accessible to every child, and take appropriate measures such as the
introduction of free education and offering financial assistance in case of
This makes the university a free right. The UN likely gets to determine who
is eligible, and taxpayers will pick up the huge tab.
28.2: States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that
school discipline is administered in a manner consistent with the child's
human dignity and in accordance with this Convention.
My old self is cackled gleefully eight years to one. Kid-lib is awesome!
31.1: States Parties recognize the child's right to rest and leisure, to
engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the
child and to participate freely in cultural life and the arts.
Again, it is too open. Is ten hours of video games a human right? The UN
will decide that one.
37.1: No child shall be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or
degrading treatment. Neither capital punishment nor life imprisonment
without possibility of release shall be imposed for offenses committed by
persons below eighteen years;
This sounds good at first glance. However, this means that ve Dylan Klebold
(had they survived) would have the futures market.
Some positive changes we'll never
This brainwashing kind may be illegal, but don t count on it.
Potentially, some provisions could be improvements over the status quo.
6.1: States Parties recognize that every child has the inherent right to
The treaty defines a child as under 18, but there's no lower limit, so a
baby exists from conception. Who & # 8217 Feminists, have fought tooth and
nail for the partial won t birth abortion like that!
7.1 The child shall be registered immediately after birth and the right
from birth to a name, the right to acquire a nationality and, as far as
possible, the right to know and be cared for by his parents.
So after a frivolous divorce, a mother couldn & # 8217; t deny the father
contact with their children. However, Article 9 fundamentally contradicts
this, leaving things to judges and bureaucrats. Then Article 10 dilutes
Article 9. However, Article 18, Article 7. bolsters a little lost?
17: States Parties recognize the important role performed by the media and
shall ensure that the child has access to information and material from
diverse national and international sources, especially those aimed at the
promotion of his property -being social, spiritual and moral -being and the
physical and mental health.
Looking one way, it would prohibit the blocking censorware controversial
political content to protect children and # 8221;. online censorship is bad
enough already.
29.1.3 [States Parties agree that the child's education should be directed
to & # 8230;] The development of respect for the child's parents, her own
cultural identity, language and values, for national values ​​of the
country in which the child lives, the country he may originate, and for
civilizations different from his own;
This amounts to prohibit forms of cultural Marxism meant to drive a wedge
between the generations, young people ashamed of their own country,
indoctrinate children with white guilt, or divert their company s
traditional morality. Everyone would be allowed pride in their heritage.
Unfortunately, this is all too reasonable to be implemented this way. the
selective application to the will of the governing body is usually the way
it goes for living documents & # 8221;.
There are worse
Future UN inspector kiddie & # 8221;?
Despite good intentions, the CRC has a basic assumption underlying that
children are just small adults. By definition, children are immature.
According standards adults, adolescents act neurotic, and young children
are completely distraught. This is why they need guidance from parents and
teachers accountable. It shouldn t be repealed, even potentially, without
compelling circumstances.
Putting the UN s & # 8212 awkward, our wannabe world government & # 8212;
care of children and # 8217; wellness challenges the principle of
subsidiarity. If a family fails in its primary function of educating
children, it's the state government's responsibility to intervene, not
international bureaucrats unaccountable to the public. Keep in mind that if
the United States ratifies the treaty, it becomes the law of the land
supersedes national law and the state. Moreover, treaties can t get
repealed if it is that they're not serving the public interest.
Finally, the UN is notoriously corrupt. As human rights activists, they
joke became sad. The treaty is to help children in countries that have
ratified the CRC Hellhole? For some other items, UN deployments often fail
to protect the besieged populations. They brought cholera in Haiti; it didn
t countries need more problems. The worst is the UN's frequent sex crimes.
That's why we don t need incompetence, scandal plagued cookie-pushers of
the United Nations and the implementation # 8220; kid-lib & # 8221;.
Read more: Late goal of Western progressivism is depopulation

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